I'll do a little more digging when I get the new sensors in. The engine side of the harness should all still be in the original location and tied off, but with 135,000+ miles on the car it's always possible something has moved around or chafed over the years. I did trim the heat shields and put them back over my headers to try to keep things reasonably well protected as well, but they don't cover everything or fit quite as nicely as stock. I'm also not sure if I've ever replaced the rear O2s since I've had the car, so based on just lifespan alone it probably wouldn't hurt to swap them out. The fronts I know I've done before, but figured I'd also take a closer look at their wiring and specs while I'm in there.
Once I get the old ones out I'll have to look them over closer as well. Based on what I could see under the car, the wiring is still in pretty good shape and has the braided loom still intact the full length on the sensors. No obvious rub marks or anything like that and I didn't see anything for them to rub on either the way they are installed, but the resistance values speak for themselves, so something must be up with them. I'll test the new ones fresh out of the box as well for a sanity check. I know I've probably had them uninstalled several times over the years as I was messing with my exhaust, so entirely possible I just damaged them at some point. My sensor bungs in the header turnouts are actually just anti-foulers welded into the pipe to start with, so not sure if that could make any difference on the longevity of the sensor or not.