Nice Adder.
Malcoll.... I **** at secrets. We are putting the final touches on our first budget in 4 years. Yes, you read that right, like our federal government, the previous boards didn't think it important to do a budget, yes for 4 years. I've never heard of such a thing... Well we have one, we will be sharing it, and while it doesn't help a lot to show the comparison with 2013 (we are SO far different from how that was run, it's actually like a different company) we will do so to show where we came from and where we are going.
We, like you, think you deserve to know where the money goes, it's your club after all. Why this was not shared before, I can only guess.
Don't take my word for it, wait til you see it, huge strides forward. Short answer: yes
Oh yeah, magazines are printed, heading to shipping...
White: He's not kidding, there are some great member-only things, but you can sign up when they are announced

That one I will keep a secret for a week or 2