Not all that many places that are appropriate for VOI's. Need a large hotel with banquet facilities, reasonably priced, and available for such a large group.
Need nearby track facilities for solom, road course, drags etc.
Good to be near a active VCA region with volunteers to help out.
Should have reasonably predictable weather. (seems to rain at every event.).
Each VOI has been a potential final VOI. Each year the powers to be look at the success of the current attendance and determine if there can be a business case made to have another.
So far, so good, but you should never count on their being another VOI that might be more convenient to you.
From what I have heard, this VOI is going to be one of the most reasonably priced, both for the event itself, and for the pretty high end lodging offerings.
The track is brand new, and designed for Vipers. Its a nice long horsepower track, not all bound up by tight curves more condusive to Minis and Miatas.
A special bonus has been arranged for this year, that will make it even better for those without a car. The Viperdays (NARRA) group will be having their door to door racing competition event at the same track at the same time. Everyone that wishes can watch that event for no extra charge. Seeing these top of the line Vipers, Competition Coupes, ACRs and ACR/X models thundering around the track may just give you that kick in the butt you have always wanted to get you more interested in the competition aspect of Vipers.
Plan in advance. Best fun is with your own Viper, still a blast without, and worst of all is sitting home reading about it on the computer and wishing you had made the effort.
Pretty sure no plans have been made for VOI's past this one.
I have driven to VOIs, had my Viper shipped to some, and gone without my Viper. Every one was a blast.