Fast Freddy
i have a 3 inch diameter corsa cat back system installed on my car and i believe that the tips of the exhaust system do not extend far enough back in relation to the rear of the car. if anyone who has a corsa catback system could please post up pix of their catback system i would appreciate it. a exhaust level pic from the side of the car would be most helpful. when looking at my exhaust tips from this angle they angle towards the ground slightly and stop short from the very back of the car by 4.25 inches when measured from the upper most part of the exhaust tip to the very rear of the bumper. needless to say i get too much exhaust residue on the back of my car from this. is anybody else experiencing this problem with their corsa system? if nobody on here has pix to post please let me know how far the very end of your corsa exhaust system is in relation to the very back of your car. thanx