I took my 01 ACR to the track on Jan 02. In the third heat, it started sounding weird - no pop or anything, but it didn't sound right so I took it in.
The O2 sensor heater was bad, the PCM was bad, and the #3 intake keeper was in 2 pieces. The valve kissed the piston, and #1 was misfiring. The piston is okay. The valve guide is cracked.
I've followed Vipers since they were new, but I'm a new owner.
Are valvetrain issues common? If so, is there anything I should do while it's in pieces?
I've pushed my other cars pretty hard, and I've broken lots of parts, but I've never broken a keeper.
I wasn't pushing it very ******* the track. I don't think I hit the rev limiter, and even if I had, I would expect to bend a valve first.
BTW - I've been lurking a long time. Just nothing to say until now.
The O2 sensor heater was bad, the PCM was bad, and the #3 intake keeper was in 2 pieces. The valve kissed the piston, and #1 was misfiring. The piston is okay. The valve guide is cracked.
I've followed Vipers since they were new, but I'm a new owner.
Are valvetrain issues common? If so, is there anything I should do while it's in pieces?
I've pushed my other cars pretty hard, and I've broken lots of parts, but I've never broken a keeper.
I wasn't pushing it very ******* the track. I don't think I hit the rev limiter, and even if I had, I would expect to bend a valve first.
BTW - I've been lurking a long time. Just nothing to say until now.