Thanks to BIGBADCJ, I am now the proud owner of a set of SRT wheels that I have absolutely no need for. I told another member here that I would sell him the wheels from my SRT. I opened my mouth a little too soon, because I didn't know that I couldn't just call someone and order a new set of Viper wheels that would show up in a couple of days. Soooo CJ tells me that he has these wheels that are PERFECT other than light curb rash on one of them. I asked the other guy if he would take those and he agreed. So I started the process, and after a HUGE pain in my ass with shipping, and MULTIPLE calls from me to CJ, the guy finally got his wheels. But it turns out that they have blemishes on all four wheels! They have brake dust all over, and basically look like [******]! When the guy sent me pictures of them, I overnighted his money back. They obviously were not as described. CJ tells me he'll Paypal the money to me that day. RIIIIIIGHT!! It's been a couple of months now, and I call him and email him at least a couple of times per week. Same story. "Mane, I'm unna get yoo that money, I promise!" Excuse after excuse after excuse!!!! I've seen him on the board for a couple of years, so I figured he was half way legit. NOT AT ALL!! The guy is a crook, so if you're reading this, you might file it away for future reference. He's always trying to peddle something on here, but the chances of it getting to you as described are pretty slim, if it arrives at all. So I'll sell these nicked and scraped wheels for $2500 plus shipping. They have brand new tires, so it's a steal if you think about it. Nice sets of these typically go for $3500, so after total refinishing, you can own these for much less. Hell, you can have them chromed, and you'll still be in them for less than $3500. PM me if you're interested or if you would like to help me organize a lynch mob to go after CJ Brossett.