OK lets get a bit more serious here for a few seconds,
The speed limit on UK Motorways (freeways) is 70mph, we also have on these motorways cameras and variable speed limits at peak traffic times. To be honest most drivers on motorways tend to drive around 70 to 80 mph, but not much faster
However there are some stretches of motorways where if there is not too much traffic around, one might give the gears of the Viper a good working through
However you then have to watch out for the unmarked police cars
Now in Germany, not all Autobahns are limit free, there are speed restrictions in many areas, cameras and traffic police in Porsche 911s and unmarked vehicles
Personally I find the Viper great over in the UK, being LHD is no problem and being as we drive on the left hand side of the road its easy to park without damaging your wheels as you can lean out of the window to see how far you are from the kerb edge!
However on our smaller roads, the viper is a big wide car to drive! Also our road surfaces have been in decline for sometime! You do have to watch out for *** holes and the latest traffic calming idea of road humps in 30mph / 20mph areas! The Viper dose not like these bumps and so you end up choosing your route carefully. As for the reaction of other motorists, I would say 80% love the viper and move over to let you pass, the other 20% are in the jealous category who will sit in the passing lane holding you up
Also its not the sort of car that you would let out of your sight if you parked it. There is a jealous factor in the UK where people would damage your car because they don't have one
Don't get me wrong its not everyone but you would not want to take any chances! The Viper is a rare car in the UK and is not politically correct
the Greens would love to get all the big cars off the roads. However pull up outside the school and every kid gives you
My Son loves it
I'm not sure if you guys have seen some of the recent pics of the Super car meet which Neil posted up, but its great to be invited to events like this, as far as super cars go the Viper is fantastic value for money, yet the car gets the same respect as a Ferrari or lambo.