On this day i want to give thanks for all the good things i have in my life.Number one is my family and wife. I grew up the son of a coal miner and my parents raised six of us kids on his small pay.Daddy worked double shifts to take care of us and never complained. Mommy worked just as hard to take care of us and raise us with good values.Her job was a tough one but she never shirked her role and we always knew she would be there to support us and sometimes set us straight. Daddy was a little hard with the belt sometimes but i always say i never got a whipping that didn't make me better.I am thankful too,for all my brothers and sisters.They are all wonderful people and i love them very much.Thank you Lord for giving me good children and step-children too. Finally i am thankful for my beautiful wife Julee who has made me a better man and who treats me like i am special even though i know she is the special one in our marriage.The Vipers ,the home and all that other stuff that makes me happy i am also grateful for,but the main thing is the one's i love and who love me.That's what really makes me happy and very thankful. God bless all of you and Happy Thanksgiving!