Really, there isn't a need to apologize. Making a video that ******** with yourself as the main attraction, you are begging for some off color responses. I personally don't see how bmw felt that added anything.
I cant make out what you were implying about BMW? Enlighten me cause Im not near as nice as Twister and will not tolerate any $hit from anyone here including you. But if you are implying my comments dont add anything good here please explaing how your a$$ hole comments make this forum a better place for others???
Dude dont turn what I said around. I am simply making an observation and asking people to look at the world through a different view and see that being a dick isnt always the best way to live. So what if Twister made a pointless video in your eyes it made sense to him and that is what matters here if you dont like it then move on but when you make the decision to leave a negative and tasteless comment then you have opened yourself up to being a ******** in other peoples eyes. Someone that has actually taken the time to do something helpful in their eyes should be commended just a little bit because I can assure you there will be one person who will always take something from the work put out by other even if that person isnt you.
And I am afraid that if this type of actions are continuned on this forum it will become the norm and that will lead to one very sad community that runs all the good people out and I will be the first one on that train. But hey look at the bright side if you enjoy the way you are and it catches on then you will ultimately get rid of me![]()
Twister, dude, way too much time on your hands. I think the NSX interior looks like crap. Leather and all. Prefer my Gen4 interior over that
And for your next video how about
Sea Turtle vs Great White Shark. If nothing else the video should be exciting![]()
I just made this vid so its still processing...both cars starting and revving a bit...
Both sound good to me..My daughter working the camera gave the nod to the viper how ever
Nice to see you have a sense of humor that one poster seems to lack.
Anyone who reads my post knows just how much of a Viper lover I am...I also like the nsx..So a dumb f#ck ect like someone posted cause I made of vid of my cars interiors..
thats Harsh man....make fun of my lisp and camera skills all day. But dont call me a dumb f@ck because i hurt your KEYRINGS over my cars interiors
The cars are fine. I actually like the NSX a lot. It may not be as fast as the viper but they are nice little cars to throw around, particularly the early cars with no power steering. It's the "ledder" that just drove me up a wall.
ha ha ha...guys I talk funny because ive been wearing hearing aids for 10 years and cant hear sounds...You should hear some of the things i say..
for the past week ive been saying the word OBSESSION instead of my ears they both sound like the same wrod. i obviously know the differance but hear that im makeing the sounds wrong..Someone corrected me on it today and I laughed my a$$ off..
so I dont take any offense to my talking...speech ect. i do the best I can and people who actually know me know that I wear hearing aids and exatly how I aquired them..
11B for life yo..
BMW is partly correct. Some guys here do need to lighten up a lil..On the other hand even i read somethings I post and think..Wow what a dumb a$$..shortly before realizing it's one of my post..LOL
So like I said he is partly correct as are some of you...
I know their are a few here who like the nsx and many who wouldnt be caught dead in one...For those of you who even remotely think the nsx is a good car then I hope you atleaste somewhat enjoyed these crappy vids..
Enjoy your rides guys..I plan on cruising my viper around the island of oahu tonight..
ha ha ha...guys I talk funny because ive been wearing hearing aids for 10 years and cant hear sounds...You should hear some of the things i say..
for the past week ive been saying the word OBSESSION instead of my ears they both sound like the same wrod. i obviously know the differance but hear that im makeing the sounds wrong..Someone corrected me on it today and I laughed my a$$ off..
so I dont take any offense to my talking...speech ect. i do the best I can and people who actually know me know that I wear hearing aids and exatly how I aquired them..
11B for life yo..
ha ha ha...guys I talk funny because ive been wearing hearing aids for 10 years and cant hear sounds...You should hear some of the things i say..
for the past week ive been saying the word OBSESSION instead of my ears they both sound like the same wrod. i obviously know the differance but hear that im makeing the sounds wrong..Someone corrected me on it today and I laughed my a$$ off..
so I dont take any offense to my talking...speech ect. i do the best I can and people who actually know me know that I wear hearing aids and exatly how I aquired them..
11B for life yo..
BMW is partly correct. Some guys here do need to lighten up a lil..On the other hand even i read somethings I post and think..Wow what a dumb a$$..shortly before realizing it's one of my post..LOL
So like I said he is partly correct as are some of you...
I know their are a few here who like the nsx and many who wouldnt be caught dead in one...For those of you who even remotely think the nsx is a good car then I hope you atleaste somewhat enjoyed these crappy vids..
Enjoy your rides guys..I plan on cruising my viper around the island of oahu tonight..
I had no idea about the hearing impairment or I would have given you a break on the leather. I did have a friend who was fully deaf from birth who actually spoke very well. It took a lot of speech therapy but between her excellent lip reading and her spot on speech, a lot of people did not know she was deaf until they spoke without her being able to see their mouth.
I hate the fact that its really a has really upped it's game in the past fe years..
I also have a dodge ram Larami (I know it L somthing) edition...
Between the srt8's and dodge ram srt10 and hell even the srt4 dodge is really an exciteing brand..
But Honda..Good gosh man...Honda *****.LOL..And acura is really just he name of the american hondas
Tucker u r a sad person. You lack respect in soo many ways and this is one of the problems in our society. You should feel great you are the poster child for our future societies behavior. Something you think is light humor funny doesnt mean everyone else thinks the same. I am done with this thread. Twister is still a good guy with a better outlook than alot of others here.