Re: DLM dyno\'d my Supercharged Viper today!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jamie furman:
Doug I am not a tuner nor a spokesperson for the customers of the tuners that work on my car, they will have to do that on their own, but usually when I ask joe a question mike doesn't answer joe does. Scotts enthusiasum made me wonder
why so much, not that it was bad or anything but what are you gonna do with all that horsepower inquiring minds want to know.And say what ever you want about other tuners thats between you and them I could care less, but what I do want to know is, Scott if your allowed to answer are you going to drive the car on the street or race it or do a little of both? How do you harness all that power and where can you use it.
Just curious, how old are we? Maybe you should ask Scott if he could take you for a ride and show you how much power he can harness on the street. If that's ok with your parents?
Give it up son your killing me
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jamie furman:
Doug I am not a tuner nor a spokesperson for the customers of the tuners that work on my car, they will have to do that on their own, but usually when I ask joe a question mike doesn't answer joe does. Scotts enthusiasum made me wonder
why so much, not that it was bad or anything but what are you gonna do with all that horsepower inquiring minds want to know.And say what ever you want about other tuners thats between you and them I could care less, but what I do want to know is, Scott if your allowed to answer are you going to drive the car on the street or race it or do a little of both? How do you harness all that power and where can you use it.
Just curious, how old are we? Maybe you should ask Scott if he could take you for a ride and show you how much power he can harness on the street. If that's ok with your parents?
Give it up son your killing me
