Help!!! need some opinions on the viper for my next car


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Clear Lake, TX
Just drove my friends lambo its stick i was totally fine in it. I know it has the hp but are the driving experiences totally different? Btw smile from ear to ear that car was amazing. One downfall it cant play burnt cd's lol weird but whatever its now the best car i have driven.
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C'mon. Seriously? You drove a Lambo so you post a pic like this?:rolleyes::rolaugh: I dont see how anyone at this point still cares to take your posts on a serious note. Oh, and BTW, that Lambo doesnt look like a manual tranny. I see NO shifter.

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May 9, 2008
Reaction score
Boucherville, Quebec, Canada
Just drove my friends lambo its stick i was totally fine in it. I know it has the hp but are the driving experiences totally different? Btw smile from ear to ear that car was amazing. One downfall it cant play burnt cd's lol weird but whatever its now the best car i have driven.
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Nice driving shoes !!!

Cop Magnet

Jun 11, 2003
Reaction score
Kenilworth, IL
This is quite an interesting thread. It's all quite funny actually. What's most impressive is the time some members have taken with exceptional advice! Several posts were precisely on target.

The problem you've encountered Mr. Gold (and you already taken some account it this) is how you presented yourself in your initial posts. Most have ignored your prominent adolescent tendencies in addressing your concerns, but it surely doesn't help your case. Everything about your VCA persona (all self created mind you) suggests that you are the quintessential "accident in waiting" Viper seeker.

Just as a suggestion, why not presume that we've all already "been there, done that" when you post? The false hubris puts you in SUCH a poor light. Yet, despite those typical "Jersey Shore" posting pitfalls, you are receiving a great many serious and considered responses.

As far as my opinion, I believe you should fear your attitude more than interior cabin heat. If you can set that aside, Viper ownership will be nothing but a "charm". :2tu:

you cant ask do i need to buy one or no nor you can compare it to anything out there.

either you want it deep inside or a piece of advice its not for you.

i bought my first Viper back in 2001, could bought a lambo or a Ferrari back then but nothing stopped me from buying the Viper.

thats how bad i wanted the Viper and with this amazing Viper community how can i be wrong ?

Ah, the diversity that is the VCA.
Eloquence to incomprehension.
Seeing these posts back to back makes me want to cry.


Viper Owner
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
East Coast, NC
Great Choice on a Viper!!!

I just want to say hang in there. Don't pay any attention to all the haters that are trying to razz you a bit on here. They are just envious of you. I mean anyone so successful at your age, how could you not be, and to mention you did it all on your own too! I am very proud of you personally. I mean come on.... YOU own a CLK500 as a Daily Driver,,, your parrents paid for you to go to FSU for 4 years and party-earning a Batchelors Degree,,, You are living with your semi famous/iconic girlfriend ("Super Hot!"),,, you AND HER live together in a BEAUTIFUL 3 and I mean F-ing THREE story townhouse,,, you got a GREAT JOB,,, you are in GREAT SHAPE,,, Your DAD pays for ALL YOUR GAS,,, your brother has a $150,000 aston martin vantage conv,,, you drive your friends LAMBOS,,, your a heterosexual,,, you earn cash from your Dad the Hard Way (Hard-Earned-Cash),,, and did I mention you have a semi Famous/Iconic Girlfriend that you live with in a Awesome 3 story, and I mean THREE
story townhouse!!!

The only reason why anyone here is hating on you is because you said you really can't drive a manual trans, you are 24, and you have no credit. That's it man! Just don't listen to them. There is a lot of other car forums that offer good info on Vipers around here. One that you might like is Good luck with your purchase on either the M3 or the Viper. Either are Very Nice Cars for sure! Personally I would choose the Viper.


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Clear Lake, TX
Great Choice on a Viper!!!

I just want to say hang in there. Don't pay any attention to all the haters that are trying to razz you a bit on here. They are just envious of you. I mean anyone so successful at your age, how could you not be, and to mention you did it all on your own too! I am very proud of you personally. I mean come on.... YOU own a CLK500 as a Daily Driver,,, your parrents paid for you to go to FSU for 4 years and party-earning a Batchelors Degree,,, You are living with your semi famous/iconic girlfriend ("Super Hot!"),,, you AND HER live together in a BEAUTIFUL 3 and I mean F-ing THREE story townhouse,,, you got a GREAT JOB,,, you are in GREAT SHAPE,,, Your DAD pays for ALL YOUR GAS,,, your brother has a $150,000 aston martin vantage conv,,, you drive your friends LAMBOS,,, your a heterosexual,,, you earn cash from your Dad the Hard Way (Hard-Earned-Cash),,, and did I mention you have a semi Famous/Iconic Girlfriend that you live with in a Awesome 3 story, and I mean THREE
story townhouse!!!

The only reason why anyone here is hating on you is because you said you really can't drive a manual trans, you are 24, and you have no credit. That's it man! Just don't listen to them. There is a lot of other car forums that offer good info on Vipers around here. One that you might like is Good luck with your purchase on either the M3 or the Viper. Either are Very Nice Cars for sure! Personally I would choose the Viper.

If its possible to choke on water, I just did.:rolaugh:


Jul 25, 2005
Reaction score
Columbia, SC
Great Choice on a Viper!!!

I just want to say hang in there. Don't pay any attention to all the haters that are trying to razz you a bit on here. They are just envious of you. I mean anyone so successful at your age, how could you not be, and to mention you did it all on your own too! I am very proud of you personally. I mean come on.... YOU own a CLK500 as a Daily Driver,,, your parrents paid for you to go to FSU for 4 years and party-earning a Batchelors Degree,,, You are living with your semi famous/iconic girlfriend ("Super Hot!"),,, you AND HER live together in a BEAUTIFUL 3 and I mean F-ing THREE story townhouse,,, you got a GREAT JOB,,, you are in GREAT SHAPE,,, Your DAD pays for ALL YOUR GAS,,, your brother has a $150,000 aston martin vantage conv,,, you drive your friends LAMBOS,,, your a heterosexual,,, you earn cash from your Dad the Hard Way (Hard-Earned-Cash),,, and did I mention you have a semi Famous/Iconic Girlfriend that you live with in a Awesome 3 story, and I mean THREE
story townhouse...
I just want to say that our friend Zex here has summed up our "problem(s)" with you quite nicely. However, since his response might be a bit subtle for you, do let me elucidate this point a bit more clearly.

You came here asking for advice, specifically advice on whether you should buy one of the world's most powerful sports cars, despite your admitted inadequacy with a manual transmission. Well, you are not the first to do that, and there is nothing wrong with that part of the matter; had you left it at that, you would have received some good advice, likely a few snide comments about inability to drive a stick, and that would have been that. However, for reasons I can take a guess at, you, in what I can only describe as an infinite lack of judgment and maturity, also decided it would be a fine idea to cover up whatever sense of personal inadequacy you might feel by discussing your lifestyle, and posting photos of your NBA dancer "girlfriend". When this failed to have the effect you were hoping for, you of course assumed that we here were simply "jealous old haters" ("cynical b@stards") was the term you used, as I recall). Well, the truth is, we are neither jealous, nor especially impressed, beyond the obvious demonstration of your emotional (as opposed to chronological) age.

I have given you some advice on the car; now, in view of your adolescent attitude, I feel compelled to give you some advice on being a man, which most of the members of our gender who populate this site (some of them not much, if any, older than you chronologically speaking) actually are. Most of us here have achieved some measure of financial and social success, some earlier, some later, and what we have learned from the process, is that when you have it, it is quite unnecessary to flaunt it. We, jealous of YOU? I know enough members here personally, to say that quite a few have achieved more economic success, (and enjoyed the company of more fine women) than you will ever know; they just don't brag about it. You see, REAL MEN don't do that; they understand that success is not measured by money, or possessions, or status, but in real accomplishment, the genuine esteem of good friends, and above all, character. In the end, it is not what you GET that matters, but what you GIVE in the process. You will figure that out, if you live long enough, though I'm sorry to say that should you take the maturity level you have displayed here behind the wheel of a Viper, I am less than optimistic about your doing that last.

Oh, one last thing; any REAL MAN fortunate enough to earn the love of a beautiful woman thinks of her as just a bit more than a piece of eye candy, or a nice trophy with which to impress others. If you care about her, remember she's supposed to be your soulmate, not a possession or a tool; if you don't, let her go, before she figures out how shallow you are, and dumps you. Now grow up!


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
Btw guys please keep your likes / dislikes of the car coming that was what i was originally looking for. Really just wanna know if you had it to do all over again would you still buy a viper?

I have..... 15 times so far. I was your first reply, and my advice stands. SnakeChamr and I got our first Vipers the same month in 93 I believe...and I agree with his advice as well.

But I still think it aint for you: Finances, Skills, and Maturity would be a bonus that TIME brings. But if you insist : The BEST value on an SRT is an 03 Red in WA at $39K, in the classifieds. Spend another $2200 on delivery tho...
Last edited:


Legacy\Supporting Vendor
Supporting Vendor
Dec 8, 1997
Reaction score
Columbia River Gorge
WILDASP POST SHOULD BE ARCHIVED in the Sticky Thread for NEw Owners. SPOT-ON

Please allow an old man to give you some advice here. First of all, let me say that the exhaust heat and lack of traction control are the least of your worries. The first can be easily fixed with exhaust mods; the second, well, in a car with 500+hp, frankly, it serves mainly to induce false confidence in a novice driver. Drive a Viper properly, and you won't need it; drive it improperly, and all the electronic nannies in the world won't save your bacon. If you like the car, and can afford it, by all means, get one; I'm on my fourth Snake, and have enjoyed every one. Now that we have that out of the way; let's talk about what is REALLY important here: keeping your Viper, and you, in one piece.

As you put it, this is "not all that complicated", but there are a few pieces of "not all that complicated" knowledge that many of us here have accumulated from years of driving ultra-high performance cars which just might be worth your attention. The cause of most Viper crashes can be found between the seat, and the steering wheel. Failure to believe that can and has caused more than a few before you to become unfortunate statistics. Here are some things that may help keep you from becoming one of them:

ATTITUDE - A small amount of nagging fear in the back of your mind is a GOOD thing. This is a serious car, different from anything you have driven. It absolutely DEMANDS your respect at all times, whether you are an experienced competitor, or a sports car novice, whether you are 24, or 64. This means that before you strap in, shut the door, and push the start button, you make sure you park your ego outside, and leave it there. Ego, and showing off, have caused a number of crashes.

EXPERIENCE - If you have it, it won't hurt to get more; if you don't have it, get it. Go to a good racing/high performance driving school, and absorb what you learn there. This will not only make you a better driver on the street; it will also give you the basic competence to start tracking the car. There is no way you can safely fully enjoy or appreciate the performance capabilities of a Viper on public roads; the street is a far more dangerous environment than the track!

FOCUS - It is a very, very bad idea to drive a Viper with your mind and body not fully engaged with the task. This means your hands need to be on the wheel and gearshift only, not occupied with eating, drinking, a cell phone, or anything else (that includes your girlfriend), and your mind needs to be fully alert and paying attention, not off woolgathering. The Viper is very sensitive to sudden inputs, whether steering, throttle, or brake; handle her roughly, or carelessly, and she can be a harsh, unforgiving, and jealous mistress.

TIRES - TIRES are absolutely CRITICAL on a Viper. Should you get an 05 or 06, it may well have its original runflats. Change them immediately! No matter how good the tread, CHANGE THEM! Old tires get hard, and don't grip as well, and those four contact patches, (which have less area than your own hands and feet), are the only thing holding your Snake (and you) to the road. Check your tire pressures each time you gas up (at a minimum). Also be sure to get your tires properly warmed up before doing anything enthusiastic with the throttle; cold tires and sudden throttle application are a "Viper Bite" waiting to happen! It is quite possible to do a 180 degree (or more) spin under these circumstances (yes, at 30mph in 2nd gear, and in a straight line!), as many before you have learned, the hard way! Read it, and believe it!

SELF-CONTROL=CAR CONTROL - I'd tell you this, if you were twice your stated age! Some people do stupid things around a Viper! Expect everything from challenges to race, to comments, to stares, to aggressive driving by others. NEVER, EVER, respond to this with more than a rev and a friendly wave! You can't control what idiots do, but you CAN control what YOU do; it's not worth losing your license, not worth wrecking your Snake, and definitely not worth your life (or anyone else's). If you're going to drive a serious driver's car, act like a serious driver: be polite, be courteous, be friendly, be safe! Don't let pride in your ride make you act like a ****!

I tell you these things, not to discourage you, but to keep you safe, and to remind you that with great horsepower comes great responsibility. Every one of us here was once a newbie too. We want you to be a part of the Viper Nation; a live, safe, responsible part!

Now, good luck with the search!


Dec 4, 2009
Reaction score

I posted very similiar questions to this forum and got a completely different respond. You know why? i was humble and tried to take in everything i could. You? youve been an immature show off.

I dont think you should buy a viper, NOT because your not good at stick , as im buying a viper and i don even know how to drive a stick. or because your 24 with no credit, or because if you get in trouble with the payments daddy might or might not help you.

no.. you SHOULDNT drive a viper because if you are this insecure show off that you come off ont his forum, with posting pics of ur gf and cars you dont own or money or credit u dont even have. because if you need to show off and "prove" your self this much on a forum, what about the first **** who comes to the light and revs on you? and you feel the need to show them off and hit the gas peddle lose control and then pile into a bunch of kids going to the mall for christmas shopping with there families.

you shouldnt drive a viper not because of your driving skills or money, you shouldnt drive one because the size of your ego is bigger then the size of the engine of the viper your buying. Good luck to you and i hope you make the right decision.


Jul 10, 2009
Reaction score
Poconos Pennsylvania
ok after reading through 4 pages oops i ment four pages. Ive come to a couple of conclusions. at first i was interested in this post bc i thought i could help someone wanting to buy a viper. but the more i read on i just could not stop laughing. gold ill put it to you this way you are a joke, maybe you should be interested in buy in a ford fiesta. i think that fits your personallity better. You start off in the beginnig by saying your only here for advice and not to brag or boast. No body cares about your girlfrend who i personally think is ugly. so you can bag that head. no one cares about your 3 story house. none of us care about your dad and your friends either. i am younger than you and i see why you got the reaction you did. you present yourself as a stuck up little rich kid. if you where so specail you would have had a viper long time ago. do us all a favor. if your going to driver a viper on the street that way you present yourself on the internet dont waste your time. You wont last long. and as far as any of us being haters goes. just remember we already own vipers. what would be the logic in us hating on you. thats it for now ill check back soon to see how your search is going. good luck.


Aug 23, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys,
Im thinking about buying an 05-07 viper for my next car. It will be mostly a daily driver but i work less than five minutes from my house. I currently drive an 05 CLK500 but its time for a change. I have never owned a true sports car and cant drive stick that great. I can get from a-b in a manual im just not great at it yet since i have never owned a manual car. Im very young only 24 having just graduated from FSU and am currently living with my gf in a beautiful 3 story townhouse i just bought in weston Fl. I got a great job and because of this recession can now afford almost anything i want pre-owned. I have always been a car nut and dreamed of the day i could own a car such as a viper. Plus florida is such a great place for a roadster . My family says a more practical m5 or 650 conv. would be better. But i just cant get over the deal i can get on my dream car. Its cheeper with better milage than anything that compares and in my mind blows them outta the water. Its just do i go practical or get my dream and just wait a few months upgrade my girl to some sort of suv and call it a day using hers whenever i have to. Help me i am so confused! Also does the lack of traction control and exhaust heat make you not want to drive it sometimes cause it would be my daily driver????

That'd be about the worst DD you could buy. I have an 08 vert and an 08 Z06...the Z makes a great DD, but the Viper ***** for a DD. As some have said, try it out before you buy, if it's going to be a DD...I can't see using this thing for a DD - no way. This is the furthest thing from "practical" you're ever going to buy.

Red Snake

Feb 18, 2007
Reaction score
Great Choice on a Viper!!!

I just want to say hang in there. Don't pay any attention to all the haters that are trying to razz you a bit on here. They are just envious of you. I mean anyone so successful at your age, how could you not be, and to mention you did it all on your own too! I am very proud of you personally. I mean come on.... YOU own a CLK500 as a Daily Driver,,, your parrents paid for you to go to FSU for 4 years and party-earning a Batchelors Degree,,, You are living with your semi famous/iconic girlfriend ("Super Hot!"),,, you AND HER live together in a BEAUTIFUL 3 and I mean F-ing THREE story townhouse,,, you got a GREAT JOB,,, you are in GREAT SHAPE,,, Your DAD pays for ALL YOUR GAS,,, your brother has a $150,000 aston martin vantage conv,,, you drive your friends LAMBOS,,, your a heterosexual,,, you earn cash from your Dad the Hard Way (Hard-Earned-Cash),,, and did I mention you have a semi Famous/Iconic Girlfriend that you live with in a Awesome 3 story, and I mean THREE
story townhouse!!!

The only reason why anyone here is hating on you is because you said you really can't drive a manual trans, you are 24, and you have no credit. That's it man! Just don't listen to them. There is a lot of other car forums that offer good info on Vipers around here. One that you might like is Good luck with your purchase on either the M3 or the Viper. Either are Very Nice Cars for sure! Personally I would choose the Viper.


Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score
Did he rent a Viper yet?
Is he the guy who crashed the Viper in Tampa/FL?


Feb 18, 2009
Reaction score
Since the viper came out i always dreamed of owning it. Specially when the 03+ body came out. I finally own an 06 coupe today, but I cant ever see me daily driving it. its too impractical, too uncomfortable. I like taking it out on a weekend when theirs no traffic, or go to the beach at night with my gf.


Jun 13, 2005
Reaction score
Rochester, NY
I dont think he's comin' back.

I think you are right Austin... His dad and brother probably refused to co-sign for him. :nono:

Cop Magnet.... It was awesome that you posted his girlfriend's pics along with commentary after he invited us to. :lmao:What kind of person brags about his gf when asking advice about buying a Viper anyway?


May 29, 2003
Reaction score
Clear Lake, TX
I think you are right Austin... His dad and brother probably refused to co-sign for him. :nono:

Cop Magnet.... It was awesome that you posted his girlfriend's pics along with commentary after he invited us to. :lmao:What kind of person brags about his gf when asking advice about buying a Viper anyway?

He just sent me a PM and stated that he has decided to get a Prius. He said its easier to drive in his flippy floppies.


Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
Miami, FL
In his defense, I drive my Viper wearing flip flops sometimes. I usually drive barefoot because my feet are too wide with shoes on.

If you're going to pick on something in that picture, make note of the fact that he spends all his gym time on his arms, and apparently none on those toothpicks sticking out of his cargo shorts.

Vitruvian Man does not approve.


Oct 10, 2007
Reaction score
Dallas, TX
That'd be about the worst DD you could buy. I have an 08 vert and an 08 Z06...the Z makes a great DD, but the Viper ***** for a DD. As some have said, try it out before you buy, if it's going to be a DD...I can't see using this thing for a DD - no way. This is the furthest thing from "practical" you're ever going to buy.


I'm loving my daily driven 08 Viper. Sort of like a hot girlfriend, with a great body and personality, but tends to make comments that make you do a facepalm. Not perfect, but damned if I didn't enjoy being with her everyday :2tu:


Jul 15, 2001
Reaction score
Please make it sticky - to be read by every :newbie:

Otherwise, more :spank:

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