any suggestions as to which floor jack will allow clearance to get under a viper with eibochs dropping it an inch? i cant get mine under now and harbor tools has nothing lower in saddle height.
Easiest thing to do (but appears to be a little okiefied) is to put a 2X8 under each wheel. The 2X8 does not need to be very long. This should get the front of the car up enough that you can lift the car up from the front(on the frame rail of course) instead of the side. We use this method at the track when we only have one jack. By lifting the car from the front you can get both jack stands under the car immediately.
i figured as much. i was just rying to avoid the lumber ramps, LOL but i guess its better than a useless floor jack and another 500 bucks for a new one. guess ill just paint the 2x8s silver huh
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