Bad Asp,
If it is a GTS, do this. See if your rear defroster light works (above the shifter), when you press it in.... If it doesn't, your fuse blew. They use the same fuse (can't remember the number)... You now have the task of finding out WHY the fuse blew.... Bad connection at reverse light bulb, or bad reverse switch at tranny. Put in a new fuse (Fuse is located under steering wheel towards door - you will see the panel to remove), leave car in NUETRAL. After new fuse is inserted, try your defroster (Car still in nuetral) - Does it light? I bet it does. Now put your car in reverse. I bet you hear the fuse blow. If so, I believe it must be a bad connection at the bulbs (clean contact and replace bulbs), or a bad reverse switch (replace). Of course you could get lucky, and not blow the new fuse - but I doubt it....