I totally agree. The cognac leather interior adds a nice contrast to a dark colored Viper, especially black. When people walk over to look at my car they are initially drawn by the body styling but then they see the interior and just marvel at it. Most of them say they have never seen that color in a Viper before.
I totally disagree lol. I think it looks like baby puke. When i used to have it, SOME people liked it, BUT the vast majority hated it and said things like "Why would Dodge produce an interior like that",
"I love your Viper but not the interior", "God what the heck is that" lol
I personaly think it does look pretty good on an all black viper, it adds a classy look in my opinion. If i saw a Viper like that i'd assume an older guy owns it. As far as myself being a young guy, plus adding silver metallic racing stripes, it totally clashed and looked like crap to me.
Plus it just didn't fit me. Once it was changed to black EVERYONE loved it and complimented me on how much better the car looks with black interior.
I don't know it's kind of a love / hate relationship lol.
Different strokes for different folks is what it all comes down too