Happy frickin' birthday (sad photos)


Apr 26, 1999
Reaction score
Overland Park, KS
Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

Dang. I took the GTS for a nice little ride on Friday. 19,500 miles without a scratch. Oh sure, a few tiny chips on the fascia, but that's fine by me (no bra with the stripes). I go into a commercial complex with wide open streets (no trees or obstructions). I then come to a "T" intersection where I am going to turn left (I was on the throughway, the road I was turning onto dead ended on that street). There is only one stop sign, and it is for the ending street. I think nothing of it as I begin my turn, knowing the approaching Toyota will obviously stop at the stop sign. Of course you know what happened next: I watched in horror as she didn't even slow down for the stop sign or the car that was directly in front of her (mine). I honked and swerved to the right, but it was too late. She gave me a nice shove with her Toyota. I got out and very angrily pointed at the stop sign she blew (and I said nothing) and was surprised at what little damage seemed to have been caused to the Viper. I fully expected the rear quarter to be gone, but she hit my wheel almost dead center on her car. Banged up my wheel, cracked/chipped the fiberglass on the wheel well seam, and caused a small crack on the bumper cover by the wheel well. Her car was given a very nice impression of my 18" rim:

You must be registered for see images

She was in tears and was apologetic. I called for the police to get it documented. The cop said it was almost too minor to write up. I asked if he was going to charge her with running the stop sign and he said that it wouldn't make any difference - it was obvious she hit me. I think he felt bad for her because of her "Twins on board" bumper sticker and two car seats strapped in the back (empty). By then I was trying to be as nice as possible to her because I knew she was more upset than I was (my attitude: Such is life). She apologized again and eventually her friend showed up. All her friend kept saying to her was "Your insurance is going to go through the roof!" That upset her even more. The cop sent me on my way (the car was drivable) and detained her for another 15-20 minutes - I saw they were still there on my return trip. Don't know what was said or done.

So, yesterday is my birthday (39th) and I decide to make another call to her insurance company (Safeco). They have just received the file, and guess what? She tells her insurance company that I hit her!! "According to our insured, you cut the corner and hit her." Well, I am a very reasonable guy and about as level headed as they come. Nevertheless, this pretty much flushed my birthday down the crapper. I wasn't as concerned about the insurance company as I was ticked off about this two-faced girl (guessing around 20 years old) lying like that after what she did to me! I had even given thought to trying to get it fixed as inexpensively as possible and allowing her to pay for it directly to avoid having her insurance rates go up. Not any more! Oh, and when I called my lovely bride from the scene, she very wisely reminded me I had a Polaroid camera and to TAKE PICTURES (like the one above). The following picture tells the WHOLE story of this one-way-stop intersection:

You must be registered for see images

So, my wheel got banged up pretty good. The rest isn't too bad. I will certainly get it aligned and will have it inspected tomorrow at the Dodge dealer for any another suspension problems on that side. It seems to roll fine and there is no vibration. I took it by Safeco today to get an estimate, even though they have not authorized payment or admitted liability yet (yes, they have a copy of these pictures). They want to take the cheap way out and refinish the wheel, as well as fix and paint the wheel well. I am less than pleased and want a new wheel. He refused.

So, besides venting (thank you for bearing with me), I wanted to get some thoughts here or by e-mail. Can I insist on a new wheel? What about any other damages such as devaluation? This will undoubtedly show up on Carfax and I would inform any buyer about it anyway (if I ever were to sell my baby). The Safeco adjuster laughed when I mentioned the depreciation for even an accident as minor as this one and said he would gladly see me go down in flames in court if I went that route. Nevertheless, because this young, 'eh hem, "lady" decided to screw me over and lie outright, I am more than happy to get every single penny I am entitled to. Anybody know what those pennies are?

Thanks for reading,



Oct 12, 2000
Reaction score
Victoria, BC, Canada
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

I can't stand those adjusters. Your comment "The Safeco adjuster laughed when I mentioned the depreciation for even an accident as minor as this one and said he would gladly see me go down in flames in court if I went that route" just makes my blood boil. Why don't you tell him that if there is no depreciation then there shouldn't be a problem with his company buying you the same year/model and selling yours. If he's right, there won't be any difference and the insurance company won't be out a penny. Of course, he is wrong so they won't do this.

As for the girl...it doesn't surprise me. I had a similar thing happen to me. We had a freak ice storm and the roads were unbelievably slick. It sounds impossible but I parked on a slope at a store, got out, slammed the door in my mini-van and the van actually started sliding sideways down the slope on the ice. It hit a woman's old rusted out ****** and put a minor dent in the car. I wasn't even in the van, I was standing where the van had been parked and just watched it slide. She had come out of the store as I was parking and saw the whole thing. She reported to her insurance agency that I had been driving wildly and slammed into her car and blamed all the other dents in her car on the accident. She ended up getting pretty much a new body on her piece of junk at my expense. This of course after we had laughed in the parking lot about how bizarre of an accident it had been where neither of us were in our cars and they hit each other! I don't trust anyone in these situations anymore, everyone tries to scoop what they can from the insurance companies not realizing that they are lying about the other driver and causing him/her grief in the process.


May 2, 2001
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Viper City, Iowa
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

He's bluffing. From what I understand by the law is that your car must be fixed as to the condition it was in before the accident. I've never had to go further than the adjuster though. I will ask my sister-in-law tommorrow about this who is an attorney as to what you can and should do.

What about tommorrow? I bet that bites your a$$!

Good luck!


Sep 22, 2001
Reaction score
pleasanton,ca 94566
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

That whole thing *****. You try to be nice and then you get stabbed in the back. I think all gloves are off now. Too bad you can't talk to that girl and remind her how things have a way of coming back. As far as the insurance adjuster, I would report him to a superior letting them know how he spoke to you in an unprofessional manner which only makes negotiations for them harder as it puts you in a less agreeable mood. I assume you spoke to him in a civilized and professional manner to resolve this. You should be treated with no less. Go gettum and let us know how it turns out.
I was hit from the rear while stopped at a light in my 930 turbo a while back by a car that was hit by another. Out of the 3 cars involved, i was the only one who had insurance. My car was in the shop for 3 months and I had to cover the rental car for the whole time except for the first 10 days which my insurance covered. When I asked them if they were going after the other parties they said no, it wasn't worth it. Of course it wasn't! Not when honest responsible people like me are around to cover the costs with higher insurance rates. You would think they would crack down on uninsured motorists, but somewhere someone is probably saying those poor people can't afford it and the working middle class should support them.

Kevin ACR

Oct 9, 2000
Reaction score
The Motor City
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

Regarding the wheel, why don't you just make the simple request that since this is a perfomance car and will likely see high speed on the track again you want them to put it in writing that they will accept liability should a wheel failure occur. Not the wheel refinisher standing behind their work, the insurance company standing behind their decision. Who really knows if there is a hairline fracture hiding in the structure of the wheel.

At least in Michigan with it being a no fault state, it would be my own insurance company doing the repairs. Good luck, and nice thinking on taking the photos.

John ACR

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

Happy belated B'Day Chris,

Boy that really *****, but no surprise about the changing of the story it happens all of the time.

I would check your car via a method the Viper Wizard had passed on to me when I was looking for a Viper.
Remove your center console and look at the plate on top of the tunnel. It should be intact and flat. If it is up or lifted at any point this can indicate frame damage. For a few minutes and screws it is a great little check for some peace of mind.
Please let us know what happens.

It is like the old jokes:

1) Why couldn't Helen Keller drive?

She was a woman.

2) How do you blindfold a woman?

Put a windshield in front of her.

Apologies in advance especially Nadine, Viperess, and the other
viper owners with two X chromosomes. Just a moment of comedy.

Joseph Houss

Former VCA National President
VCA Officer
Jul 19, 2000
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Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)


I can't quite understand from your description whether the police, in fact, did write up the incident?

If they didn't, call them immediately!, and get them to do it, before their memory of the position of the cars disappears. Explain that the damage will exceed $1000 and this woman, may infact, claim medical damages as well. This will get them moving as they are supposed to write up anything that has more than $200 in damages (at least in NJ).

DO NOT call her or talk to her. Call YOUR insurance company, and they will subrogate the claim (with their attorneys if necessary). You are clearly not at fault, so it is their responsibility NOT to increase your premium AND to handle this.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong...please!

Oh, and by the way, a sincere HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your car will be good as new when repaired, and carfax will have absolutely no knowledge of the claim, as they only have information on TITLE information (theft recovery, salvage, mileage, flood damage), and the entire Viper Nation now knows how modest this little incident was. Hmmm... maybe this is a good time to put that GT2 wing on the back?


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
San Antonio, Tx, US
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

1)Good thing you had the camera
2)The cop should have wrote down she admited it, and you might have heard her say that to the cop.
3)You are in the right and I would pursue the issue in court if necessary and get what you want. They have no barganing power.
4)Vipers tend to not show a lot of damage but generally there is some underlying damage.
5)I would ask for more just as you stated on the value of the car now that it has been in an accident.That must be disclosed upon selling the vehicle.

sorry to hear that woman did that to you and lied. I just e-mailed the wife to get the camera put in the car at all times.

Ray W

Oct 28, 2000
Reaction score
Fort Lauderdale,FL USA
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

Sorry to see your baby hurt. Trouble seems to always be lurking
when you feel most comfortable & relaxed. I have done as follows.

1.Contacted both my and their insurance company.

2.Instructed my company that I would handle my claim and do not
for any reason settle any claim made by the other party.

3.Take pictures and handle all correspondence certified mail.

4.Get car repaired to your liking and prefferably Dodge dealer
because this will add legitamcy.

5.Pay the bill yourself. Keep all removed parts.

6.Send them copy of cashed check and paid bill,demand full
payment. Remind them the insurance commissioner would like
them to act in good faith.

7.Accept nothing less.

Results: a.You get paid.
b.They make you an offer(consider the fact it is
repaired to your satisfaction)and remember what we
tell our children "life isn't always fair".
c.Take them to court,judges usually will uphold paid
repairs done by upstanding companies.

Good Luck,Ray

Performin Norman

Mar 13, 2001
Reaction score
Lee's Summit, MO, US
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

As many of you know, I am in the insurance business. One of my big pet peaves is that police officers won't do their frickin jobs and write tickets. They do the neglegent party a huge favor and the innocent party always gets screwed. If they would issue a ticket, there would be no compromise on the claim.

I have told many of my clients that if I get into an accident, I WILL tell the police that it involved an injury. PERIOD. I want their lame butts at the scene.

Now that I am off my soap box... Chris, don't worry too much. With your pictures, you should be fine. It just amazes me that mankind is like this. I wonder why I don't like people much? Hmmmm You do the math. I deal with these lying POSs every day.


Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC, USA
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

Happy belated birthday. Nice gift, huh?

Here's a piece of advice - call your insurance company. Quick story. When we sold our Camaro SS, Henry was driving the buyer to his credit union to sign the papers and get the check. He backed out of a parking place, was shifting into first, and saw a Tahoe backing at him. He hit the horn, but was unable to get the car into first and get out of the way. The older man driving the car apologized and said he did not even see him. That is, until the cops got there - then he was like "How do I know that you did not 'zoom' out of your parking place and hit me. You were not there when I looked back and started out." etc etc etc. The cop would not write a ticket - private property - not obvious, etc. We immediately called our insurance company (Fireman's Fund - discussed how happy we are withthem here before...). Told them the situation (and we had a witness - the new owner!). They asked us a few questions - like "is your car sratched?" Yes. "Well then you were not moving! And we'll get the other company to pay. Leave it to us." And they did. Other insurance co - Allstate - was pretty cool - wrote us a check on the spot - it covered the repairs (we have a friend...) and the buyer completed the transaction a few weeks later than expected.

I would contact he cop and talk directly to him and explain the situation. The station should have records on who responded. And talk to your insurance company. We found that in cases like this - it separates the good ones from the bad ones. Yeah, your insurance company COULD pay, but that is not RIGHT and its the principle of the thing, right? Its not about the money, its about doing the right thing and its about your insurance company working for YOU.

Hope this helps. Your car will be good as new. Get the new wheel, too. Let us know if any of us can help.

Matt M PA

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Langhorne, PA USA
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

Wow Chris....sorry to hear about that. I would demand that an accident report get written. In PA, if the Police come to a wreck, I beleive they are required to write a report. Also, in just seeing the pictures, it should be obvious to anyone that your car did not magically lift, turn sideways, and then hit her car. She is obviously at fault. A friend's Dad had a similar situtation where the woman acted very upset at the scene and later sued him. She hit his car at the driver's side quarter with her right fender. Needless to say....she lost in the end. Good luck.


Jun 19, 2001
Reaction score
Western New York, USA
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

can you go back to the PD and file a complaint against the officer? If you can i would !! that is just wrong...
what ever happend to blind justice?
your a female and cry so no ticket??
if it was you on the otherside of it I am sure you would not have cried and you would have gotten the ticket for hitting the innocent female!!

Venom Lover

Oct 2, 2000
Reaction score
Santa Barbara, CA USA
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

Sorry to hear about this, Chris! Reading that story really upset me. I can only imagine what it's like for you, and I'm sorry it ruined your birthday.

I don't really have much to add beyond what has already been said by way of advice, but I would talk to JonB about how to work the car value adjustment. I would insist on a new wheel if I were you.

It makes me lose faith in humanity when I hear stories like this. I count my blessings, because the last accident I was in, which was in my Lotus Esprit SE, involved some lady backing out of a driveway into the front quarter panel of my car. She admitted she was at fault on the spot and stuck by her story. It never occurred to me to think how much different the experience would've been if she told her insurance company otherwise. I had no witnesses, no photos, nothing other than the fact that it is implausible the damage could've been done in any way other than her backing into my car. But that obviously doesn't stop some people from lying.

It does blow my mind that the cop was adament about not writing this lady a ticket. I'm sorry, but that is just not right!!!!

Oh, well....Hang in there, Chris. You will get over this, and it will work out OK for you in the end, even though it's a pain in the a$$ right now.


Oct 15, 2000
Reaction score
Monterey, Ca, USA
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

Joseph is giving you good advice- report the accident to your insurance company - I belieive the law requires you report any accident you are involved in within 48 hrs to your insurance carrier.

They then go to battle with their legal staff.
Insist a police report be written by the Officer.
Stop talking to their insurance adjuster - take the car to your insurance carriers adjuster - that is the person that will correctly determine the value of the damage.

I have been down this road twice both times successfully - neither time have I shown the damage to the other persons insurance adjuster - even got the other persons insurance carrier to pay my deductable.


Oct 16, 2000
Reaction score
Chula Vista, CA USA
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)


That SUX!

If I have told my wife once, I have told her 1000 times -
They always change their story the next day! They talk to their
friends or agents and then all of a sudden you hit them!!!!
At least you got pictures.

Sorry about your Birth Day




Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

1) A new wheel is a 100% must, but there is more-

2) Corvette Dave gave 1000% solid advice. "Pre-Loss Condition" is the norm. ie LIKE NEW, not refinished. PartsRack has had 2 clients who received wheel PAIRS to match...damaged one wheel.

3) Dont forget the tire. Ask the underwriter to put in writing that he has inspected the sidewall and warrants it has not been damaged -including concealed or bead damage- and maitains its Z-Y speed rating. Your life and passenegrs' is at stake, and in the adjusters hands....TELL HIM SO.

4) Most important: Get to Woodhouse Dodge and his AMAZING Viper alignment machine. Get a 4-wheel alignment done.

5) Examine wheel hub / splines / axles / Control arms carefully.


Lessons for all here:

Carry a disposable camera with a flash under a seat. The mere $15 can save a FORTUNE. Take pix from all approach angles, and close-ups as Chris did.

If you jammed a finger, tapped your head on a doorjamb, broke a nail, sprained an ankle when braking hard, etc, always report that.

GET A POLICE REPORT ! They must report all accident responses, if only on their log. GET THE REPORT. If it is a FALSE report, or negligently incomplete, then go further, but only with their Sergeant at first. Keep it among precinct cops unless you get jammed. Tell em that's what you are doing.

GOOD LUCK and happy etc etc

Steve Ferguson

Aug 4, 2000
Reaction score
Burr Ridge, IL
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

Start everything by putting it in writing (insurance companies love paper?). Send a letter to the station, officer and the States Attorney (since a crime occurred, yet remained unpunished). Send all of this into your insurance company for their file. You can even print the story you posted here as evidence. Can you get any tire marks back at the scene? Those always help. How is your driving record? That always gets consideration, even though it shouldn't?

Let me know if you need my people to look at it (National Accident Insurance Underwriters, Inc.)


Jul 31, 2001
Reaction score
Raleigh, NC USA
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

I wouldn't suggest telling your insurance company you track the car and therefore require a new wheel for high speed safety...



Oct 8, 2000
Reaction score
New York
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Oh Chris, what is there to say, that is just terrible, we all feel for you. Don't let to those who tell you, Oh it's just a car, it can be fixed, bother you!!! GRRRR!! We know how you feel, it's not just a car, it's a VIPER!!! Although, I suppose it could have been even worse, just think, the whole thing could have happened the day before your 40th birthday!! I've heard that's a rough one to deal with, imagine having to add the damage to your baby on top of turning the big 40!!!!

Perhaps you shouldn't be so ******* the young girl, Her change of story may have been on the "Advice" of her insurance company. Who knows what they said to her.
I hope it all works out for you, and Happy Birthday again!!!


Viper Owner
Sep 25, 2001
Reaction score
Hollywood, CA
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

My Mom valet parked her one year old car at the Ritz Carlton only to have an unlicensed valet driver run a lincoln into it. The impact was sufficient to slide her car into another car then those two cars into another car and so on until four cars plus the lincoln were sandwiched together. Here frame was bent, roof and sides crushed. The Ritz apologized, promised her a new car then dragged their feet for about 7 months. She just got her old car back from the shop last month. That's right, she did not get a new car. The Ritz paid for some of the rental car fee but my mom ended up having to pay for a few months of it. She told me the other day that she is scared to drive the car because it "doesn't feel right". If I can dig up pictures of her car I will post them. It is enough to make you never want to go to the Ritz again.


Oct 7, 2000
Reaction score
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by 'VIPERESS':
Perhaps you shouldn't be so ******* the young girl, Her change of story may have been on the "Advice" of her insurance company. Who knows what they said to her.

Nice. It's o.k. to lie and try to rip somebody off because a third party told you to.


Oct 8, 2000
Reaction score
New York
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kid97GTS:
Nice. It's o.k. to lie and try to rip somebody off because a third party told you to.

Oh Kid Chill Out,
Be real! Of course that is not what I am saying, of course it's never right to rip someone off. I'm simply saying that perhaps she is not aware of what her insurance guy is trying to pull; or perhaps she is too young, and naive, to realize what they are having her do; or maybe the fact of the matter is she is a heartless, cold $itch
But nonetheless, I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt. You have yourself a fine day.

Jay Herbert

Dec 7, 1997
Reaction score
Sunnyvale, CA
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

There is a LOT of good advice in this thread. to reiterate:

1) Get the ticket written!
2) Check the frame and suspension. If she hit the rear wheel that squarely, the potential for frame and suspension (from a-arms all the way to the dif.) damage is very real.
3) You will be working with the insurance of the person that hit you. They will look at your car give you an estimate and then the dickering will commence!
4) You can select the repair facility.
5) Contact your insurance co. to let them know about the accident.
6) Usually the repaiar facility will help work out differences with the insurance co.

The police report/ticket and the information on it is very important..... My wife pulled onto a main street after STOPPING at a stop sign, a person was flying down the street a maybe 70 in a 35 zone (cresting a hill), they slammed on their brakes, left maybe 100 feet of skid marks, and plowed into the REAR of my my wife's car.....

The officer did not write the skid mark info on the ticket that she GAVE my wife (officer was a friend of the speeder)..... In the end, the speeder got off scott free, AND she got 14K out of the insurance co. for her "headache" (she was not wearing her seatbelt and she smacked her windshield). The REAL sad part was this was the speeders third totaled car in less than a year. For some reason, none of the accidents were her fault
Why? Her dad is on the city council and owns the towns furniture store.... small town politics, gotta love it.

Paul Fischer

Sep 28, 2000
Reaction score
Texas, USA
Re: Happy frickin\' birthday (sad photos)

Went through some real B.S. with my insurance co. Allstate when my Snake got bent. They called four dealers who had'nt sold Vipers for damage quotes, put words in their mouths and offered that junk as comparables. I went to the dealers, all disavowed the figures provided in their names (except a wholesaler which are proscribed by law from being a source for such comps). Bill Pemberton and S.W. among others came to my aid with real world figures and info, Allstate adjusted it's offer up significantly.

You played the situation well Chris having your camera at hand and keeping a cool head. I tend to stick around until the citations are finished in such events just to make sure no b.s. slips onto the paper work.

I remember one day a lady backed up into me, I was in a 62 Rolls with a bumper that could pull stumps. She didn't damage my car but put a couple of toaster sized dings in the back of hers. The expression on her face in her rearview as she did a double take at the little lady on my radiator recognising what she had just hit was priceless. Perhaps I hope in vain that she was a little more careful in traffic after that but I would think that anyone driving kids around in a vehicle would have better driving judgement that the gal that drove into you. But then it's likely I would be wrong...

Like the pilots say "Any landing you walk away from is a good one...".