Chrysler will limit stores selling SRT Viper


Jun 21, 2001
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I heard from a dealer/friend that there is a srt franchise fee for the viper. It is tens of thousands of dollars. This is not uncommon for dealerships to pay a fee to sell a brand. Fortunately I have a good service viper tech at a local dealership but I cant stand the service manager or the sales force. I will be buying from a different dealership and servicing it there.

It will be interesting to see who will sell the viper and service the vipers. In hopeful that the Tom Sessions, Dan Craigens, and Chuck Tators of the world will be totally involved in the service/sales of SRT vipers. I think this gives SRT a unique ability to potentially use a "SRT Viper" dealer to sell and service the Vipers. I guess only time will tell. Ralph is a smart SRT leader who is probably way ahead of taking care of the new potential owners. I don’t think he would say publicly that they want to attract Porsche and other owners without thinking through the whole service side of the business. This has been alluded to by Bill.


Nov 10, 2010
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Dolores, Colorado
gbatejan.........Well, thanks for the heads up for a Denver Viper tech but that is actually even further. 450 miles to be exact

I live in the four corners area and Phoenix is closer for me than Denver. I am on the other side (the good one) of the Rocky Mountains from you.

So its pretty frustrating considering that there are probably a dozen dealers that are closer than that.

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Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
I appreciate that things will take time to change, BUT the dealer network has known this car has been coming out for over two years now. It was confirmed at VOI11, from what I remember. That has been plenty of time to get the cart to the horse for tuning up service support for not only the Viper, but also other cars in the brand. Unfortunately it is not just Viper that Chrysler seems to have problems supporting properly. Can honestly say my 07' Jeep SRT8 was absolutely no different so I believe it is any SRT vehicle they have. Sorry but nothing has changed in the last two years for better Chrysler dealership and service department experience. Not buying that we must wait for the great white horse to magically appear from over the ridge. The "trust us" is just Peter Cried Wolf, yet again without anything official from SRT to the very people they are trying to cater to. Local dealer with the best hope for future SRT Viper line is also the one with 7 new Jeep SRT8s ont he lot with carying "****" stickers of $8k to $12K over sticker. Really, that builds confidence?

I too bought my Viper new in 06' because I wanted a big three car with extensive dealer network of support, parts and warranty. It was the only exotic type I could afford new. I had cash in had locally in Denver, the local dealer BS would not even pull the car offf the showroom floor without paid in full on the contract. They knew nothing about the car, the specs, nothing, so I when out of state for way cheaper on a new car.

After years of tuner cars from Saleen to Roush to Callaway, etc. I was tired of the obsolete parts and lack of support the minute you drove it off the lot. At some point, you just want to enjoy the car, put gas in and change oil. In the end, it was like you had to have a Tough Shed delivered to your house just to stock replacement parts you bought off ebay and through enthusiats, just in case something happened. Not interested in that anymore, especially on a brand new $100K+ car.

Really would like to see something from Ralph or SRT to officially come on here or release an official statement as to what they are doing or planning on doing on this very issue. I am sure it has been a live and well topic for almost a decade with no true movement forward. Maybe it has been longer.

The new GEN V is one hellova nice car, but without the support behind it to deal with these very issues, well let's just say that a lot of exotic car owners (who the new Viper is also targeting in the new profile) have been burnt big time on their past exotics, in regards to no support, parts and shady service. Does anyone really think they will willingly go back to a situation like that again on a new car. Definitely not all of them.

It will be very difficult to meet targets without the support for it. Not everyone is a wrench head and aside from changing oil or the odd small fix, with the electronics on the new car, I doubt a lot on here are going to be doing major work on their new GEN Vs either. 92' RT/10, easy as pie, GEN V not so much.
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Nov 2, 2004
Reaction score
Last year a woman here on Long Island brought her Gen 3 into a local Dodge dealer.
On here way in to drop the car off to have a window regulator issue fixed (or something related), she stopped and filled up the tank.
When she picked the car up from the dealer, on her way home she noticed her gas tank was very low.
Didn't think that much of it till she remembered that she had filled it on the way to drop off.

Checking her mileage, the dealer had put over 100+ miles on her car while it was in their "care". True story. Of course, the dealer denied everything.
Imagine the audacity (and stupidity) of not only using a customers car but too dumb (or cheap) to fill the tank.
She never would have noticed it if the tank wasn't empty. She probably should consider herself lucky, usually the dealer would have totalled it.

This is the problem bringing your car to a dealer who sees two Vipers a year.This is a five star dealer here on Long Island, about 15 miles from me.
Do we have to say anymore about our concerns? It's not just about competency to repair something it's the whole package.
Integrity, respect for a customers car and property and honesty.


Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
Naples, FL
There are horror stories like this everywhere. It is not only the Dodge dealers. I suggest again that each of us go have a heart to heart with the local dealers and it will become obvious quickly which one is dedicated to having Viper customers. A little bit of time talking to other existing customers of that dealer (who have another SRT8) should prove how the dealer is handling the existing customer base.
We could be talking about this until cows grow wings. :)


Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
Dolores, Colorado
There are horror stories like this everywhere. It is not only the Dodge dealers. I suggest again that each of us go have a heart to heart with the local dealers and it will become obvious quickly which one is dedicated to having Viper customers. A little bit of time talking to other existing customers of that dealer (who have another SRT8) should prove how the dealer is handling the existing customer base.
We could be talking about this until cows grow wings. :)

Really....give me a break.....WE should not have to go out and do anything to feel better about purchasing a new Viper. THEY need to ensure, before the car is released to the public, that the network is in place to support the new car properly. This can most definitely, as has been mentioned before, not be done after the fact. The buyers need to feel confident that they will be taken care off. To often promises have been put out there just to turn out to be empty.

The fact that this is being talked about in this lengthy thread is hopefully getting someones attention. There is obviously concern among possible buyers. So absolutely....we need to talk more about it until someone takes note and implements some ideas that will ensure that the new Viper will be supported through out the country (within reason of course)

This car is certainly more complicated to work on than previous ones due mostly to the electronics, but even if it was easy....when spending 100K + on a vehicle most customers will not want to wrench on it themselves.

Viperjon and Coloviper are bringing up some really good points and the fact is that we are not asking for much at all......just basically being able to bring the car to a local dealer and feel that they will do what is expected of them.....nothing more.



Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
Naples, FL
Commandomatt: Yes, really there are horror stories of lambos, ferraris, MBs, BMWs etc, being wrecked by an unscrupulous employee of the dealer taking the car for a joy ride. Dealers are independent and the only way to know the good ones from the bad ones is to go out there, talk to them and the customers using the dealers. If you were to browse other forums, you will see that members share that information for the good of everyone.

We have proven already that "THEY" were not capable of delivering what we expected. "fool me once, shame on you", "fool me twice, shame on me". I would rather investigate now and talk to my future "warranty and maintenance" dealer to make sure my expectations are met rather than buy the car and then be mad that I am not getting the service I want.

I agree that talking about it on the forum will hopefully get the attention to a higher up at Dodge and that is a good thing :)


Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
Greenwood Village, CO
I think that the folks that need the most training are the service managers, not the techs. Afterall most modern cars are comlicated with fancy electronics and all kinds of sensors. The service managers should tell everyone in the service department that "if I catch you screwing around with this car I will kill you". Most, although admittedly not all, of the horror stories we hear about are because the dealership let someone drive the Viper that had no business driving it. The dealerships I've been too, including my local CO dealer, have strict rules about who is allowed to drive the Vipers. Only the Viper tech and the service manager are allowed near them. If more dealers did this then we would have far fewer problems. Maybe not zero problems but we would be hearing about way fewer Vipers being wrecked by some bozo at the dealership.


Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
Dolores, Colorado
Commandomatt: Yes, really there are horror stories of lambos, ferraris, MBs, BMWs etc, being wrecked by an unscrupulous employee of the dealer taking the car for a joy ride. Dealers are independent and the only way to know the good ones from the bad ones is to go out there, talk to them and the customers using the dealers. If you were to browse other forums, you will see that members share that information for the good of everyone.

We have proven already that "THEY" were not capable of delivering what we expected. "fool me once, shame on you", "fool me twice, shame on me". I would rather investigate now and talk to my future "warranty and maintenance" dealer to make sure my expectations are met rather than buy the car and then be mad that I am not getting the service I want.

I agree that talking about it on the forum will hopefully get the attention to a higher up at Dodge and that is a good thing :)

I do not doubt that many dealers have the same issues in regards to letting some clown drive a car that they do not have any business driving. What I was reacting to was not that fact but rather that we, the future buyers, should have to go out and solicit dealer and talk to them to ensure that they will do the job they are supposed to do if we were to bring them a car that is sold under their umbrella. That's like interviewing a chef at a restaurant before ordering the meal. When you go to a nice food establishment you expect service and value for the money you spend. Simple.

Point has been well made before that due to the fact that many of our Vipers are rare combos (colors / wheels / stripes etc...even more so with the Gen V car they way it sounds), we then end up going to the dealer that offers that specific car for sale. So if I go to Woodhouse to buy a car because they have what I want, that doesn't mean that I will be able to take it back to Woodhouse for any future work. Getting the car shipped one time is no big deal. Happens all the time. The actual purchase and service/warranty work are two totally separate deals. I want to be able to bring that car to some/any other Dodge / SRT dealer and expect them to treat me and my car exactly like I would be treated if I brought it back to Woodhouse.

You have to consider the fact that many owners are extremely loyal to the Viper...period. Doesn't matter what they ultimately have to go through.....many will do it regardless. Thats how important this car is to them. However when you are trying to target and new audience that have high expectations from previous exotic dealer networks handling their cars, they wont accept a lower standard. They have a few bad visits with their local dealer and they may just take their Viper to their Porsche dealer and trade it in so they don't have to deal with inferior service.

I really hope that something good will surface in regards to this dilemma as I think the Viper needs to live on as the ultimate American supercar.


GTS-R 001

Jul 16, 2002
Reaction score
California (north)
It comes down to corporate discipline.

When I take my wifes Audi to the Audi dealership, or one of her previous 2 Cayenne Turbos, to the Porsche dealership, they are professional and disciplined, period.

If SRT cannot guarantee discipline, after they trimmed the dealer force by two thirds a few years ago then they should quit while they are ahead.

Do not hire lot boys to drive the cars around, tell your employees that if they take a car out for a drive when it is in the dealership that they will be fired.

Log the mileage on the work order like the exoctic dealerships do. Fire people that screw with your customer's property!

Make sure you have mature adults running the dealership and the service department.

Clean the frigging places up! It would only be good for business to make sure that the dealerships are all up to a standard.

7 Eleven can do it

Safeway can do it

Ace Hardware can do it

Home Depot can do it.

Wendy's can do it

McDonalds Can do it

Every other franchise business out there can do it, Dodge, Chrysler, SRT....

You can do it too!

Just dictate how the dealerships have to be run and how they have to look.




a 600 hp mustbng to come out, or a 680 HP corvette?

Jay M

Feb 13, 2011
Reaction score
It comes down to corporate discipline.

When I take my wifes Audi to the Audi dealership, or one of her previous 2 Cayenne Turbos, to the Porsche dealership, they are professional and disciplined, period.

If SRT cannot guarantee discipline, after they trimmed the dealer force by two thirds a few years ago then they should quit while they are ahead.

Do not hire lot boys to drive the cars around, tell your employees that if they take a car out for a drive when it is in the dealership that they will be fired.

Log the mileage on the work order like the exoctic dealerships do. Fire people that screw with your customer's property!

Make sure you have mature adults running the dealership and the service department.

Clean the frigging places up! It would only be good for business to make sure that the dealerships are all up to a standard.

7 Eleven can do it

Safeway can do it

Ace Hardware can do it

Home Depot can do it.

Wendy's can do it

McDonalds Can do it

Every other franchise business out there can do it, Dodge, Chrysler, SRT....

You can do it too!

Just dictate how the dealerships have to be run and how they have to look.




a 600 hp mustbng to come out, or a 680 HP corvette?

SRT cars cost as much as Lexus. Wouldn't it be nice if there were SRT dealers that were as clean and professional as Lexus dealers?

I really want an SRT Jeep, but I don't want to have to deal with my local Dodge dealer who's wont even give me a loaner car when service a $65,000 Jeep. It's domestic, so you know it will be needing lots of service.

Could Dodge at least pretend they are a high end dealer for SRT customers, and treat them as well as a Lexus customer is treated?


Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
Naples, FL
Matt: I respectfully suggest that your analogy is not the right one. I agree the expectations are the same for both a nice restaurant and the dealership but you do not have to go back to the restaurant if you do not like it. In case of the Viper, that is not the case. You will have to go for service and maintenance multiple times. You can try to go to another dealer but this may not be practical.
I agree with all of you that we need the SRT dealers to step up but my point stands that we all know that some already have, some will and some will not. My local one for example has moved to a new prestige building, is providing quality service, gives rental cars, has shuttle service, positive customer feedback, certified Viper techs and says that it will provide top of the line service. It remains to be proven on my end but at least they talk the talk.
you are making an interesting valid distinction: there are ********* Viper fans and there are new breed buyers like me. If the ********* fans will buy the Viper regardless of service, that is their choice but I am not one of them and the only way I rationalize my purchase is to make sure I go test the waters with my local dealer.
If people do not want to take my recommendation, it is a free country after all :) but don't come whining after that you are not happy.


Jun 1, 2008
Reaction score
Bentonville, Arkansas
Lewis Dodge in Fayetteville, AR services my Viper. The couple of times they have had to keep it over night Jeremy the service manager calls me and tells me he is locking it up inside.

They don't have a certified tech; but, the own tech who services it takes care of the owner's Viper. Never any miles put on it except to check out the new tires they installed.

When I had new tires recently installed Jeremy called and said their Ford dealership next to them had to install the tires because they have a machine big enough for those wheels and they gouged the right wheels and were going to fix them.
Jeremy said he ran his hands over the wheels before having the tires changed and that's how he knew they had gouged the wheels.

I went down and he took me out to show me the right wheels. On each there were a couple of spots that were no bigger than a couple of thickness of a pencil lead. No one could see them. I told him to forget it as I had a touch up pen that would take are of that.

That's the kind of service I expect on a car like this. Of course they can't sell me my next Viper though.

I Bin Therbefor

Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
IMHO, the who is a Viper dealer game is afoot NOT over with! Ralph at one time said that a dealer may well be able to get an order through who was not a SRT Dealer. Second that he expected things to "shake out." I read that as saying there is a vision of the end state which is a network of about 20% of the Chrysler dealers being SRT dealers, capable of providing a SRT owner with the proper SRT ownership experience. However, how to get there is NOT settled and being worked as we speak. One thing I like about Ralph is that he isn't afraid of trying things and making adjuctments if the results are not what he intended. Maybe it's his training as a designer. Starting with a vision in mind and then sweating the details to bring about that vision.

Part of the issue is Chrysler cleaning up the dealership mess created by the previous ownership! Ralph can only do so much on that issue.

With high dealer standards, the trick is to reward those dealers heading in the desired direction and make sure those dealers not heading in the right direction do not benefit and if possible are punished for their less than acceptable behavior.


Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
Greenwood Village, CO
Someone mentioned this before but SRT should have a directory published and available on this site that lists every certified SRT dealer and service tech.


Oct 3, 2002
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This is what SERVICE looks like!! This is what I see when I pull my car in the service department at my local Benz dealer. If I can get this kind of SERVICE for my Benz that costs slightly less than my Viper, why cant SRT provide the same? No excuses, no BS, you are selling a 100k car, treat it as such!


Jul 16, 2011
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Apopka, FL
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This is what SERVICE looks like!! This is what I see when I pull my car in the service department at my local Benz dealer. If I can get this kind of SERVICE for my Benz that costs slightly less than my Viper, why cant SRT provide the same? No excuses, no BS, you are selling a 100k car, treat it as such!

My Dodge dealer has had that same system for over a year now.


Sep 1, 2010
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Houston, TX
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This is what SERVICE looks like!! This is what I see when I pull my car in the service department at my local Benz dealer. If I can get this kind of SERVICE for my Benz that costs slightly less than my Viper, why cant SRT provide the same? No excuses, no BS, you are selling a 100k car, treat it as such!

Sorry, not a relevant comparison. Mercedes sells a plethora of cars that cost almost as much and much more than a SRT. A point to make in all this is that SRT already made their first impression with the SRT8 Jeep. I keep hearing how many imports were traded in on it. We will know if it is too late soon enough.


Oct 3, 2002
Reaction score
Sorry but that's BS, why are we giving chrysler a pass. When your prices start to creep up into luxury brands you better get your $hit together as far as the dealership experience goes!! Hell, you get the same MB experience whether you have a 300k or 40k car. They dont discriminate and they treat all their clientele with dignity and respect. Why is this so much to ask for?


Oct 3, 2002
Reaction score
My Dodge dealer has had that same system for over a year now.

Sometimes it's the little things that make or break your day. Nothing wrong with acknowledging your customers in style :) It may seem creepy to some, but it's pretty cool to be acknowledged!!


Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
Not sure of the personalized screen annoucements, and other fancy things, but I was just referring to good ole professional treatment support, standing behind their product, no haggle on getting stuff fixed, proper loaner car and knowledgeable factory trained SRT Viper technicians who fix it right the first time. Those same Viper technicians, Service Manager or dealership owner are the only ones who ever get in and drive the car, period!!!!

It is really not that hard when you think about it. I don't need a Cappuccino or my ass wiped. I just need to know the dealership has my back with a proper trained technician and that my car will be returned to me better than when I took it in each time. Some good ole fashion stability and trust. That is what I am referring to. At least one certified dealer in each state who will sell the car for MRSP and service it properly.

Too much to ask for? I don't think so.

I do own a couple of Porsche Cayenne Turbos as well. The Porsche dealership does not have annoucement systems, etc. BUT does have a higher end showroom with amenities. They are there if needed, but all I care about is getting the service done right the first time, is my vehicle safe and will it be returned to me better than when I brought it in. Over the past 9 years, it has on a very consistent basis as the guys working on the cars seem to be VERY well trained and are stable. Those are the high points for me.
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Nov 9, 2007
Reaction score
Greenwood Village, CO
Not sure of the personalized screen annoucements, and other fancy things, but I was just referring to good ole professional treatment support, standing behind their product, no haggle on getting stuff fixed, proper loaner car and knowledgeable factory trained SRT Viper technicians who fix it right the first time. Those same Viper technicians, Service Manager or dealership owner are the only ones who ever get in and drive the car, period!!!!

It is really not that hard when you think about it. I don't need a Cappuccino or my ass wiped. I just need to know the dealership has my back with a proper trained technician and that my car will be returned to me better than when I took it in each time. Some good ole fashion stability and trust. That is what I am referring to. At least one certified dealer in each state who will sell the car for MRSP and service it properly.

Too much to ask for? I don't think so.

I do own a couple of Porsche Cayenne Turbos as well. The Porsche dealership does not have annoucement systems, etc. BUT does have a higher end showroom with amenities. They are there if needed, but all I care about is getting the service done right the first time, is my vehicle safe and will it be returned to me better than when I brought it in. Over the past 9 years, it has on a very consistent basis as the guys working on the cars seem to be VERY well trained and are stable. Those are the high points for me.

^^ Yea, what he said. If MB or Porsche or any of the high end makes can figure this out so can SRT.


Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
Naples, FL
Not sure of the personalized screen annoucements, and other fancy things, but I was just referring to good ole professional treatment support, standing behind their product, no haggle on getting stuff fixed, proper loaner car and knowledgeable factory trained SRT Viper technicians who fix it right the first time. Those same Viper technicians, Service Manager or dealership owner are the only ones who ever get in and drive the car, period!!!!

It is really not that hard when you think about it. I don't need a Cappuccino or my ass wiped. I just need to know the dealership has my back with a proper trained technician and that my car will be returned to me better than when I took it in each time. Some good ole fashion stability and trust. That is what I am referring to. At least one certified dealer in each state who will sell the car for MRSP and service it properly.

Too much to ask for? I don't think so.

I do own a couple of Porsche Cayenne Turbos as well. The Porsche dealership does not have annoucement systems, etc. BUT does have a higher end showroom with amenities. They are there if needed, but all I care about is getting the service done right the first time, is my vehicle safe and will it be returned to me better than when I brought it in. Over the past 9 years, it has on a very consistent basis as the guys working on the cars seem to be VERY well trained and are stable. Those are the high points for me.

X3 - This is exactly what we need. We should not settle for anything less.

I Bin Therbefor

Jan 12, 2012
Reaction score
The only way the ownership experience will work is if Chrysler, SRT, the dealer network, and the customers can make their relationship a win-win-win-win situation.

All who are cooperating should benefit.:headbang:

The greedy should be punished, quickly and appropriately. :nono:

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