Chevy ups the Ante.


Aug 12, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario Canada
Well said ! :2tu:

And Team Viper had to spend time and money establishing a new supplier network as many of the previous suppliers were either gone or no longer interested in low volume business.

IMHO, when Team Viper started the task of bringing the Viper back, they had no idea that they would be building a new supplier network nor that it would absorb the time and effort it did. Team Viper had a small team, not much time and a budget that just couldn't cover establishing this supplier network and do all the things they wanted to. Therefore some tradeoffs were made. I'm willing to bet that there is a list of things that Team Viper wants to do as soon as the time and money becomes available. One good thing that came out of the new supplier network is that most of these suppliers are able to make a profit on small quantities. Therefore changes to the Gen V should be easier to make and faster to come.

IMHO,the key now is selling cars so that money is coming in! REVENUE! All else will follow.:2tu:


Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
Dolores, Colorado

And Team Viper had to spend time and money establishing a new supplier network as many of the previous suppliers were either gone or no longer interested in low volume business.

IMHO, when Team Viper started the task of bringing the Viper back, they had no idea that they would be building a new supplier network nor that it would absorb the time and effort it did. Team Viper had a small team, not much time and a budget that just couldn't cover establishing this supplier network and do all the things they wanted to. Therefore some tradeoffs were made. I'm willing to bet that there is a list of things that Team Viper wants to do as soon as the time and money becomes available. One good thing that came out of the new supplier network is that most of these suppliers are able to make a profit on small quantities. Therefore changes to the Gen V should be easier to make and faster to come.

IMHO,the key now is selling cars so that money is coming in! REVENUE! All else will follow.:2tu:

Not disagreeing with your overall statement but there is no question that they knew that they would have to establish a new network of suppliers. You really think they went forward and designed a car and afterwards somebody casually thought that they may have to find someone to make these parts......I sincerely doubt it. These companies are professional and there is a certain way to move forward when creating a car. If you imply that SRT didn't know this...then you are not giving them much credit.

...and yes, I also think that the Viper will get better and better, IF it in fact sells and the are able to generate some income. If the cars end up sitting on dealer lots and have to be sold for a lot less than MSRP.....then this Generation Vipers will be short lived.



Jul 14, 2009
Reaction score
Its not remotely like you think other than a car in factory prototype status as there are no RINGERS.

So the ZR1 that dynod @ 578rwhp was not a ringer? All the ZR1s that dyno at 40+hp less that consumers buy must be the ringers. Gotcha!


Mar 18, 2008
Reaction score
So the ZR1 that dynod @ 578rwhp was not a ringer? All the ZR1s that dyno at 40+hp less that consumers buy must be the ringers. Gotcha!
On a chasis dyno my modded Gen 2 had a 20 -25 hp differentiation DAILY ON A 248 DYNOJET .Do you realize how many facters can influence the reading on a chasis dyno .Once again mag test cars are appropriated thru the MARKETING DEPT .When a car is REQUESTED the auto manu its requested from doesnt even ASK ABOUT THE INTENDED USAGE OF THE TEST CAR Over the years if MCMULLEN ARGUS needed a private owner car to be tested by one of their mags i was the guy who got them the car so i have a little esperiance here


Jan 20, 2008
Reaction score
Miami Fl
The legacy that Lutz built. I'm tired of ragging on the Viper so I'll keep it brief. The bean counters at Fiat (don't forget they own Ferrari) are more interested in a mega profitable car than a mega-halo car to promote the brand. You all in the know can tell me to you are blue in the face that sandbagging the Viper to keep Ferrari on top is a silly conspiracy, but I don't buy it. The Viper is supposed to be the Ferrari slayer. It supposed to slay every damn thing for a fraction of the price. While I still won't buy a Corvette because they do nothing for me, Kudos to Chevy for having the balls to keep raising the bar. The new Z06 and ZR1s are going to be beasts!

Bigdawg, either your a Vette fan stirring things up around here or just a negative/pessimist person that looks at life half full. Or maybe one of those people that think the government had something to do with 9/11 and are out to get us! With all due respect! Stating that the vette does nothing for you and in the same breath tell us that its "going to be a beast" don't add up? But maybe it's just me? If I think something is a"a beast" I would definitely be in the that corner! But then again I am not known for bragging about my competition in sports or life! I respect all competitors, but to praise them is not in my nature, specially when they have done nothing yet! that wouldn't be prudent! Let wait a little until they actually built it since we all know how GM says things and don't follow through many times in the past! And not to mention how bragadoucias insecure the corvette people are! So let us enjoy our " beast" and brag about what is actually roaming or close to roaming the streets! Not something that will take years and may get watered down before its built...if it ever gets built?


Aug 12, 2008
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Oct 16, 2010
Reaction score
Your grammar aside; I agree and nice post!

Bigdawg, either your a Vette fan stirring things up around here or just a negative/pessimist person that looks at life half full. Or maybe one of those people that think the government had something to do with 9/11 and are out to get us! With all due respect! Stating that the vette does nothing for you and in the same breath tell us that its "going to be a beast" don't add up? But maybe it's just me? If I think something is a"a beast" I would definitely be in the that corner! But then again I am not known for bragging about my competition in sports or life! I respect all competitors, but to praise them is not in my nature, specially when they have done nothing yet! that wouldn't be prudent! Let wait a little until they actually built it since we all know how GM says things and don't follow through many times in the past! And not to mention how bragadoucias insecure the corvette people are! So let us enjoy our " beast" and brag about what is actually roaming or close to roaming the streets! Not something that will take years and may get watered down before its built...if it ever gets built?

I Bin Therbefor

Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score

I am just repeating what Team Viper said. As an example, the engine folks discovered that the previous supplier of engine blocks was no longer interested in doing business with Chrysler. Team Viper did find another supplier "just down the road", only to discover that the new supplier had a different process for manufacturing the engine blocks which caused the need for a lot of drawings to be made that hadn't been anticipated in the original plan. Apparently, again from Team Viper, this occured with many items, absorbing a lot of time and money. :2tu:



Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
Dolores, Colorado

I am just repeating what Team Viper said. As an example, the engine folks discovered that the previous supplier of engine blocks was no longer interested in doing business with Chrysler. Team Viper did find another supplier "just down the road", only to discover that the new supplier had a different process for manufacturing the engine blocks which caused the need for a lot of drawings to be made that hadn't been anticipated in the original plan. Apparently, again from Team Viper, this occured with many items, absorbing a lot of time and money. :2tu:


Well if that is the case, then I would say that they did go about this in a backwards sort of way. If they didn't have their suppliers lined up but rather making this something to deal with later, no wonder things got delayed.

Its like when Chevy Chase went to wally world......would have been a good idea to see if they were open first !!!!!

Maybe this is how car manufacturers do business these days. Seems very inefficient and unprofessional.



Dec 9, 2005
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
Well if that is the case, then I would say that they did go about this in a backwards sort of way. If they didn't have their suppliers lined up but rather making this something to deal with later, no wonder things got delayed.

Its like when Chevy Chase went to wally world......would have been a good idea to see if they were open first !!!!!

Maybe this is how car manufacturers do business these days. Seems very inefficient and unprofessional.


The Viper program was dead in 2010. Stick a fork in it. Done. Shut down. Wild animals and homeless around and in Conner.

Ralph put his entire career on the line and did a skunkworks program to do the initial sketches and clay mockups for the Viper, then showed it to Sergio. Sergio and the board thought well enough of the mockup to greenlight the Viper, but the deadlines were tight and the budget even more so. There was no multi-year super planning session and none of the suppliers knew Ralph was going to try to revive it or be insane enough to try, the secrecy around it had to be tight or the Gen V would have been smothered in its crib.

The Gen V is a labour of love for everyone who stepped up at Chrysler, and the way the Gen V is getting done is specifically anti-business, because every standard way of modern efficient manufacturing and professionalism said to leave the Viper in the ground.

Sometimes I think Chrysler just rolls the dice to figure out which year that they have a Chinese fire drill, throw caution to the wind and decide to build something crazy. Usually they're on the brink of bankruptcy and have no choice but to gamble, but the most awesome things seem to come out from them during the darkest hours. Except the K-car. :D


Feb 5, 2013
Reaction score
Damn everybody. I look back at the sixties and go Challenger, Charger,Corvette, Cobra, Camaro, Mustang, Nova, GTO, Chevelle, Couger, Etc. And say what a time. There is room for them all and they are all different and for different people. We all are usually in one camp or the other but I can always appreciate all these cars and am glad to live in a time when most of them are kicking the crap out of there ancestors. I am glad to have the one I have and not see someone else driving one every day but i am still glad to see them all on the road and am just glad they not four cylinder imports with big mufflers. Go Viper


Mar 27, 2010
Reaction score
The land of two incarcerated Governors
Sometimes I think Chrysler just rolls the dice to figure out which year that they have a Chinese fire drill, throw caution to the wind and decide to build something crazy. Usually they're on the brink of bankruptcy and have no choice but to gamble, but the most awesome things seem to come out from them during the darkest hours. Except the K-car.

You have to give them credit, they do come out with some wild stuff. Who thought we would ever see the Hemi again? The Prowler while not cup of tea, was like nothing else on the road at the time. As much as the Vette is compared to the Viper, it will never be an off the wall monster with a V10, even if it is faster. The Challenger is the best example of a retro in my opinion. Even though I think the Trailblazer SS is a nice truck it never really had the wow factor of the SRT8 GC. I just hope the new parent company lets them continue with the non mainstream ideas. Some work, some don't, but you gotta try.

Viper Grenade

Jul 6, 2010
Reaction score
SRT needs to start leasing technology from this goober

No cam shaft, ever again - UNREAL

He claims 30% better mpg,tq and Hp. I do think he's onto something using the engine as a air pump in braking to pressurize a tank that can then reuse that air as short term boost. To add to that I would still add in turbos and use the air from the wastegates to also help full the tank.


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