Date with ACR



Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
Olympia WA
Take an ACR to the movies --- NFW!

Quick story - When I was 18 (30 years ago) I had a date to the movies and didn't want to take my 73 Trans Am for fear something would happen to it in the parking lot. I asked my Dad to borrow his pristine 67 Mercury Cougar that he had just restored. And guess what--- IT GOT STOLEN. I have not lived that down to this day.

My advice, buy a ****** or get married and stay home at night.

I am married and the wife does stay home at night :2tu:

my viper

Jul 27, 2001
Reaction score
I am ONE person on this planet that completely disagrees with that way of thinking. People that feel that way to me are the same ones that let their kids crawl all over the car, people sit on the fenders. park anywhere they can squeeze it into a parking spot, don't worry about the front bumping against a parking curb or the car in front of yours, don't worry about washing the love bugs off the front or if its dirty when your go somewheres in it, I could go on and and....its just a car...something just to go fromn point A to point B...It don't need Mobil 1 oil, just give me the cheapest oil you have, oil is oil,....etc etc...

I have had beautiful show cars, hot rods, keyed, had one someone poured a gallon of paint on it from front to rear, eggs thrown on them , globs of nasty spit on them, one was bricked from front to rear, windows broke out, one was shot at , valve stems cut,beer poured on them......There are some sorry sorry people out there and in my brain if I had caught any off those that did those things to my cars...I would have tried my best to put them out of their misery and sent them to their maker. I take messing with my personal belongings VERY serious and I have NEVER messed with other peoples belongings that I didn't like. If they arn't man enough to come up to your face and go behind your back and mess with your pride and joy they are a COWARD and I have NO pity for their sorry butt once they cross that line... I apologize for speaking my real feelings about this subject. I really am a nice guy EXCEPT when a piece of garbage crosses that line. You are probly thinking...A car is not worth taking a life....In my brain when someone stoops that low I forget they are a human being. Maybe after 24 months in the jungle in Vietnam in the Marines has destroyed my being able to be compassionate for this kind of low life. I might be the most hated man on this website after this but I want everyone to know that if they have the thought its just a car.......They better hope they NEVER run into someone else that may feel about their CAR like I do. YES I AM CAR CRAZY!! :nono::censored::buttkick::firedev::no1::no1::dig::panic::nunu:

Anyone considering it to be 'just a car' doesn't mean he/she is careless about it. Every point you make above about people thinking it's just a car are for those who think it is just a car and are careless about it.

I drive my viper a lot and I drive to most all places that I want to go. That doesn't mean I just parallel park it with kissing bumpers or squeeze into tiny spots. I always look for a safe spot to the extent that *I* think it is safe. That could be a corner spot, well lighted open area, pay extra to the valet to pull into the first wide spot myself [some even move other cars to make room for me], etc;

This doesn't mean I [or anyone with the same thought process] have any less passion than you do.

There are idiots everywhere and they will not stop me enjoying my car.


Dec 10, 2007
Reaction score
I own the car. The car does'nt own me. I do take extra precautions and try to park in as safe a location as possible or Valet if at all possible. But in the end, you insure it to the max and live your life.


Viper Owner
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
Marion, Iowa
How about "naming it? Have you named your car? Everyone who is a true automobilist names their car right? :rolleyes:

Actually no. I have never "named" any of my cars. I appreciate them each for what they are, not what I want them to be. Each car in my stable offers it's own ownership and driving experience. If I want a different experience, I go buy a car that fits the bill and enjoy.


Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
Well I know how Roy feels! (Roy you are not related to Patrick Swayze from Roadhouse are you? :) ) Nobody wants to put all that love and attention into a vehicle or possession just to have some idiot disrespect it and trash it for no reason other than they are jealous. I do have day dream visions at times walking up to my car of happening upon some punks hurting one of my vehicles and then me having to use the door jamb to make sure they hear me say "no" Sopranos style, but truth be known, I would probably just use the trusty old cell phone to call the cops if they were doing some real damage and keep my distance. You just never know who is packing these days.

I have been fortunate that I have not had a lot of damage over the years from vandals on any of my vehicles. The reality is that bad stuff happens all the time, EVERYWHERE. Certain cars I have are like reverse vampires (my 69 Mach 1 and my 95' Saleen BASF Mystic S351R Speedster) where they NEVER leave my sight and never go out at night. Our Cayenne Turbos are daily drivers and we take them everywhere. They kind of blend in so it is not as bad, though I am cautious where I park them too.

I can discretely park them overnight but only in controlled or good places and even then, I am peaking through the window in the middle of the night. I know, it is a sickness, but my point is certain people are just that way. I could have a cheap Ford Focus that I don't want to care about, but I end up checking up on it because I take pride in my vehicles. Certain people are certain ways and you are never going to change that.

My Viper, I take to Home Depot and park a million miles away, etc. I have never left it outside, unguarded for a long period of time and am sure nervous doing that, but that is me. I end up with the constitution of a seagull worying about it. :( The vast majority of people are good in this world and will not hurt it. You take a change doing it, but if it is an area with no real problems, than I say you are safe. My feeling is if you take it to the movies, get it as close as possible to the theater, that way if someone is messing with it, a fellow car lover can have a better chance of seeing it and will look over it for you or report individuals doing the harm. Much harder to harm something if a lot of people are looking at it.

However saying this all, I wouldn't do it, but that is just me. Then again the last time we went to the movie (with my Cayenne Turbo), I parked beside a new Bentley Continential GT Speed. What the hell would I be worried about if I brought my Viper to the show. But I am a worry wart so I don't do it!
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Y2K10 SRT#39

Jul 21, 2000
Reaction score
Olympia, WA, USA
Hey Brian- Next time you want to take it to the movies, just call me. I'll come baby sit it in the parking lot. I LOVE looking at Vipers, and ACR's are the best!



Mar 23, 2006
Reaction score
Park City,Utah
I am ONE person on this planet that completely disagrees with that way of thinking. People that feel that way to me are the same ones that let their kids crawl all over the car, people sit on the fenders. park anywhere they can squeeze it into a parking spot, don't worry about the front bumping against a parking curb or the car in front of yours, don't worry about washing the love bugs off the front or if its dirty when your go somewheres in it, I could go on and and....its just a car...something just to go fromn point A to point B...It don't need Mobil 1 oil, just give me the cheapest oil you have, oil is oil,....etc etc...

I have had beautiful show cars, hot rods, keyed, had one someone poured a gallon of paint on it from front to rear, eggs thrown on them , globs of nasty spit on them, one was bricked from front to rear, windows broke out, one was shot at , valve stems cut,beer poured on them......There are some sorry sorry people out there and in my brain if I had caught any off those that did those things to my cars...I would have tried my best to put them out of their misery and sent them to their maker. I take messing with my personal belongings VERY serious and I have NEVER messed with other peoples belongings that I didn't like. If they arn't man enough to come up to your face and go behind your back and mess with your pride and joy they are a COWARD and I have NO pity for their sorry butt once they cross that line... I apologize for speaking my real feelings about this subject. I really am a nice guy EXCEPT when a piece of garbage crosses that line. You are probly thinking...A car is not worth taking a life....In my brain when someone stoops that low I forget they are a human being. Maybe after 24 months in the jungle in Vietnam in the Marines has destroyed my being able to be compassionate for this kind of low life. I might be the most hated man on this website after this but I want everyone to know that if they have the thought its just a car.......They better hope they NEVER run into someone else that may feel about their CAR like I do. YES I AM CAR CRAZY!! :nono::censored::buttkick::firedev::no1::no1::dig::panic::nunu:

#1 I feel EXACTLY the same way about 2 things my WIFE and my property!!! If you want to take the chance to mess with those two you have to expect the worse...:mad:
Roy, I cant believe all the bad sh8t you had happen to you:omg: Lets hope you have better with that ACR!!! Oh and thanks for your service time!!! I did my time 76-80 in more peaceful times in the USAF and I would do it again..:usa:Kevin


May 13, 2006
Reaction score
Rancho Cordova, CA
Drop her at the door, give her cash for the tickets, then go park way out back, but a clutch lock on the car (like the autolock pro), and lock the car when you leave. When you get to the door, she's got the tickets and noticed all the people who are looking at her likes she's some sorta actress because she got out of your Viper.....oh yeah, give her a kiss too. Take her hand, walk to the theater and don't worry.

Oh yeah, insure your Viper for an agreed value more than it would cost to replace her and enjoy the movie.


First Strike

Viper Owner
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
I dont park any of my cars in public parking, VIPER, GALLARDO, 66VETTE, 72VETTE. I always use valet parking security, but park on my own and keep keys. The 6 bucks is a small price to pay for the peace of mind. :2tu:


Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
Olympia WA
Hey Brian- Next time you want to take it to the movies, just call me. I'll come baby sit it in the parking lot. I LOVE looking at Vipers, and ACR's are the best!


Paul, I think you might actually be on to something! I can hire a kid for $10 to watch the car. I hire baby sitters. same thing right! This is the answer. THANKS!!!!!!!


Viper Owner
Sep 21, 2007
Reaction score
Marion, Iowa
Paul, I think you might actually be on to something! I can hire a kid for $10 to watch the car. I hire baby sitters. same thing right! This is the answer. THANKS!!!!!!!

It is funny you say this. I actually did this one time. The wife had a company awards function inside an auditorium and she wanted to take the Viper. Anyway, I arranged for one of my young employees to watch the car for $20 during the event.

Dang we are anal....

Dads Toy

Feb 12, 2008
Reaction score
Kansas City, MO
what a sad world we live in that we actually have to worry about our cars. Any one remember the kid oversees who vandalized some cars and was caught. They Flogged him in public for his bad behavior. I am all for that. In grade school the teachers COULD paddle us when we misbehaved. I think if there was more punishment for bad behavior we would not have to worry about our cars and people would have a little more respect for other peoples property or at least they would have a little fear of the punishment.


Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
Dad's Toy;

Agree with the public flogging, but the problem should not be directed at the environment or public institutions to blame. It is the parents or lack there of. Some of these people should not be allowed to reproduce and in a perfect world would just be generic throwbacks. Too bad we do not live in Spartan times. :)


Viper Owner
Jan 13, 2006
Reaction score
I take my ACR everywhere- to the grocery store, to get a facial, to workout, wherever I go, Angus goes. Unless it is below 40 and snowy!


Jan 30, 2009
Reaction score
I usually always take my baby where I can either see her, or know she will be ok. Sometimes that is just with my drives on the weekends.... but I have been known to take her to the gym every once in a while... (saturday or sundays when there is nobody there of course!!)

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