As you have read, lots of folks speak for folks and so on. I stand alone when it comes to a performance guarantee and an affordable price.
My packages are based upon many months of design and testing ON MY OWN CARS, BY MYSELF, not by watching someone else from the stands!
I call out to all tuners to match my pricing and performance with a guarantee, as thats what I was looking for when I myself was a customer searching for viper upgrades. This continues to be one of my corporate missions.
My company and our packages are about TOTAL HORSEPOWER. With our cam grinds(which will work well with stock static compression and be very driveable) are designed for 520 rwhp with our heads and exhaust.........but what sets us apart is when others are done and on the edge at 600hp to the rear wheels we have another guaranteed and safe 175 horsepower to boot! TOTAL HORSEPOWER.
Why have your engine beating its bearings out day in and day out from the rigors of part duty requirements to have 600 hp, just to be outperformed by a 500 hp engine like mine on nitrous? for half the price? Beleive me, if it was easy everyone would be offering it! We have been using nitrous successfully for over 20 years. Thats experience that you don't get from reading a magazine article.
Ask around about how long it has taken some of these "engine package" customers to get their cars back from seemingly far reaches of anytown USA. Ask did they make advertised power. Ask did they get everything as promised. Ask about repairs of these higher maintenance pieces, who does them near you, if anyone and so on. Ask about warranty-guarantee. When you think you have asked every question, ask a few more. Don't settle for anything less than PROOF OF PERFORMANCE in writing and accompanied by video of the products in action. You can find some tuners with this information on their websites. Some tuners don't have websites. Ask to speak with customers of each tuner.
Anyways, Im climbing down from my high-horse and my blood pressure is returning to normal. Good luck with your search and remember that when you are ready, we will pick up your car, modifiy it to make 520 RWHP GUARANTEED, and deliver it back to you for $8,900.00. The best part is, for another $ 1,749.00 + labor you can have another 170 RWHP with no other modification needed!