This surely is a joke, but just in case....first there are NO 2003 Yellow Vipers(maybe 2004), the dealer NEVER had a certificate for you.....YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO CALL CHRYSLER OVER ONE YEAR AGO to get a certificate, and you could only qualify if you still owned a Viper you bought new....they had to be turned in to a dealer of your choice and then wait like everyone else, I think the final deadline to turn in the certificates was Jan. 18, 2002...there are a few Vipers on EBay, but not yellow.....try a high volume dealer like Woodhouse Chrysler in Blair Nebraska and get in line for a 2004 model....1-800-889-1893, ask for Bill Pemberton.............................stay tuned to the Viper board or better yet, why not become a member of the Viper Club of America(VCA)...then you will be informed about these things....