Huntington Beach ford has had a 06 copperhead coupe over there for ages. I offered them 58k out the door last october and the manager looked down his nose at me. I was over there all the time. He wouldn't budge. Then in january I found a blue with white stripes at another dealer in costa measa which I stole for 43k and then spent 10 grand on the light ACR wheels tires rotors, exaust, air cleaner, silver dash and maxicare waranty. Now that same copperhead is 48k. I bet one could get that car out the door for 50k or less.....Don't be afraid af the milage. Vipers are not real good investments. You're gonna lose a ton when you sell it so just enjoy it. I babyed my first '03 hoping for a good resale price and still lost a ton. Now I'm going drive it and not even think about resale..or chips in the paint or any thing else.....except tickets. Got my first speeding ticket in my life, not including motorbikes,(I'm 59 )a month after I bought it...Got to buy a Valentine next..
I know that car very well. It used to have a twin which was a Black Coupe but that one had a story and ironically sold first?!? Funny how things work.