I don't think i would be in at 17K. That seems a little steep. But that doesn't meen i'm not interested still.
What isn't mentioned;
That is literally half a brand new engine, ALL of the associated accessories from intake filter/box to exhaust tips, and even including items such as; near $400 in stainless steel ARP 12-pt hardware,
real pushrods, plugs, shielded wires, etc, INSTALLED, and Dyno-Tuned... with options that the competition does not even offer.
Is our package more expensive than the competition? ABSOLUTELY it is, by about 2K if you actually add up all of the items missing in the other packages out there compared to ours. But, you get what you pay for. Compare the competitions part content and design to ours. Now compare the visual aspect of theirs compared to ours. That's where the money went.
We don't cut corners, ever. I refuse to market a package that is stripped down and cheapened up to compete with anyone else on price alone- its not my philosophy, and in all honesty, I am too damn OCD to let myself do it. The irony however is that every time I have had someone ask if they could cut the cost down by getting less options [And the answer is YES!], they opt to add them back in before the end of the conversation anyway
It seems that people shop on price more than ever these days, but they fail to realize that at the end of the day, the price tag for cheaper packages is often the same or more than the expensive ones. By the time you finish spending additional time and leg work gathering parts, waiting for & shipping items, sorting out problems you wouldn't have had otherwise, making corrections along the way and/or nickel-and-dime'ing the package to a happy completion... you could have went with a full bells and whistles package for a little more, and in some cases, less! Case in point, a customer opted to utilize a ported head and cam package, and had it installed by a local shop. They made a mess of it, installed items it didn't need, and caused problems that were never there before as a result, then had to ship it here to be completely redone. He did this to save money... but by the end of it, he spent way more than it would have cost to install a VS-X700 package, all-in, the first time around. Unfortunately, that's an all too common theme in itself.
Our packages are not for everyone, I know that quite well. People purchase our packages and products because they don't want to question later whether or not it could have been improved, or if they made the right choice because of reliability, driveability, or appearance issues. I won't build a car or sell a part that is not on par or exceeding OE level quality and reliability. I don't like things that look "cobbled together", and I absolutely will not tolerate "good enough" on anything- to the point of blatant obsession at times... just ask Nader, haha. I do my best to make packages and additions flow and compliment the entire car and experience.
Perfection. That is our only requirement.
I think that sums us up quite well