Here's why some guys are saying we're being trolled. Because if your motivation to buy ANY car is the attention it gets then you are a shallow Hal. Plus, it's pretty well known that the Viper grabs a lot of attention. So some are thinking your a Vette guy come here to laugh at us telling you how great the car is. Pretty plausable theory really.
I have been very clear that I want the Viper for the attention that I think it gets. Perhaps I am shallow Hal and I have no problem with it. I do not pretend to be able to handle a car such as Viper well enough to go 150 mph. As fast as I drive, Honda Accord with a V6 would be enough. I would venture as far as to state that many Viper owners could not squeeze the beast for all it's got. Some want to feel like they are ready for Daytona 500 and therefore justify 800hp engines and 10K suspension setups and those ohh so special 22". More power to them. We all have our fantasies and create our own Matrix to get away from every day hustle of life.
As for Vipers being attention getters. I agree with that. If you re-read my original statement I did not state whether Viper IS attention getter, but rather how much of attention getter is it? Do you see the difference? How much means to what degree. A lot, a little, some, plenty, the list goes on.
As for being a former Vette owner. That chapter has already been written. Corvette is an excellent vehicle and for 30K used 2006/7 one gets a lot of bang for the buck. It is like a high school girlfriend. It was good when it lasted but now it is time for college years and hence a new ride.