My receiver is positioned to go through the fake slot in the bumper and positioned just under the trunk floor. This means the hitch pin is vertically located in a hole in the trunk floor between the spare tire and the rearward wall of the trunk.
The trunk and bumper are slightly arched, so the cross piece must be slightly bowed out. The bolts attaching it to the frame ends are accessible through the open, outer bumper slots.
Since the turn signals are yellow, you need to get the converter box to get the red trailer turn signals to function. I connected to the wiring harness at the passenger side in the trunk and push the wires between the inner and outer skins when not being used. I used a razor to cut a slit (not a hole) in the large rubber plug on the passenger side to pass the trailer plug through when towing. Once through the slit, you can reach and pull it through the right side open bumper slot.
Besides tires, it opens the option for extended vacations, trips to Home Depot, hay for the animals, bicycles, or smaller parade floats. I'll let you all ponder how many of those I've really done.