Ha! Most of my charges were dropped! I need to go to driving school now


Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
All my charges were dropped in court. I have to go to driving school and that's about it....no points on my license. I am still out the $1000 plus dollars from this ******* cop. Can't think too much about that because it really gets me fired up!

I can't wait when I get a call from the fraternal order of police asking for a donation...I will tell them what I think of their "society". A d**d cop is a good cop.


Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
yeah..it might be..but so has their treatment of me in the pass...when you have a glock pointed to the back of your head for no reason....this happened to me several times...then I don't feel for these fools when I hear they got shot. It's my opinion...doesn't make it right...but stand in my shoes and maybe your outlook will be different

99 R/T 10

Jun 4, 2001
Reaction score
Enterprise, AL USA
Your last sentence is over the top.

I don't think so. There are a LOT of bad cops out there, and I seem to get everyone of the bastardss. ab took a lot of shiit for no reason. Go take a look at Don Hiltz thread about how they thought he was "running", bunch of jack booted thugs :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
wow... having seen both sides, I can't blame ab for his feelings. I also know he's a reasonable enough guy to not do anything about it. I didn't make law enforcement a career because a lot of the cops I met were worse the the people we were putting away... and they were the majority.

My friend witnessed a bunch of his fellow officers beat up a suspect in his cell for having "bad attitude". Nothing more... the guy was never convicted of anything. He reported it to internal affairs, and they pretty much blacklisted him. They did nothing about the bad cops, but now he's walking around with a target on his back. Go figure.


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
btw... Congrats! Been wanting to ask you how the case was going. You should consider suing the bastard or the city personally for compensation. It's probably not worth extending the nightmare, but it just ***** that there's not much we can do.

Let it stew for a little, then let it go. That bastard is not worth your time.

We need dashcams for our Vipers...


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Near Tampa Bay
Adam, how about suing the crap out of the cop... You do know a cop is liable for his actions, personally, while in uniform.



Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Oct 18, 2000
Reaction score
Louisville, KY
It would'nt be worth suing him....I would love to, but these cops don't have to pay for their attorneys...the police department would pay for it...I just hope this ass cop runs into a crimminal who doesn't give a rip and fired one into him.

My attorney said the cop was completely crooked when he went and talked with him. He's the kind of cop that would plant coke on you at a traffic stop.


Congrats on half justice, Adam. I had gotten my first speeding ticket in my Viper a month ago - 60 in a 35. Obviously, I wasn't really speeding since when I speed I go much faster. But, it cost me a morning in court and $145. It will cost the city that gave me the ticket much more - I will never spend any of my money there again and i have instructed my family and friends to avoid doing business with any company in that town. May all the businesses go out of business and all their policemen get laid off due to lack of revenue. I suggest that you do the same. :usa:

Vintage Racer

Viper Owner
Jul 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cincinnati OH

You are way over the top with your comments about "d**d" cops and your coldness towards a cop who has been shot. Yes, you had a run in with a bad cop but that in no way justifies your comments.

I have relatives who are county sheriff's, a secret service agent and an FBI agent. Do you wish them dead? Would you like to see them shot?

You are way out of line.


Jan 4, 2005
Reaction score
Mission Hills, CA
Congrats on getting the BS charges dismissed.

I don't your last sentence is over the top, given your situation and justification. It is scary to think of what could have happened. My advice to all who read this is the following, if you are being pulled over try to pull over where there will be witnesses to corrobarate your story. I can tell you from numerous personal experiences the demeanor of the cops changes once they know several eyes are on them. I have been pulled 8 times in the last year (I've come to expect this since I'm 25, but look 18), and issued just one citation for no front plate, the rest of the times they just wanted to make sure the car wasn't stolen or that I had insurance. Both of the aforementioned are ludicrous excuses to pull me over, if the car is stolen then surely the database would say so and as far as insurance, how in F**k would I not have insurance on a vehicle like mine :confused: Which supports my belief that people become cops because that's all they could be. Don't get me wrong they have a difficult job, but anybody who has a clean record and graduated high school can become one. Much respect is given to those officers who are really trying to protect and serve.

Understand these are my opinions and there may be generalizations, but that's human nature or as the old adage says "a few bad apples, spoil the rest"


Nov 9, 2002
Reaction score
Charlotte, North Carolina
Yeah, I think AB's statement is over the top. We have this thing called a society, and the policing of the society is the tax we pay for being civilized. So yeah there are definetly some bad cops... but then there are the good ones that go into a situation where one of your loved ones lives are in jeopardy, and they go in anyways, putting their own lives in harms way, not knowing how important the person is they are about to save (to you).

I'll let AB go on that one, I'd probably be ignorant enough to make such a comment too in his situation.. and lord knows I have made some stupid ones before too.

Now.. on the part I DO want to bust AB's balls on is his "most of the charges were dropped!!" crap... he didnt win, those of us who have actually faught and won, know that if you WIN, you dont have to go to traffic school. And those of you have lost too, like I have, you know what AB got was probably a prayer from judgement, which requires him to be a good boy for a while.

Either way, and in complete honesty, I am AB glad got out of it relatively unscathed, as I wouldnt wish that kind of crap on an enemy, let along some I consider a friend (yes, AB).

Glad to hear it went well.

Jon (Zero points on his license)


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
Without paying for the lawyer it is almost impossible to completely get out of a ticket. The judge takes the police word as gospel. Nothing that you can say or show can overcome the bias on the side of the cop. The only mitigating factor you can do is hire an attorney so that the judge knows you are already "paying" for your crime. With the money going directly to a fellow attorney no less.

Just remember in most locales for a civil infraction you have no right to a trial by jury. Only the choice between 2 levels of judge. And they are prejudged against you (they are also paid in part by that same revenue stream the cop is - your fine).


Oct 30, 2002
Reaction score
North Carolina

You are way over the top with your comments about "d**d" cops and your coldness towards a cop who has been shot. Yes, you had a run in with a bad cop but that in no way justifies your comments.

I have relatives who are county sheriff's, a secret service agent and an FBI agent. Do you wish them dead? Would you like to see them shot?

You are way out of line.

I agree that last statement is out of line. I've been on the ass end of some bad cop situations. But you have to remember they are people to and there are good and bad in all professions. Let go of the anger it's over.


Viper Owner
Feb 7, 2004
Reaction score
ab wrote:
A d**d cop is a good cop.
Your last sentence is over the top.

We could hope that "d**d" = "dyed", but I doubt it.

Someone who has complained of being the victim of prejudice feels its appropriate to make such a statement against a group of people based on bad experiences with a few members of that group?

What sad irony.


Aug 4, 2003
Reaction score
Interesting to see who those people are that hate ALL cops on these recent cop bashing posts.

There is no doubt that there are bad cops in the world. There are bad everything in the world(lawyers,doctors,CEO,realtors,clerks,business owners,etc....) Most cops do not suffer from LBB(little bitty bastard) disease and are very decent people. You would probably be surprised that most bad attitude cops are even secluded at work from their peers. The other cops don't even associate with them unless they have to. The bad ones are constantly being complained on, written up, and disciplined.

Ab your last sentence was IGNORANT and I've noticed you said it at least twice from other posts! I cordially invite you to ride with any law enforcement officer in a good size city for a full night shift to see the abundance of crimes, lies, and reality that are out there. If you are ever down this way I can arrange a ride for you.

p.s. Usually "A CAUSES B" and enjoy driving school!


May 28, 1998
Reaction score
There is no doubt that there are bad cops in the world. There are bad everything in the world(lawyers,doctors,CEO,realtors,clerks,business owners,etc....) Most cops do not suffer from LBB(little bitty bastard) disease and are very decent people. You would probably be surprised that most bad attitude cops are even secluded at work from their peers. The other cops don't even associate with them unless they have to. The bad ones are constantly being complained on, written up, and disciplined.

True. However I can choose my lawyer, my doctor, etc. I can choose not to do business with a place that has bad employees. But how does someone avoid a bad cop. Their aggressive style more than likely places you at their whim. Thankfully I have never experienced a cop that "was out to get me" (except a few instances where they were trying to entrap me into a traffic violation). But if there was there would be little recourse beyond calling the Police to have them police themselves. And unfortunately I do not think that would have much if any impact other than make the bad cop even more aggressive. I guess you could move to another location but what message does that send to the bad cop. Probably an additional power high to feed the frenzy.

And for the most part I do not think anyone here is bashing ALL cops. They obviously do a great service to the community and they should be applauded for that. But they definitely need to do some work with the traffic enforcement side of things (i.e. get out of the profiteering and make public safety the objective) and clean their house of bad cops.

My $0.02


Nov 27, 2004
Reaction score
California, East Bay
There is no doubt that there are bad cops in the world. There are bad everything in the world(lawyers,doctors,CEO,realtors,clerks,business owners,etc....) Most cops do not suffer from LBB(little bitty bastard) disease and are very decent people. You would probably be surprised that most bad attitude cops are even secluded at work from their peers. The other cops don't even associate with them unless they have to. The bad ones are constantly being complained on, written up, and disciplined.
That may be true in a handful of mid-sized upper middle class suburb jurisdictions, but in most major metroploitan places AND small towns, there are too many bad cops (ONE is too many). And they do NOT get excluded. The good ones get excluded. Who are you kidding? I've been there and done that. They get away with too much. The "courtesy" factor alone is highly illegal and falls under RICO statutes. The problem is the bad cops think they're good and exact their own "justice". THAT's the irony. They think their uneducated little brains are far superior than people that make the law. The REAL cops that get isolated are the ones that see the crimes going on among them and try to do something about it. They get labled as a troublemaker, get investigated for jaywalking and other cops tend to take their time to show up when you call for backup. You'll be lucky if you're not a victim of friendly fire.

The problem with bad cops is that if there is ONE that is allowed to get away with their crimes, you might as well assume they're all bad, because there's no way to tell who's good or bad until it's too late. If a cop approaches you, you have to fear if he's a good cop that will just write you a ticket, or a bad one that will make stuff up and beat you down just because he thinks he's better than you? That should NEVER happen in our country! Yeah, I know... cops boohoo about not knowing who's good or bad either, but THAT'S WHAT THEY'RE PAID FOR. I knew a cop that ran a large gambling ring (where he was also shaking people down for money and drugs) around here and got busted. No jailtime. A little administrative leave, reassigned to a different post, and probably a 7-figure retirement intact. Word on the street is his gambling ring is still running. The most ironic part? He worked in vice. :rolleyes:

So maybe to some of these apologists (who are obviously pigs themselves) the "bad" cops are the real GOOD cops. The truth... there is no "brotherhood". It's nothing more than a criminal enterprise that goes uncheked. I'm just lucky I had enough talent and education to not make law enforcement a career. Funny thing, when the movie "Training Day" came out, Denzel's character became every cop's idol. To this day, they still quote him as if it's scripture when "civilians" are not around. So let me clarify AB's comment: "Every cop that looks up to that bastard, deserves the same fate."

p.s. Usually "A CAUSES B" and enjoy driving school!

That just shows how utterly IGNORANT you are and proves the point cops stand up for each other, right or wrong. You know NOTHING of the case, yet you think you're the judge, jury and executioner. I'd ****-slap you if I knew you'd be a man about it and not cry home to mommy. :mad:

p.s. That wasn't a threat, just an observation on your manhood :p