All of you skeptical Viper guys are 100% correct in your doubts. Additional / redundant ground circuits don't help anything unless there's a problem with the existing ground circuit. Ground circuit faults can cause many false codes, driveability concerns, and whatever else. Remember, the ground is one half of the circuit. But there is NO WAY adding ground wires to your ride is gonna increase the output of the motor. Adding ground wires to the injectors is really stupid. (the injector driver circuits are ground side switched-ASD relay supplies battery voltage to one side of the injector, and the PCM opens and closes the injector by turning on and off the ground side.) The bodies of these injectors are plastic anyway. He's talking about adding wires to the injector mounting bolts (there's no bolts on the injectors). On and on and on, I have spent countless hours chasing ground-based drivability problems with a lab scope and/or multi-meter, repaired many, many vehicles without any parts replacement, fixing ground circuits. But for some odd reason, in almost 30 years in the auto service industry, I have yet to see an increase in any horsepower from adding grounds. -Allan -ASE certified master technician, L1 certified (advanced engine performance / drivability)