Beware Of Vipair Performance !!

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Viper Owner
Nov 28, 2004
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Art, Art, Art...I remember when you had your car TT'd and I heard all the gory details back then. I heard them from a very close associate of the man himself though, so I won't repeat them since they aren't entirely first hand knowledge.

What I can suggest though is people search under your screen name of INSOMNIAC---both here and on the Alley. They'll learn two things---one, that I never liked you, and two, that you are a pretty unreasonable cat to deal with. I think there is more than one vendor who would not deal with you again.

I don't know Steve, but I've been in his shoes with the secondary, "fun" (yeah, right) business. And it's a shame because you can offer a completely unique and unbelievable product that no one else around offers at an amazing price and people will still expect you to drop everything to get it to them. My guess is Steve doesn't make much money on his parts and whatever money he makes he certainly doesn't need (I've seen pics of the stable). Ultimately the time he spends with Vipair probably COSTS him money because he could experience a higher return by investing the same time and energy into his primary business.

So all of you peanut gallery guys throwing rocks---way to go. Chase another manufacturer out of our market. Discourage more people from doing R&D. Brilliant. All the crybabies here should go on a vendor blacklist.

Steve, I wouldn't blame you one bit if you only sold through vendors like PartsRack from now on just to cut the frustration.



Viper Owner
Jun 2, 2004
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My intention was not to bash Steve’s business. I have sent tons of PM’s and called Steve numerous times but I just couldn’t get him to pick the front fascia up and ship it to me.

I couldn’t get a reply from him for the last 3 weeks and I left a voicemail to Steve telling him to PM or call me or I would have to take other measures. Steve did not PM or call me and this sh*t happened.

This thread did not gain me anything. I’m still out $3,900 and no front fascia.

Instead it gave the perfect medium for the usual a**holes and n*tswingers to post their bs. Well, hell with them. I couldn’t care less. I had problems with the vendors 2 years ago, back in 2006 and they were resolved afterwards.

Here’s the PM I sent to Steve.


I hope you understand where I’m coming from. I had no intentions of pulling any tricks on you or anything. I just got really ********** as you said you would ship the front fascia by 12th but you kept postponing it. And when you stopped answering my PM’s and phone calls last few days, I had no choice but to start a public thread to get your attention to the matter.

I understand that this is a side business/hobby for you but please try to see everything from my shoes.

Either way, I regret posting the thread on VCA because it didn’t gain me anything. It just helped me vent off, that’s all.

All I want is the front fascia.

If you have shipped it, please PM me and I will publicly apologize and have the tread deleted.

I still think you’re a good guy. It’s unfortunate that you don’t have much time to show full attention to this side business and I suffer here waiting for a front fascia.

I guess you don’t want to talk on the phone. I can understand that.



Viper Owner
Nov 28, 2004
Reaction score
I had problems with the vendors 2 years ago, back in 2006 and they were resolved afterwards.

Please note the plural above (my bold emphasis added) indicating more than one. That would make Vipair at least the third vendor in less than two years INSOMNIAC had problems with. INSOMNIAC listed several of them in this thread---and not only are they VCA vendors, but they are also people who are well respected in the industry.

What is the common element that is causing INSOMNIAC issues with all these vendors? I wonder...


Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Responses within your quote below:

My intention was not to bash Steve’s business. I have sent tons of PM’s and called Steve numerous times but I just couldn’t get him to pick the front fascia up and ship it to me.

Sure it wasnt. You attempted to blackmail him.

I couldn’t get a reply from him for the last 3 weeks and I left a voicemail to Steve telling him to PM or call me or I would have to take other measures. Steve did not PM or call me and this sh*t happened.

This "Sh*t happened" ?? You caused it, this is peoples response to your post.

This thread did not gain me anything. I’m still out $3,900 and no front fascia.

That sounds like a good outcome from my seat.

Instead it gave the perfect medium for the usual a**holes and n*tswingers to post their bs.

hmmm.. seems like your trying to side step the rule of no personal attacks. That seems quite sneaky...Not surprising...

Well, hell with them. I couldn’t care less. I had problems with the vendors 2 years ago, back in 2006 and they were resolved afterwards.

Actually, if you have any receipts left (hard to have when you dont pay for stuff), check and you will see it CERTAINLY was LESS then 2 years ago. Since I didnt buy my car until end of June 2006 and your TT build was not completed until AFTER that... this means you are either confused or are pretty much just lying.


Viper Owner
Jun 2, 2004
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We arent supposed to be discussing our issue on here ARDA (per leo00... the admin). I have received your PM, we may be able to put this all behind us, please respond to my PM. I only noticed yours AFTER I posted. (again, unrelated to what I posted about, but lets carry our dialogue on in the ***).




Ok, I just saw your PM.
I’ll delete the post here.
I’m going to reply to you in the PM.




Sep 18, 2001
Reaction score
Manhattan, USA
I have no particular interest in this argument, but I can state that Steve has been VERY generous towards the NY/CT Region; EXACTLY as he mentioned something like 50 posts ago in this thread. He's also on Chuck Tator's "OK" list, so as far as I'm concerned that also put's Steve on my "OK" list too.

I still don't understand why pending disputes of this nature have to go "public" in this manner. There are VCA officers that, if contacted, will make reasonable efforts to resolve club member problems. Not every dispute can be resolved with VCA help, but this is a perfect example of one that would.

These forum "outings" do both parties a great disservice.
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