Clearing the air re: our 550 cu. in. package

Mike Brunton

Oct 3, 2000
Reaction score
N. Andover, MA
There will be much speculation, but Apex's original post vaguely points the finger of blame towards Heffner (In MY opinion). That is absolutely, totally incorrect.

Then, a few other posters kept asking more probing questions, trying to determine the cause of failure - again these probing questions leads the casual reader to believe Heffner's "part of the engine" failed. Again, NOTHING could be further from the truth.

The point is, there are a few folks that know what happened. Most of you don't. That's just tough shiat. You'll have to deal with it. The reason everyone isn't talking about it is because the car owner is not yet involved, and furthermore because stuff DOES HAPPEN, and it's between the tuners involved (one who built the motor and one who is investigating the cause of failure) to work it out between them and with the car owner to come to a solution.

The reason everyone isn't posting what happened yet is because until the tuner(s) work it out with the customer, damage could be done by placing blame, and in the end the customer loses.

So chill out guys. It will come out in time. There is no big secret - it's just not fair to blame anyone YET until an amicable solution has been reached. I only stepped in because some folks seemed to be placing the blame at Heffners door, which is absolutely not the case. This was probably sparked off because Apex's post leads one to believe "everything was fine when it left here", insinuating something must have happened when it got to Heffners. Again that is simply NOT the case. Asking why this or that part was changed and again insinuating that one of the tuners made a mistake is NOT helpful to this discussion.

So enough with the speculation, OK?

What should happen is the two tuners and the customer should work this out ASAP and post something here. The tuner at fault should post and explain what happened and the resolution. The "what happened" posts are only going to continue and multiply, so I would recommend that the tuners do this ASAP, because of three parties involved, only one has some money to spend to make this right - and the other two parties probably aren't going to be happy sitting by forever letting people speculate on who caused what.

Just know that speculating and pointing fingers is NOT HELPFUL AT THIS TIME. Wait until the TUNERS post again with their resolution before you guys act like a pack of hyenas looking for a carcass.


Just wanted to add that the story everyone is looking for is "ooooh, which tuner made a booboo and blew a motor???". But that isn't the story at all - show me ANY tuner that hasn't blown a motor and I'll show you a tuner who has never BUILT a motor. EVERYONE that tunes Vipers has lost engines - I know that for a fact. That isn't the "scoop". The scoop is what do they do about it after the fact? In this case, that hasn't been decided yet - and only until that is decided will we know if a tuner did a good thing or a bad thing. Right now there is no finger to point - there is only a problem that has arisen and a solution is being worked out.
Nov 6, 2000
Reaction score
Please do not take my post to mean that I'm implying Jason is at fault. I'm certainly not! I'm waiting for further contact from Jason after he examines things in greater detail.
I agree that sometimes things happen, even though we do our best to prevent them. This is obviously true in any line of work, and we all hate it when it does happen. Rest assured that an amicable solution will result.

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