Having been a monitor of this board for quite some time I have been paying extra attention to the recent post of the prices of parts we need for our Vipers. I really appreciate the database that a few are trying to put together showing what parts will cross reference with other brands at a much lower price. Now we all know this as well as Diamler Chrysler. We also know our parts are becoming obsolete before our vehicles are reaching 10 years old. My question is Can the VCA and their body, board, members, etc get Chrysler to reconize this and amend this terrible practice. I know it took every penny I had to buy the car, I shouldn't be penalized for the parts I need at a later date. Something needs to be done now because in the near future the parts will be obsolete and we will pay a fortune (If we can find them) for the parts we will need. Used parts are at a premium now!! I would hope the VCA can channel this to the proper heads and get something done. Pass this along to someone who may be able to help our Viper community.