Beyond The 2014 Viper?


Sep 11, 2013
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Shock jock delivery style is hardly trolling, Howard Stern has been doing this for years. If you set the form aside, Ian makes very valid points, especially since the ECU code is still not available and welded frame is still there, just like when Ian was involved with Viper project.
How does anyone question if Ian isn't a troll?

Just look at this post:

Yes, he is on the Gen V forum to troll owners. Read with your own eyes.


Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
Read it again, carefully. I never said I had a resume in car design. I do have a degree in mechanical engineering, however, and have built/modified cars much faster than the factory does. My Viper is around 1200 hp, every system on that car has been modified. By me, in my own shop. It only looks like a Viper. I also did a lot of performance engine testing early in the GM LS days. Ported heads, custom intakes, custom cam grinds, resleeving blocks, intake airbox design, etc... There are even aftermarket cams named after me, LOL. I was also the technical writer that usually "unveiled" the newest GM offerings and newest crate engines. My career is oil/gas, because I prefer to make a nice living. Cars are my hobby/passion - but I've earned quite a bit on them, too. :)
Your Viper sounds impressive, however, if it is only a Viper from the outside, this indicates someone at Chrysler is not doing their work and this would explain Ian's angst:)


Jun 19, 2012
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Tysons Corner, VA
Shock jock delivery style is hardly trolling, Howard Stern has been doing this for years. If you set the form aside, Ian makes very valid points, especially since the ECU code is still not available and welded frame is still there, just like when Ian was involved with Viper project.

Trolling is trolling.


Mar 23, 2013
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Hmm, ok - there is a subtle difference there. My point was saying you hire engineers who know their place as wheels in a machine to implement YOUR ideas, sounds a little high and mighty. I guess you are implying that Ian is making engineering statements that he knows nothing about. I think its hard to present an idea and then try to back it up with an engineering white paper in a simple message forum. I didn't think that was really necessary here to understand what he was getting at.

The statements he made regarding his "ideas to fix the viper" didn't cross into the engineering realm in my view, and my statement about him knowing his place simply meant that he is most useful doing what he excels at rather than pretending to be a ******* of all trades. You wouldn't solicit a ****-but-dumb model for advice on particle physics, and while it is plausible that said model could learn some of the underlying concepts of that field, he/she would never excel at that.

I don't have a problem with anyone posting their opinions or ideas, but if you're going to make big claims you best come with some big ideas. Turning the viper into a hybrid is not a big idea. The world doesn't need another hybrid.

Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Seriously, man? Do you really think you need to link the IMDB for inigo montoya like I don't know who that is? :D

Somehow you conflate other issues in which actions were taken to mitigate the circumstance (ie. banning of CFCs to prevent the reduction of ozone layer) to mean that the science is invalid. While you might dismiss the results of ozone degradation, the fact is that UV levels have increased over time.

Not at all. The actions taken against CFCs were legitimate and there really is a hole in the ozone layer; however the link you posted does not counter my statement that the scare tactics used by eco-zealots vastly overstated the consequences of the ozone hole and ozone depletion in general. According to them, this hole was supposed to melt the south pole ice and cause skin cancer to anyone who stepped outside without sunblock.

Neither was the case, and the CFC ban did not fix the problem; the hole is still there and will remain for another 30-40 years.

The actual cause of the UV levels rising are more likely related to the sun itself and not anything on earth. Do some reading about solar cycles and note that the amount of radiation our sun emits, as well as the "weather" on the sun, rises and falls over periods spanning several decades - they refer to these cycles as solar minimum (weaker intensity) and solar maximum (higher intensity). There is no assurance that the sun will always revert to a state that is less intense than it's prior "solar minimum", so the amount of radiation that reaches the earth's surface could incrementally increase.

Also, global climate change isn't simply just that the entire world gets warmer in one go, the weather patterns change so the extremes also get pushed harder. It isn't exactly a linear system either, there are subsystems and climes which can slow down some of the rate of change but as it gets overwhelmed the regulation then collapses.

Look, climatologists are not much more credible than astrologists or chiropractors. They cannot accurately predict our weather for the next day, let alone make accurate projections spanning decades or centuries (a lot of the global warming rhetoric is based around these 100-200 year "OMG if we don't do something now the world will end because of us" doomsday type of hyperbole).

You are exactly correct that the weather patterns are very complex and poorly how the hell are you going to buy into any kind of legislative action based on what is little more than theory passed along as science, "We have no proof, but trust us, we know."

Why is it that people who have a different opinion than you are labeled with epithets and profanity? Why can't you be civil, even if you disagree with them?

I have a problem with the constant stream of bullsh1t that people buy into without understanding why it is bullsh1t, and then that becomes a political platform for yet another power-crazed politician to use as a means to benefit themselves at the country's expense.

The ridiculous CAFE standards put forth by obama are effectively dooming cars like the Viper to non-existence...and it's being done under entirely false pretenses.

'Persuaded to believe in science...' Wow. Hard to argue with that seems that you've taken the idea that if science isn't exactly right then it can never be right, and if that science isn't right then all science is bunk. Am I right?

Uhh, that's pretty much the point of science. Do you think that the computer you're using to reply to this thread could exist if we used liberals' touchy-feely interpretive science and math to design the CPU and underlying circuits? Scientific Method is a standardized, rigid procedure...and it's like that for a reason. Similarly, when solving math problems, you are either right or wrong. There is no middle ground.

He also stated that he was asked by management to provide an unalloyed opinion, which he did. Obviously management didn't like the answer he brought forth. Both facts need to be taken into account. He is/was smart enough to be asked, and management did reject his answer. Take that for whatever that's worth.

Considering how badly the management at SRT fumbled the Viper's relaunch, I'd say that their ability to gauge intelligence is not among their core competencies. We don't know what happened other than what this guy claims - and really, I have no reason to believe anything he said...but even if it was true, suggesting that they make the Viper in to a hybrid or EV is stupidity in its purest form.

Definitely there have been mistakes with regards to the marketing aspect, but there has also been questions of whether the Gen V went far enough to gain sales numbers. One of the aspects which many people have spoken up about is the lack of an automatic/DCT option. Is that a marketing mistake? There are some tough questions on where the Viper goes from here to prevent the further erosion of sales.

YES, there are millions of potential buyers who don't even know the Gen 5 exists! The Viper is highly desirable as it is, their ads don't need to sell it. People just need to be made AWARE of it. Like I said, it was really a matter of luck that I found out about the Gen 5 myself.

If your claim is entirely correct, shouldn't sales be on the increase now that people are finding out about the existence of the car?

It's not a claim, it's an observation, and it is correct because I have yet to see an SRT ad anywhere on TV, newspaper, magazine or even an ad banner on any website. There is zero marketing effort taking place on the Viper's behalf.

I wouldn't expect to sell many Vipers when most of the country is prepping for winter. Why buy it now, only to have to garage it for half a year?

Others have already pointed out that your vocabulary might need some remediation, but I've got a pretty clear idea of who is what around here.

My vocabulary is just fine and you can never really know who someone is.

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