I originally decided, I dont want the SRT10 and put my certificate in the drawer, then last week decided, it's still a viper, just a different kind and I got two kinds of dogs and love em both so why not two kinds of vipers and love em both. called viper HQ, told me the deadline was extended to may 10th, called th edealer yesterday, sent in certificate and deposit and now WHAMMO i got me a black SRT10 comin soon. i should have known resistance was useless against a 500/500/500/500 vehicle. (for those of you thinking i mistyped four 500s instead of three, i meant to type four; HP/torque/displacement/and stereo output)A viper is like dogs, beer and women, theres always room for more. (for the record, i still think the gen two's look better overall)