Got hunted by N.Y. police …


Apr 11, 2004
Reaction score
I never got a ticket and I am in my the upper 30’s but it was a matter of time ...

Sunday I decided to have a burger with my wife in Upper State N.Y.
Instead of driving on the Hwy we drove along the small county roads.
At 2PM we stopped for the burgers. A lady in her 40’s jumps out from nowhere saying that I am taking up two places in the empty parking of the restaurant. Then she walks away. The owner of the restaurant tells me it is not a trouble but in order to avoid disturbances I decide to park my car again.

At 16PM we leave from the restaurant and take another small county road. I follow another car in from of me. We are riding between 55-70mph with the traffic in the woods.

Then a Trooper car appears in front of us …. The trooper makes a u-turn and stops me right away. Then another trooper arrives. 1 mile further two county sheriff cars stops along the road. Then an under covered Ford Taurus passing by . The Trooper asks me a lot of questions: what we are doing where we are heading etc. We spent 5 minutes chatting friendly like this with the trooper while the others were observing us. Then the Trooper returns to his car with my papers and does his work as usual.

10 minutes later he comes backup

He seems to be very stunned. The trooper asks me about my criminal background etc. He asks me if these are really my papers, if my date of birth is right etc. He tells me that he doesn't want to mistake my identity with somebody else's. He scares my wife and myself really. Final he tells me that my speed was not an issue but somebody called in earlier to report a black Viper highspeed racing somewhere in their county. Since a while the entire county was looking (hunting) after me. He tells me that they never saw a Viper here and they could not mistake me with another black Viper.

Then he returns to his car and we wait 20 minutes. He comes back again and tells me that my papers are in order and he is sorry to give me a ticket. Usually they don’t bother tourists with my speed and type of car. But since everybody was looking (hunting) for me and he was the first one to spot me he already radiod in my speed and so on. So he has the duty to write the ticket because of his collegues and he can’t be indulgent. He explains me that the way they received the report from this “unknown” person they thought that I was a heavy reckless driver. He was stunned by my clean driving record and this is why he asked me so many questions.

The Trooper was a highly professional person doing his job as required.

However there are some stupid persons around that area in upper State N.Y. who hate Vipers …

Chuck 98 RT/10

Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
tampa, fl USA
The cop was not required to issue a ticket. He could have given you a warning. In fact, he is banking on you not fighting the ticket. It will get thrown out even if he shows up for court, which he won't.

Without a plate number as well as additional witnesses they have nothing.


Aug 13, 2001
Reaction score
Harrisburg, PA
Interesting story, had similiar situation on Saturday.

We had 4 vipers cruising in Southern NY and 1 bike (Dansauto) on Satarday. Coming through Dan's small a$$ hick town a NY statey pulls into the pizza place where we all stopped to eat. Out of 3 vipers and Bikes he decides to ask me for my registration and license and leave everyone else alone. When we went through town we were all doing the speed limit and going the same speed.

He did say that if everything came back clean he would not cite me for anything. Mean while it took 20 minutes for him to run my info and then we were on our way. Just made me wonder, maybe I look like a punk criminal ?????


Nov 24, 2004
Reaction score
If you live in Mexico, and got a ticket in upstate New York, can't you just use the ticket as toilet paper?


Dec 3, 2003
Reaction score
Montreal, Canada
Were you wearing the "My cousin Vinnie" jacket?
I had a similar experience a long time ago in a Porsche. It sure is a different world on the other side of the wall/border. The customs boys probably had you tagged at the checkpoint when you crossed in.

If you're travelling to the States in the "big city" car, take the highway and don't stop anywhere til you're close enough to Boston. Then you'll be allright.


Feb 9, 2001
Reaction score
Colorado Springs
Our local VCA club had a get together, and about 30 of us met up at a staging spot. As we were milling around a CHP comes driving into the large commercial area and pulls up to a group of us. Said he was trying to catch a red Viper that had blown past him on the freeway, and he asked if we knew who it might be. We said to look around, Vipers are very very rare so you never know. As he made his way through the lot he came to the realization that there were 4 or 5 red RT's, and he didn't have a prayer of getting a confession out of anybody. :cool:

He shadowed our group for a while, and then simply left with his tail between his legs!


Apr 3, 2005
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL (Port Orange)
I was coming home from FL this weekend and passed 2 cops on top of a bridge shooting radar at 80-85mph in a 60 zone. We saw 1 of the cops actually point at my car (and I dont think he was saying 'hey a Viper') so we decided the next exit would be a good one to get gas at. We got off and went to the right, shortly after, we see 2 cop cars get off and go to the left (lol) and we joked about how if they did find us, we'd say it must be another red/yellow Viper they wanted. That's 1 of the drawbacks of having a car like we do, its nearly impossible to hide and hardly no chance of pulling the 'mistaken identity' thing over on cops.


Oct 4, 2000
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South Florida, USA
how could they write you a ticket if they didn't ID your car doing anything wrong?? sounds like an easy out from a ticket attorney....


Oct 13, 2000
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San Jose, CA
Were you speeding when the trooper pulled you over? It's not really clear from your story. If you weren't and that officer never personally observed you speeding he can't write you up for something someone else called in. If you were speeding, well, them's the breaks. You speed, you get caught, you pay. Take traffic school and it's really no big deal.


Nov 7, 2000
Reaction score
New Canaan, CT
Damn drivers.

They feel obligated to police anybody in a fast car (or bike). I was riding my motorcycle in Maine in a 55mph zone. Traffic speeds varied from 45 - 70mph and the road was a single lane. Whenever I came to the dotted yellow, I gunned it to get past the 3 - 5 cages cruising at 50mph. After 50 miles of this, somebody reported me to the cops. I was at 60 in a 50 when I got stopped. The cop asked me a lot of questions but deduced it wasn't me and gave me a warning.

Damn drivers. What we need is a cellphone jammer to install on our vehicles.


Aug 6, 2004
Reaction score
Interesting story, had similiar situation on Saturday.

We had 4 vipers cruising in Southern NY and 1 bike (Dansauto) on Satarday. Coming through Dan's small a$$ hick town a NY statey pulls into the pizza place where we all stopped to eat. Out of 3 vipers and Bikes he decides to ask me for my registration and license and leave everyone else alone. When we went through town we were all doing the speed limit and going the same speed.

He did say that if everything came back clean he would not cite me for anything. Mean while it took 20 minutes for him to run my info and then we were on our way. Just made me wonder, maybe I look like a punk criminal ?????

I think he was jealous of your flashing lights and the special gogo juice in the trunk.LOL :2tu:

Motor City Mad Man

Nov 11, 2000
Reaction score
Las Vegas, NV
Yeah that is BS that we have to put up with crap like this. I drive very fast whenever I'm out with the Viper, but I don't drive like a maniac when there are cars near me. Just a month ago I got done doing some high spirited driving and this guy pulls up along side of me on his cell phone looking at my license plate. I'm sure he was calling the cops on me. Then about 3 or 4 years ago I met up with my buddy over in Canada and we had a little fun on the highway over there. Well some damn ricer called the cops on us and they had an APB out for our 2 blue/white Vipers. Never did get caught either time though. Jealous a-holes. I mean there are plenty of sedans out there now that are pretty darn fast too, but it seems since the Viper is so flashy people just feel the need to try and ruin our day. Well F 'em.


Jul 4, 2003
Reaction score
Fairfax, VA, USA
Very similar happened to me in Northern VA (I-66). Someone called from the road and reported reckless driving by a red Viper (no tag number). I take gas on the way and a cap stops by, after a while asks for papers etc. Tells me about reckless driving – I got furious and ask for info on a person who called (saying I will sue). Ten minutes later I get papers back and an apology to my daughter for a trouble. Apparently, an off-duty cap called but they could track him and he did not get my tags. What a ****. What is going on with our freedom??? It’s becoming a police state.


Dec 24, 2003
Reaction score
Waterford, MI
I had a similar incident. I was driving down a major road in our community with the Police Chief as a passenger. He gets a call on his portable radio that there was a "steel gray Viper speading and weaving in and out of traffic" on the road we were travelling. They gave my vanity plate to identify the car. The Chief got on the radio and told his dispatcher that he was in that Viper and that we were neither speeding or weaving. It turns out that the call came from a cell phone (if they don't get the caller's ID they can't use their complaint in court -- and it's iffy even if they do). The Chief was so upset he had his staff follow up the call. It was just a guy who we had passed and he was jealous of the car. I pressed charges for a false police report and the guy paid a $300 fine. :headbang:

Cop Magnet

Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Kenilworth, IL
Yup, says it all...


Viper Owner
Sep 10, 2002
Reaction score
He did say that if everything came back clean he would not cite me for anything. Mean while it took 20 minutes for him to run my info and then we were on our way. Just made me wonder, maybe I look like a punk criminal ?????


Ed, you are a punk criminal. At 170mph he couldn't catch you until you stopped for food. Next time pack a lunch. :D

Brian 95 RT

Jul 5, 2004
Reaction score
Saginaw, Michigan
I had a similar incident. I was driving down a major road in our community with the Police Chief as a passenger. He gets a call on his portable radio that there was a "steel gray Viper speading and weaving in and out of traffic" on the road we were travelling. They gave my vanity plate to identify the car. The Chief got on the radio and told his dispatcher that he was in that Viper and that we were neither speeding or weaving. It turns out that the call came from a cell phone (if they don't get the caller's ID they can't use their complaint in court -- and it's iffy even if they do). The Chief was so upset he had his staff follow up the call. It was just a guy who we had passed and he was jealous of the car. I pressed charges for a false police report and the guy paid a $300 fine. :headbang:

Wow! If that ever happened to me, I would probably order a hit on the guy!


Feb 14, 2002
Reaction score
Duncan, SC USA
There are so many similar stories here!

Driving up to my Sunday night cruising spot (Chesnee SC) I passed a church bus at a 'nice pace' in my red GTS. When I got to the town, I was going 1/2 mile per hour in the bumper2bumper when I looked to my right and saw two police cars in a mini-mart parking lot. I revved the engine and they jumped into thier cars. I pulled into a lot about 1/8 mile ahead and parked with my friends. They pulled up behind me lights flashing. The county car **** jumped out and yelled "why didn't you pull over? Didn't you see the blue lights?" I said I did pull over, I didn't know you were after me. He pulled me and my passenger out and frisked us (legs spread, hands on the car) and asked for all my paperwork. I then got the usual 'People called reporting a red Viper speeding and driving recklessly' lecture. I knew better than to admit anything, and there was nothing he could do about it. I used a cuss word ONE TIME and he threatened to "Take me to jail right now for PUBLIC USE OF PROFANITY"!!!!!!

Finally, he said "You are lying, I KNOW you are lying, Do you understand me?" I responded, " I understand....(pause) that you THINK you know that I know you think I am lying"

HA! He was so ********** I thought his head would pop. If only I could have gotten his buddies video from his patrol car....


Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
I was pulling out of work after a long day and may have cut somebody off by accident. That man and his wife followed me onto the highway and tailgated me close and pulled along side me. I was spooked highly after 5 min of this. I tried to lose them in my 6 cyl Camaro. They caught up and did the same again. They eventually took a different turn. Later of course I pass a cop on the roadside looking for me. I was charged with reckless driving.
My attorney happened to be the same guy's divorce attorney and could not believe it. He said the guy towed cars for the police. In the end I had to do 50hrs community service for an issue created by the creepy guy not in a police car pursuing me. Community service was the best option instead of going to court. I often wish that I ran them off the road instead of taking off. I would have felt better even if charged with much more.


Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
There are so many similar stories here!

Driving up to my Sunday night cruising spot (Chesnee SC) I passed a church bus at a 'nice pace' in my red GTS. When I got to the town, I was going 1/2 mile per hour in the bumper2bumper when I looked to my right and saw two police cars in a mini-mart parking lot. I revved the engine and they jumped into thier cars. I pulled into a lot about 1/8 mile ahead and parked with my friends. They pulled up behind me lights flashing. The county car **** jumped out and yelled "why didn't you pull over? Didn't you see the blue lights?" I said I did pull over, I didn't know you were after me. He pulled me and my passenger out and frisked us (legs spread, hands on the car) and asked for all my paperwork. I then got the usual 'People called reporting a red Viper speeding and driving recklessly' lecture. I knew better than to admit anything, and there was nothing he could do about it. I used a cuss word ONE TIME and he threatened to "Take me to jail right now for PUBLIC USE OF PROFANITY"!!!!!!

Finally, he said "You are lying, I KNOW you are lying, Do you understand me?" I responded, " I understand....(pause) that you THINK you know that I know you think I am lying"

HA! He was so ********** I thought his head would pop. If only I could have gotten his buddies video from his patrol car....

Well....what happened? Did you go free?


Nov 30, 2001
Reaction score
gillett, pa, usa
Now every time I take my car out they are going to think its that punk Ed and harass me!!

He did say that if everything came back clean he would not cite me for anything. Mean while it took 20 minutes for him to run my info and then we were on our way. Just made me wonder, maybe I look like a punk criminal ?????

Ed, you are a punk criminal. At 170mph he couldn't catch you until you stopped for food. Next time pack a lunch. :D



Feb 14, 2002
Reaction score
Duncan, SC USA
Well....what happened? Did you go free?

Sure did! Without any admission of guilt on my part, he had nothing. I guess it comes from watching Cops and Judge Judy. Now, if that church bus had pulled up....I would have been in deep ****.

Big Medicine

Apr 18, 2002
Reaction score
Cypress, TX
I was pulling out of work after a long day and may have cut somebody off by accident. That man and his wife followed me onto the highway and tailgated me close and pulled along side me. I was spooked highly after 5 min of this. I tried to lose them in my 6 cyl Camaro. They caught up and did the same again. They eventually took a different turn. Later of course I pass a cop on the roadside looking for me. I was charged with reckless driving.
My attorney happened to be the same guy's divorce attorney and could not believe it. He said the guy towed cars for the police. In the end I had to do 50hrs community service for an issue created by the creepy guy not in a police car pursuing me. Community service was the best option instead of going to court. I often wish that I ran them off the road instead of taking off. I would have felt better even if charged with much more.

How does this work? You plead guilty? Why?


Jul 22, 2002
Reaction score
W. Palm Beach
Schulmann, Sounds to me like that lady who gave you **** about taking up two spaces called the cops on you, just to F--- with you. Cop gets a call then finds a guy driving THAT car on THAT road, he figuring the call was for real. I bet it could happen the same way to any of us. Did your wife say anything? That would be two people against one call in. I know my wife get scared shi+less if I jump on it with her in the car, so if I’m with my wife you can be sure I’m driving the speed limit.

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