Thanks for the report! I need more input as I am going crazy for mine to go to KZ from "I". Soon, Soon, Soon, please CAAP!
So, How did you like the sound of your new Viper's exhaust? Is it a REALLY noticeable improvement over a "stock" Gen II? How about a comparison between a Gen II with, say, the Mopar "Sport Exhaust" Cat-Back like I had on my RT-10? I thought the Mopar added a nice Gurgle and braap, braap, sound when down-shifting over the stock exhaust. Still, I wanted it to be deeper and better; not just louder. Would you give us a report on the new exhaust sound and any comparisons to mildly modified Gen II exhaust you may have heard, or owned?
I think your comment on the new Hood, "feels smaller" is what I had hoped for. I loved my old Porsche 914-6 and 911's front end because the hood sloped down and made you feel like you could really see and feel the road. My Gen II's were always more "whale Like" in the sense that the massive ****** hood was really "in your face" like a round aircraft carrier. I loved my Gen II's, but the old hood made the Viper feel heavy and lumbering to me and friends who drove it. NO OFFENSE INTENDED to any Gen I or II owners! I LOVED my Vipers; I just thought a bigger drop-off would feel more nimble.
Any comments on the handling and driving around town? I am excited to check out the brakes; they sound better than I had even thought they'd be. I would enjoy hearing about how the SRT feels on the road while just enjoying a normal drive? Suspension more forgiving? I have been wondering how those big 19" run-flats feel around town? Aside from the Track, my driving will much like many owners; driving around town for any excuse whatsoever! Yep, my wife knows that going for a gallon of milk is going to take AT LEAST an hour and a pile of excuses. I can't wait!
This must really be a whole new experience in Viper driving feel, and I am looking forward to it. Anything you care to share would be very appreciated Garett!