I have not experienced what you describe, but am aware that the gauge readings are QUITE variable from one Viper to the next. But, assuming that this happens ONLY when your gauge reads 1/4 tank AND assuming that this happens EACH time that the gauge falls to 1/4 tank it would be easy enough to start at the point you describe, do a careful fillup, and match volume added to total tank capacity for your year (be careful here as it seems to me that one model year of RT/10 had a larger fuel tank...COULD have been 97...ASK JonB about this). Given the amount added, you can gain a feel as to whether or not your gauge/sending unit are faulty. If the tank takes only a partial fill, suspect a pickup problem or a filler hose problem (remember the threads about inverting the nozzle to achieve a complete fill??).You will also need to measure fuel pressure at the port in the engine bay.
If, on the other hand, this has happened only once, and you feel that your gauge matches your fill volume, consider changing fuel filter if the above pressure check is low.
After that...ask a pro.
Hopefully, others can jump in and assist here.