Maybe I am getting older BUT if I remember the BYB lifts instruct the owner to run them up and down from time to time to keep the posts aligned, with the cables pulling down on the inside corner of the posts, you can actually start to pull the posts out of alignment then you need to run the lift all the way down to get the posts straight again ! Not trying to bash only the BYB, I personally don't like the EXPOSED collars that go up and down the OUTSIDES of the posts, very easy to catch something or a piece of clothing. Someone else wrote in about a 2 poster type lift, you have to be very careful, because most residential garage floors are not poured thick enough concrete to hold the two posts up straight and NOT bending into the middle when you put a car or small truck on them.....a lot of house garage floors are poured about 3 inches and I think you need at least 5 - 6 inches to hold the anchor bolts firmly in the slab....again, my $.02, you can take it or leave it...BUT my experience is owning numerous lifts from several manufacturers....good luck !