I am having similar issues with an 06 coupe I just bought, had 3 sensors "not ready" o2, o2 heater and evap. The o2 is ready now after a few drives but the os heater and
evap still show not ready, I have full Belanger with rear o2 sims so it sounds like the os heat will never show ready. In Utah they will pass with one not ready so I need to get
the evap ready, will try the idle for longer than a few minutes.
O2 Sims will not ever allow the heaters to pass. Evap will not run until Heater passes.
Starting with O2 and Catalyst already passed from Sims...
-Allow the car to cool overnight stone cold.
-Remove Sims, and install downstream O2's, allow them to dangle.
-Start car. Allow to idle until full operating temp is reached. [Should pass heater]
-Bring idle to 1500ish, and hold for about 2 minutes. [Should pass EVAP]
-Turn off car, remove key.
-DO NOT TOUCH IGNITION for at least 15 minutes.
-Plug in a scanner, and check if monitors are all passed.
-If at least heater monitor is passed, swap back to the sims with the key off- EVAP will run later if not.
-Heater monitor will remain passed for a few hundred miles, as long as a CEL is not set.
-Get inspected ASAP.
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