It follows the P.T.Barnum adage: "There's a sucker born every minute."
In the industry I work in, there's one guy who's a complete tool. There are THOUSANDS of stories of him ripping people off, insane prices, outlandish claims (rarity, quality, etc.), under-delivering, and just being an a-hole in general.
Example: Can you imagine having to make an appointment to go to a supermarket? That's what the guy does with his "showroom".
He can't be that bad, can he? Well, there's video of a regular schmoe running up behind him and kicking him in the ass at a trade show.
How's that for bad?
So why do people continue to buy from him?
Because they don't know any better.
They see his flashy website and all the (photoshop'd/stolen) pics, and think he's the greatest thing since Barbara Dare.
They jump in without doing a minute of research, spend HUGE money, and then later find out how scammed they got.
There's a good point to all this though: No matter how bad you screw up in my industry, you will NEVER be as bad as this guy.
You could set a bus load of nuns on fire and push them off a cliff and people would say, "Yeah, but he's not as bad as XXXXXXX."
And the on-lookers would all nod.