Here in Ontario Canada our go-to dealer for SRT VIPER purchases is Wellington Motors (Guelph)!
They themselves are HUGE VIPER enthusiasts and always treats us buyers with respect and gives us every advantage possible (within the policies of Chrysler Canada)!
Let's not count Ontario as a whole.;......Raceway Chrysler in Rexdale has A! customer service and I believe will be selling Gen V's as well ...Garrett the Viper tech there knows his way around a Viper hands down.
Look ladies,
As far as this new car goes....too many therads and too much hoopla has been spread about its credibility ie: performance,looks, branding etc....thus it has made deciders into skepticals. I for one would not order a car of this caliber...especialy a new designed one with no hard facts about its function of the said (performance etc). No test runs , no answers to any of its heresay that SRT has forcome in the last few months.
Take the car out to the tracks and get it tested an show me the numbers and ill show you the money.
To add...
Although there will be many cars available to order ( IMO), and , although they may end up on lots a few years from now at discounted prices (MSRP arguments), you have to remember, there will be a new car out at that time as well, faster,better comforts,more refined, ACR version etc...thus,,,ofcourse these ones will be discounted , thus, ofcourse no ones going to care if they bought over MSRP in 2013. This is the new car !! you have to pay to play ! In 3 years it wont be the NEW car, its going to be an" Old car"if I may put it that way. Every year a new car comes out and every time it does, we bang our heads for losing the money we did when we bought it. Its elementary my dear watson.
That is why I..and I repeat...I....for one always buy slightly used. I don't care about having the newest and badest at the costs that are incured ( MSRP+ and 20% losses as soon as you leave the lot). Not my cup of tea. I respect my money enough to wait. If you have that much money that you dont know what to do with it?,then,all the power to you to waist your money on fame and glory. I will continue to watch

and wait until its my turn. My turn to ask for a discount from you when you decide to sell your "slightly used" Viper at thousands "BELOW" MSRP !
I for one and waiting for the ACR version...not just this body style with a front splitter and wing, but, a newly redesigned version that will be distinct from this model.....Im waiting for the WOW factor that revious Vipers brought forth ( 1992,1996,2008 ACR) Sorry Gen 3 guys,that car was not my cup of tea,convertible and vette like style never did it for me. Im not a vert guy anyway. I feel these cars were made for brute power and performance, not luxury and ammentities like Convertibles. Convertibles are for the person who wants to show and not realy the go. Have not seen a convertible race car yet...not counting open pit racers like formula 1 and the like. thats not talking apples to apples. you know what I mean.