"...if you are paying foreign income taxes they reduce your US liability. So if you paid more there I believe your US taxes would be at or near zero."
Right. But Monaco has NO income tax. That's why it's the world's premiere tax haven. Even by following the law to the letter, I still am obligated to pay NO taxes.
"...most of us live more than our working life in the US. You only pay significant taxes while you earn money. So the years that you are not earning money (childhood, retirement, etc.) are really paid for during your working years. Also, taxes paid are for society's benefit as a whole. We share the cost of many things including the poor, infirmed, infrastructure, etc. Because you cheat we have to pay more than our fair share to cover your share. Now why would I be happy that you are costing me money?"
Ahhh now we're making headway. You are under the assumption that I am going to come back to the U.S. and bilk Social Security. I never implied that I plan to return. If viewed that way, and I never establish residence there again, I would deserve all my Social Security taxes back - a hefty sum, I might add. Currently, I am planning to live in Brazil, South Africa or New Zealand. I do not plan to move back to the U.S. So by me keeping my citizenship to the country I was born in, have payed taxes to, but will not take anything from, you STILL think I should pay taxes to the U.S. government?
"In any way being a citizen does not mean just being born here. It means pulling your weight. Not just for your benefit alone, but for the US society as a whole. So even if I do not like it, and work to minimize my tax burden, I pay my taxes and do my part. Any other choice is cheating from the rest of us. Not cheating the government, but cheating your fellow citizens."
Cheating them HOW? I am NOT using the country's infrastructure in any way, shape or form. I do not plan on using it in the future. So why on Earth do you think I should pay taxes to the government - for the privilege of carrying a U.S. passport?