Sadly, my long hair, the Viper and mouth get me in more than enough trouble with the PoPo. I would recommend you hire the assistant prosecutor with a nice retainer and just watch...My co-worker did this, and plead to "double parking" and the $1590.00 total including the ticket seemed pretty good because his initial charge was driving without a license for the 2nd time and no insurance either....supposedly it's a mandatory jail sentence here in Jersey....lucky him! The assistant prosecutor scheduled the case for a night when he was on, and the judge simply ran through the most expensive parking ticket without question....I think they call it justice.
I wasn't so lucky, I got a ticket for Careless Driving for leaving a toll too loud and too fast for the officer's liking. (never spun the tires, nor did I break the speed limit) I made 5 court appearances and finally got railroaded through a guilty verdict. Yeah, it was the communists in Tinton Falls....thankfully I helped build them a new court/municipal building!!! What a great citizen I am!
Oh yeah, I immediately was rejected by the collector car insurance companies for this serious charge.