hi guys and girls, i posted in the thread (beginning of a very bad thread), the poster really didn't have many good things to say about the gen III and where dc is going with the viper. my main statement is gen I, II and III are and always will be vipers. before i purchased and until i received my gen III i felt the same way most of you who have posted felt. it does take awhile to get use to the new body style but really no other cars really come close to looking like the gen III's up close. it still looks mean and very aggressive. i went to a cruise in last friday and was really surprized of the reactions the car was getting. the guy who purchased my 02 rt/10 met me there, we had both cars side by side with hoods open and all liked both cars. biggest thing out of their mouths ( WOW I ALWAYS WANTED A VIPER ) thing is i love all vipers, no matter the generation and will in time purchase another gen II to complement my gen III. also the shock and awe really is no different, which has surprized me by the way. if you have not had the chance drive one sometime, i think you might just feel a little different about it. for those who think its more a everyday driver, for one its much hotter inside then my 02 ever was and i wouldn't ever trust leaving the car parked without being able to see it at all times. one last note, i went downtown where i live to pick up something from my printers and was parking it along main street. a man and his son's were watching as i parked, when i got out they came over to me asking if it was a ferrari, now if thats the new responce for the gen III, well i can live with that. hope this leaves you all with something positive, now come all SHOW ME THE LOVE BROTHERS.