BigJim - good advice - even though both our cars are on the track a bit, they are very well cared for. Its kinda changed our opinion on what to look for in a used car....
Jason - why would you point someone to a salvage titled car? Probably not worth the asking price NOW, let alone having any resale.... Not to mention there are very few folks that put a car back together with the same level of care / quality that is found at CAAP. Those folks ALWAYS overlook something.... usually little stuff, but its the little stuff that'll drive you nuts - windows or locks not working, electrical issues, leaks and rattles. Not a good Viper experience. Unless you want a car strictly for a race car DO NOT BUY A SALVAGE TITLE VIPER.
Evans - keep you eyes peeled to the VCA classifieds. I have seen a car for under $50K (not much under, but under...) We bought our second 96 with 5K miles, Henessey Headers, Borla Exhaust for $53k almost a year ago. Heading into winter and with the economy slowing some, you may be able to catch a good deal. Anyway before you buy "take thee to a Viper Tech" or at least someone knowledgable about the cars. Yeah they can look good, but there are things to look for to spot either a well maintained car or a poorly maintained one. Either way, have a dealer run a service history using the VIN. Most likely you won't find one at that price with an extended warranty, but you never know... Good luck.