I can't say that you have damaged car, but suggest a more conservative breakin from this point forward. To quote (partially) Herb Helbig (Manager of Vehicle Synthesis, TEAM VIPER) as written on page 36 of SPRING 2000 Viper Mag.:
AVOID FULL THROTTLE RUN-UPS, and avoid driving at constant rpm for long periods of time.
Use light throttle run-ups through the gears ...MAX 2500 rpm for the first 200 miles, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED changing oil at 200 miles, then same light throttle run-ups to 3500 rpm for next 200 miles, same deal to 4000 rpm for next 200 miles, same deal to 4500 rpm for next 200 miles, and same deal to 5000 rpm for next 200 miles. Also AVOID long idling, wait for engime temp to reach normal before driving enthusiastically, check oil level with EACH fuel fill. Admittedly, this is HARD to do, but I think WELL WORTH IT !!! Good luck, and Happy Vipering...COME ON SPRING !!!!!
Steve Fess Sec. Ind/Ky VCA