I was returning form Arby's on General Booth and comming the the intersection of Dam neck and Gen Booth. I saw this sweet yellow car up ahead of me but I was already over in the left turn lane. I realized it was a viper so I backed up and got over beside him. I reved on him and his wife started smiling an checking out my car. There was too much traffic to just go, but when we had an opening we got it. First run was from a second gear roll about 30 mph to about 90 in third gear. I was dead even with him, but if the race had kept going he'd have run away. Then we went down and pulled a U-turn to go the other way on General Booth... I was waiting for him to pull up beside me and go, but he made the turn and just got on it. So he had the jump and I was left to play catch up which wasn't going to happen. The car actually sounded good for a Viper... it had Corsa pipes on it. He gave me props on the color and the wheels then we parted ways. It was
If the owner of this car is on this board, you sure have a beautiful car!
(this all happened in a dream I had last night, yes I like Arby's so much that I dream about it)
(this all happened in a dream I had last night, yes I like Arby's so much that I dream about it)