Yeah, I think AB's statement is over the top. We have this thing called a society, and the policing of the society is the tax we pay for being civilized. So yeah there are definetly some bad cops... but then there are the good ones that go into a situation where one of your loved ones lives are in jeopardy, and they go in anyways, putting their own lives in harms way, not knowing how important the person is they are about to save (to you).
I'll let AB go on that one, I'd probably be ignorant enough to make such a comment too in his situation.. and lord knows I have made some stupid ones before too.
Now.. on the part I DO want to bust AB's balls on is his "most of the charges were dropped!!" crap... he didnt win, those of us who have actually faught and won, know that if you WIN, you dont have to go to traffic school. And those of you have lost too, like I have, you know what AB got was probably a prayer from judgement, which requires him to be a good boy for a while.
Either way, and in complete honesty, I am AB glad got out of it relatively unscathed, as I wouldnt wish that kind of crap on an enemy, let along some I consider a friend (yes, AB).
Glad to hear it went well.
Jon (Zero points on his license)