Got a Fricking Ticket yesterday

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Aug 19, 2004
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Chesapeake, Virginia
It seems like no one on this board has ever gotten a ticket that they deserve and that any police officer that gives that ticket is a jealous a-hole that is just looking to eat his next donut. To top it off, everyone (except for me) lives in an area wear they can just show up in court with a lawyer and somehow get off. Better yet, they can postpone the court date until the police officer doesn't show up. Are the courts in VA BCH the only ones organized enough to make sure that the reschedule dates that are offered are on days that the police office or trooper that wrote the ticket will be in court?



Just dont assume people only sit at their computer or drive.

Not at all, but I do assume the chumps that sit behind their computer and bash the Cops are nothing but a bunch of ........well.........chumps ! Talk all that garbage, everytime someone gets a ticket on here, boo-hoo-hoo, Cop this - Cop that, donuts, court, jealousy, lawyers, same ol nonsense over and over - and mostly from guys that can't spell, grammar *****, and sound pretty much like a crybaby when for the most part - they did SOMETHING to get pulled over for......even if you disagree with the reason, he still got stopped.

Ego-maniacs with a Car that, to be honest - isn't the type of car to be that jealous about anyway, so where that comes from is beyond me. Cool car, it's not all that. So when someone talks about anybody being jealous of a Car, makes you sound like some Ego-maniac really. And from that point, whatever you had/have to say - isn't taken very seriously by some of us. When you can buy a Viper for 30k and up these days, I wouldn't be too cocky about owning one........

The Cop could care less what kind of car he was driving, he made some stupid moves, got pulled over, got a ticket - big deal. The Cop didn't have to say anything about going to Court, reducing fines/or charges, take a hearing - none of that, but he did. A real hard-*** wouldn't have said a word about that. The ticket he got sounded like a pretty simple deal to me - do the Nascar move not once, but twice, (as minor and silly as it might be), but did it in plain sight of a Cop that he didn't see - and there's your mistake.

my .25 cent !


Nov 16, 2007
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East Tn
venms96 how old are you and what kind of cars do you own? The way you are talking you must have a few highend cars.


Sep 26, 2001
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Skeetcha-- yer first--I speak from experience son--I was a cop in jersey for three years--probably before you were born. Drunk driving limits contiunally are raised to increase revenue--they do NOTHING for accident prevention. BTW-- ever had a few beers your self and drive home? You too would be DUI. Your analogy of cops and teachers is moronic. You say some cops are bad---do you know any and did you report them?? Bet you didn't for fear of reprisals or lack of an aliby should you mess up one day. I know of what I speak. How about asking the families of borderline DUI how their lives have been affected by the cost of an attorney, fines, incarceration? Why the name calling?? I had to think who you were speaking to "bandwidth" Ok, I'll bite---what other skills do you have? And stop whining about what your job entails. I did it for three years to the day and realized it's a dead end job with lil pay and praise. You picked the occupation--I have no sympathy for you son. I don't think I'll ever need you or another cop to help for anything more than a neighbor dog barking complaint. I carry mr Glock or mr Sig in my vehicle--allowed here in GA. One more rant---years ago after I was a cop--wife and I were in Jville going across that bridge to the ocean side. One of your cop cars was tailgating me on the bridge. There was another vehicle to my right, so I accelerated and moved to the right when possible. One of your "good Jville" cops pulled me over and gave me a ticket for exceeding the limit. I went to the police station and your personable SGT told me to come back and argue in court. Since we were from new jersey with nj tags---just another form of "outa state revenue" So ya see sonny--- I stand by my statements----cops suk.


Apr 13, 2004
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Southern Oregon
I have no respect for those that trash talk law enforcement officers in general. Of course there are bad apples out there and one should report those to everyone that will listen (preferably their superiors). Disdain for laws in general (I don't agree with all of them) smacks of anarchy. Glad you folks aren't running things!


Sep 26, 2001
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RobZilla---yer next on my hit parade---when have you ever stopped a car jacking in progress? Come on tell us. I do carry the sig in the Viper between my seat and the console. Why call you? House gets broken into? Hope that never happens---but tell me how you yourself would prevent it? So you anticipated the direction of a driver?? Now THAT"S a skill. Braselton cops here in GA just killed two people and put one in the hospital when they were chasing a speeder. What do you consider worse? Cop is now lieing with support from the dept saying that it was not a "pursuit". Victim was going over 100 and cop has stated he was going about 80 to "catch up". And all for what? Happens often all over the country. Cops lie to protect themselves and other cops--I saw it first hand in the three years I did it.John


Jul 27, 2000
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Severna Park, Maryland
Gents, it's time to cool this one down. This is a topic that is like politics, no one can score a clear win in the debate. I have already had to censure one individual for language. Please remember that the site does not allow a personal attack on another member and follow that rule when debating. Keep it civil and not personal.
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Feb 24, 2007
Reaction score
Higley AZ
Every time one of these threads pops up I have to check the banner up top to make sure I didn't accidently get logged on to or Classy stuff!

I'm headed over to the "How-to" section and brush up on neon light installation.


Nov 18, 2007
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Jacksonville, FL USA
RobZilla---yer next on my hit parade---when have you ever stopped a car jacking in progress? Come on tell us. I do carry the sig in the Viper between my seat and the console. Why call you? House gets broken into? Hope that never happens---but tell me how you yourself would prevent it? So you anticipated the direction of a driver?? Now THAT"S a skill. Braselton cops here in GA just killed two people and put one in the hospital when they were chasing a speeder. What do you consider worse? Cop is now lieing with support from the dept saying that it was not a "pursuit". Victim was going over 100 and cop has stated he was going about 80 to "catch up". And all for what? Happens often all over the country. Cops lie to protect themselves and other cops--I saw it first hand in the three years I did it.John

Alright, Ill accept that opinion. Every profession has some bad employees. That goes from the President down. Seems to me you just want to complain for the sake of complaining. Bottom line here, you did something stupid and got caught. Blame someone else for your decision :2tu: As hot as am reading through the posts on this thread, I can still manage to pull a smile when I read the original post knowing that your dumb@ss got what you were overdue for.



Aug 14, 2005
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Post removed
For the sake of peace and goodwill
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Dec 31, 2007
Reaction score
Reminds self. never to get involve in ones ticket on here. It like outta of control now. Geesh I had more tickets in my life time then Jordan had points in Basketball. Be nice to Cops and there nice right back BOTTOM LINE ......... SAVE A HORSE buy A VIPER LMAO


Viper Owner
May 24, 2007
Reaction score
Jacksonville Fl
Wow Bandit118th, I now see why you only lasted three years as a cop... You must have been one of the outcasts that noone liked... And the whole "son" thing, come on. I just think you are a disgruntled former cop that could not handle the job and now all you have to do is bash cops... I would love to continue to debate this with you but I am going to go out and drive like a jack a$$ and not get a ticket! :D:D:D



May 28, 1998
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Not one to voice my opinion .. Not!

First let me say I am not prejudicial against the police. Those that do their job and do it well get accolades. Those that do not should get what any poor performer gets - the door. There is an appearance that the police do protect their own, and that hurts their overall image. It is one thing to stand up for another when they are in the right. But to always stand up for them, regardless of rightness is problematic.

There have been lots of comments about the poor cop and how they cannot afford this or that. I call BS on that one. I have a friend who happens to be a Sherrifs Deputy. Makes pretty good cash. Has a nice house (better than mine in fact). Has a vacation/winter home in south Florida. Keeps a Prowler there to drive. etc, etc. It is not a money issue.

I think the biggest problem is that tickets are seen by the public as a means of providing community income and not as a safety enforcing/improving element. If safety was the motivation a court would never lower the ticket and collect the same money. It is clear what they are after. So, the traffic cop is really the modern day revenue man. No wonder he has the same reputation in that duty.

Lastly my biggest beef with the police. That is not following what they are paid to do. I get so peeved when I witness a police car drive well over the speed limit, drive through traffic lights (especially if they hit their lights for just a moment to do so), tailgate and such. In almost all cases I witness they are not on a lights off run or anything. Just putting themselves above the law. And then the ultimate: when a police officer is pulled over when in civilian attire, driving their own vehicle, they are given a huge leeway from other police when so informed. A badge is to enforce the law not to break it freely.


Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
Not one to voice my opinion .. Not!

First let me say I am not prejudicial against the police. Those that do their job and do it well get accolades. Those that do not should get what any poor performer gets - the door. There is an appearance that the police do protect their own, and that hurts their overall image. It is one thing to stand up for another when they are in the right. But to always stand up for them, regardless of rightness is problematic.

There have been lots of comments about the poor cop and how they cannot afford this or that. I call BS on that one. I have a friend who happens to be a Sherrifs Deputy. Makes pretty good cash. Has a nice house (better than mine in fact). Has a vacation/winter home in south Florida. Keeps a Prowler there to drive. etc, etc. It is not a money issue.

I think the biggest problem is that tickets are seen by the public as a means of providing community income and not as a safety enforcing/improving element. If safety was the motivation a court would never lower the ticket and collect the same money. It is clear what they are after. So, the traffic cop is really the modern day revenue man. No wonder he has the same reputation in that duty.

Lastly my biggest beef with the police. That is not following what they are paid to do. I get so peeved when I witness a police car drive well over the speed limit, drive through traffic lights (especially if they hit their lights for just a moment to do so), tailgate and such. In almost all cases I witness they are not on a lights off run or anything. Just putting themselves above the law. And then the ultimate: when a police officer is pulled over when in civilian attire, driving their own vehicle, they are given a huge leeway from other police when so informed. A badge is to enforce the law not to break it freely.

Paragraph # 1 above, I totally agree.
Paragraph #2 above, I totally agree.
Paragraph #3 above, sort of agree. I think it serves both purposes, security and revenue. I see your point about the traffic cop, though where I was, the traffic cops, beside working traffic and writing tickets also handled all the big traffic accidents (involving death/serious injury, city-related accidents, etc.) They have specialized training in accident reconstruction and other things. My hats off to them in that regard. I am not a big fan of the cop that does nothing but write tickets.

Paragraph # 4...I disagree with much of it. When we hit lights and siren, people tend to panic like a deer in the headlights. Many folks act unprdictably when seeing the lights and hearing the siren. Sure, everyone should slow and pull over to the right to let the emergency vehicle pass...but the majority don't. They slam on their brakes, they swerve, etc. To avoid this, sometimes we run without lights and siren (unless it is an absolute, gotta-get-there-now kinda call). Yes, we would drive over the speed limit, yes we sometimes hit lights and blow through a red light and turn them back off to continue on our way. Sometimes, you are going on a call that requires a stealth approach (like a hold-up alarm at the local store). You don't want to go in lights and siren, you want to catch the bad guy. Sure we are not perfect and some may abuse that ability (at which point it simply becomes an excuse). And yeah, I agree that cops (off-duty) get breaks when it comes to most traffic stops. As long as it isn't a very serious infraction (DUI, accident caused by the off-duty cop, etc), he probably gets off from receiving a ticket. The thought process is, this guy (the off-duty cop) is out there putting his life on the line and if I needed backup he would be there for me, I am gonna cut him some slack...officer discretion, same as getting a warning that many talk about getting...just with much greater frequency. Many times, even though they don't get a ticket, they get reported to their Sgt. or Lt. which carries its own problems for the offending officer. I am not saying it is right, but I have been on both sides of it (the stopper and the stoppee) and I have done it (there...its my mea culpa).

I wish we could explain everything that cops do, I am more than willing to explain anything in which I have had experience or training. That might help dispel some of the bad feelings about cops...not all, but some. I really wish I could help explain some things that would solve the whole "cops ****" mentality, but life's too short.


Aug 13, 2001
Reaction score
Harrisburg, PA
To the Mods why did venms96 get suspended? I have read every single post in this BS thread and do not see anything that would warrant a suspension. Just curious?


Aug 13, 2001
Reaction score
Harrisburg, PA
venms96 how old are you and what kind of cars do you own? The way you are talking you must have a few highend cars.

I know venms96 personally and yes he does have some nice cars and bikes. What the heck does that matter. While I don't agree with cops all the time, the cop bashing is old. Just pay the ticket if you were in the wrong and move on.


Sep 26, 2001
Reaction score
Rob and Skeets---you both never answered my questions. Three years was enough to know it was a dead end thankless poor income job--NOT for me---I had other skiils. PSSSST---I still drive fast and get no tickets due mostly to my Purple Heart tag on the Viper, and my charming personality. JOHN


Jul 27, 2000
Reaction score
Severna Park, Maryland
I turned him off temporarily due to the tone of his comments which were starting to throw gas on the fire and he is fully aware of when he is coming back so there is no need for concern on the part of anyone else. He is one of at least two on this somewhat sensitive thread who were affected one way or another.


Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
To the Mods why did venms96 get suspended? I have read every single post in this BS thread and do not see anything that would warrant a suspension. Just curious?

I have to agree with ACELLR8, I saw no reason to warrant the suspension, there were other comments that were way over the top and far more offensive. Just my .02 cents as well.


Jul 27, 2000
Reaction score
Severna Park, Maryland
This is an ugly thread, both sides were way over the top, comments were made that were edited and posts were deleted, it's impossible to analyze it by reading it now. My bad for thinking I could put on my swat suit and talk a couple guys down and silence a couple others for two days and that would work, feelings are too strong on both sides. I don't like to delete things, I don't like to close threads and I particularly don't like to ban or suspend guys, those are the old ways here. But a better outcome would have been to just close this thread which I'm gong to do now. The guy is not not banned and he will be back shortly.
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