Hey everyone, just putting the feelers out now. We are
looking at three local events happen soon:
First off - FerrariChat is hosting a BBQ run to Lewes, DE
on Saturday 05/04, and have informally welcomed us
to join the festivities. I am awaiting details and
date confirmation, but once solidified I will repost here.
Next - Several of us are thinking about a Saturday trip up
to Tators in either April or June (he has his own major event
in May so I don't want to interfere.) This is nothing special,
just a happy trip up the NJTP to give the new members a
change to see the famous shop and meet the man himself.
Once the regional calender is settled we will pick a date and
run with it.
Lastly - On Saturday May 25th we are looking to get together in
Rehoboth DE for the matinee premier of Fast Six (sort of a working
tradition.) I have spoken with the theater manager about possibly
renting a special showing if we get enough people and Delaware
State Police are available for presence while we are in the movie.
Unfortunately we cannot rope off sections of the parking lot this year
so you will need to arrive early to park with the group. The
Mid-Atlantic Cobra Club has been invited.
As always I am open to suggestions and comments - because of
my schedule these days its best to reach me right here or through
email (type3particle.mchsi.com)
Look forward to seeing everyone!
looking at three local events happen soon:
First off - FerrariChat is hosting a BBQ run to Lewes, DE
on Saturday 05/04, and have informally welcomed us
to join the festivities. I am awaiting details and
date confirmation, but once solidified I will repost here.
Next - Several of us are thinking about a Saturday trip up
to Tators in either April or June (he has his own major event
in May so I don't want to interfere.) This is nothing special,
just a happy trip up the NJTP to give the new members a
change to see the famous shop and meet the man himself.
Once the regional calender is settled we will pick a date and
run with it.
Lastly - On Saturday May 25th we are looking to get together in
Rehoboth DE for the matinee premier of Fast Six (sort of a working
tradition.) I have spoken with the theater manager about possibly
renting a special showing if we get enough people and Delaware
State Police are available for presence while we are in the movie.
Unfortunately we cannot rope off sections of the parking lot this year
so you will need to arrive early to park with the group. The
Mid-Atlantic Cobra Club has been invited.
As always I am open to suggestions and comments - because of
my schedule these days its best to reach me right here or through
email (type3particle.mchsi.com)
Look forward to seeing everyone!