Well I know how Roy feels! (Roy you are not related to Patrick Swayze from Roadhouse are you?

) Nobody wants to put all that love and attention into a vehicle or possession just to have some idiot disrespect it and trash it for no reason other than they are jealous. I do have day dream visions at times walking up to my car of happening upon some punks hurting one of my vehicles and then me having to use the door jamb to make sure they hear me say "no" Sopranos style, but truth be known, I would probably just use the trusty old cell phone to call the cops if they were doing some real damage and keep my distance. You just never know who is packing these days.
I have been fortunate that I have not had a lot of damage over the years from vandals on any of my vehicles. The reality is that bad stuff happens all the time, EVERYWHERE. Certain cars I have are like reverse vampires (my 69 Mach 1 and my 95' Saleen BASF Mystic S351R Speedster) where they NEVER leave my sight and never go out at night. Our Cayenne Turbos are daily drivers and we take them everywhere. They kind of blend in so it is not as bad, though I am cautious where I park them too.
I can discretely park them overnight but only in controlled or good places and even then, I am peaking through the window in the middle of the night. I know, it is a sickness, but my point is certain people are just that way. I could have a cheap Ford Focus that I don't want to care about, but I end up checking up on it because I take pride in my vehicles. Certain people are certain ways and you are never going to change that.
My Viper, I take to Home Depot and park a million miles away, etc. I have never left it outside, unguarded for a long period of time and am sure nervous doing that, but that is me. I end up with the constitution of a seagull worying about it.

The vast majority of people are good in this world and will not hurt it. You take a change doing it, but if it is an area with no real problems, than I say you are safe. My feeling is if you take it to the movies, get it as close as possible to the theater, that way if someone is messing with it, a fellow car lover can have a better chance of seeing it and will look over it for you or report individuals doing the harm. Much harder to harm something if a lot of people are looking at it.
However saying this all, I wouldn't do it, but that is just me. Then again the last time we went to the movie (with my Cayenne Turbo), I parked beside a new Bentley Continential GT Speed. What the hell would I be worried about if I brought my Viper to the show. But I am a worry wart so I don't do it!