"Give it a try! But you will Learn Quickly how GREAT the USA is!"
I've lived in the U.S. for the vast majority of my life. I know exactly how great it is
Here in the States you can find the same Scenery, weather, FOOD etc.
Actually, you can't
There is comparable scenery, I suppose. Cali coast line sorta compares, but not really. The weather in central Cali is somewhat comparable. But the food, not even close. I've eaten all over the U.S. and our cuisine simply is nowhere near the quality of what you get in the Med, especially in France and Italy. I ate at Stars & Bars in Monaco the other night, which serves American 'cuisine', if you can call chicken wings and cheeseburgers cuisine

, and even they tasted better than what you get in the States. American food prepared by French and Italian chefs using ingredients from Europe just tastes better.
(I had a BBQ bacon chili cheeseburger and 5 mojitos

"Crime-Free? NOPE."
I said compared to the rest of the world. I'm far and away more worried about crime in Africa, Asia and South America than I am in western Europe.
"I have learned from YEARS of experience, in all parts of Europe, that a Vacation is FUN, but living there is something totally different!
Have fun, Give it a try! I look forward to hearing your thoughts after a couple years living in France."
Well, I've spent about 1.5 years in the Med over the course of the last 3.5 years which is what led me to the decision. Brazil and South Africa were also front runners, but the crime there is just too much to deal with.
"My suggestion would be to pick a city in Italy to make your home. As Frances reputation is Deserving in my opionion and experience."
In my experience, the French at large are some of the nicest Europeans I've encountered. Parisians are supposedly the irksome ones, but I haven't spent enough time in Paris to develop an opinion.
Anyway, I'll find out the hard way