I launched at 3800-4000 rpms. I could never do this in temps below 65 degrees. Previous best 60 ft 2.04. The temp was 83 and sunny. Not a great temp for the engine but excellent for grip. I also started doing a better burnouts.
Like others have stated, the trick is to release the clutch smoothly once the clutch fully engages, mash the throttle A.S.A.P. It feels and looks as though the car bogs at the line. Dumping the clutch and giving gas at the same time DOES NOT WORK.
Biggest improvement
The addition of my short throw shift gave me the confidence to powershift 2nd to 3rd gear. Get this my previous best 1/8 mile time was 8.07 @ 90.6 mph. 1.97 60ft. Previous 1/4 mile 12.21 @ 119.7 mph. First time I had to the courage to power shift 2-3 I ran 12.08 @120.5 2.04 60ft. The only reason for trying it was to break 120mph, I had given up on the elusive 11 second run. 7 days later at a Atlanta drag-way drove up to tech and put the car on track while hot and 12.02, 12.05, 12.09 b/w hrs of 12:10 and 12:40pm. Then the track was shut down for the taping of Speed TV show Pass Times. Knowing that this track is notorious for producing slow times, two days, I later drove 130 mile to race again. This time I let the car cool down before finally running and 11 sec pass. There was also a C6 Zo6 with a procharger
[email protected]et tires. Car was very fast def capable of mid ten sec pass.
Sorry for being long winded. I think there are people like me who think they can't run 11 sec. Hell my first pass ever in the car was 12.7 Hopefully my story will give others the courage to go for it.