How much of attention getter are Vipers?

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Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
Here's why some guys are saying we're being trolled. Because if your motivation to buy ANY car is the attention it gets then you are a shallow Hal. Plus, it's pretty well known that the Viper grabs a lot of attention. So some are thinking your a Vette guy come here to laugh at us telling you how great the car is. Pretty plausable theory really.

I have been very clear that I want the Viper for the attention that I think it gets. Perhaps I am shallow Hal and I have no problem with it. I do not pretend to be able to handle a car such as Viper well enough to go 150 mph. As fast as I drive, Honda Accord with a V6 would be enough. I would venture as far as to state that many Viper owners could not squeeze the beast for all it's got. Some want to feel like they are ready for Daytona 500 and therefore justify 800hp engines and 10K suspension setups and those ohh so special 22". More power to them. We all have our fantasies and create our own Matrix to get away from every day hustle of life.
As for Vipers being attention getters. I agree with that. If you re-read my original statement I did not state whether Viper IS attention getter, but rather how much of attention getter is it? Do you see the difference? How much means to what degree. A lot, a little, some, plenty, the list goes on.
As for being a former Vette owner. That chapter has already been written. Corvette is an excellent vehicle and for 30K used 2006/7 one gets a lot of bang for the buck. It is like a high school girlfriend. It was good when it lasted but now it is time for college years and hence a new ride. :drive:


Oct 4, 2002
Reaction score
OP, try this tomorrow around lunch time. Go out to the nearest busy intersection, get out of your car, run to the center of the intersection (don't get hit, otherwise would blow this experiment). Now, stand in the center of the intersection, take off ALL your clothes till you're butt naked, and do about 20 jumping jacks.

That's pretty close to the attention you'll get in a Viper...

post pics...

Jance GTS

Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
OP, try this tomorrow around lunch time. Go out to the nearest busy intersection, get out of your car, run to the center of the intersection (don't get hit, otherwise would blow this experiment). Now, stand in the center of the intersection, take off ALL your clothes till you're butt naked, and do about 20 jumping jacks.

That's pretty close to the attention you'll get in a Viper...

post pics...

Make sure you stretch before you do the jumping jacks and don't lock your keys in your car! :nono:


Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
you lot remind me of a bunch of parrots preening themselves in front of a mirror every time one of these stupid threads come up. who's a pretty boy? Are you so desperately insecure and concerned with the meaningless attention of complete strangers that you felt compelled to come on here and get validation by testing the idea out with another bunch of people you don't know? I'm sure you were sweating on the answers - who would have thought that asking a single model forum if their car's are 'kool' would have had overwhelmingly positive responses? Anonymous validation and a major financial commitment just for the HOPE of fleeting approval from strangers - that's a recipe for success and happiness right there. oh well, at least you're helping the economy - using money you don't have to buy **** you don't need to impress people you don't know. Why don't you just buy that dress you've been thinking about, take a photo and ask us if it makes your ass look big?

you are of course entitled to buy whatever the hell you want for whatever reason, and it's no one's place (at least in this country) to tell you different. Personally speaking, I don't care if you put flashing lights and a siren on it and drive around manhatten towing a para-sailing donkey behind you with a 40 ft rainbow banner screaming "LOOK AT ME!!!!!" - whatever it takes to stroke your ego enough to get through the day. But seeing as you asked, here is my considered opinion:

- you will get lots of attention. mostly from men like you and adolescent boys that love red shiny things that go vrooom. You may be able to temporarily deceive a few gullible women into thinking you have much more money than you actually do by giving them the impression the Gen 1 or 2 you're tootling around in is worth $150K and is only your 'weekend toy.' Perhaps a few discriminating nods of approval from people that understand the merits of the vehicle beyond it's aesthetic appeal. If you manage to parade it around enough you may also be so fortunate as to be accosted by strangers at a gas station or yelled at by flat-brim wearing morons in hondas with fart cans.


Jun 9, 2003
Reaction score
you lot remind me of a bunch of parrots preening themselves in front of a mirror every time one of these stupid threads come up. who's a pretty boy? Are you so desperately insecure and concerned with the meaningless attention of complete strangers that you felt compelled to come on here and get validation by testing the idea out with another bunch of people you don't know? I'm sure you were sweating on the answers - who would have thought that asking a single model forum if their car's are 'kool' would have had overwhelmingly positive responses? Anonymous validation and a major financial commitment just for the HOPE of fleeting approval from strangers - that's a recipe for success and happiness right there. oh well, at least you're helping the economy - using money you don't have to buy **** you don't need to impress people you don't know. Why don't you just buy that dress you've been thinking about, take a photo and ask us if it makes your ass look big?

you are of course entitled to buy whatever the hell you want for whatever reason, and it's no one's place (at least in this country) to tell you different. Personally speaking, I don't care if you put flashing lights and a siren on it and drive around manhatten towing a para-sailing donkey behind you with a 40 ft rainbow banner screaming "LOOK AT ME!!!!!" - whatever it takes to stroke your ego enough to get through the day. But seeing as you asked, here is my considered opinion:

- you will get lots of attention. mostly from men like you and adolescent boys that love red shiny things that go vrooom. You may be able to temporarily deceive a few gullible women into thinking you have much more money than you actually do by giving them the impression the Gen 1 or 2 you're tootling around in is worth $150K and is only your 'weekend toy.' Perhaps a few discriminating nods of approval from people that understand the merits of the vehicle beyond it's aesthetic appeal. If you manage to parade it around enough you may also be so fortunate as to be accosted by strangers at a gas station or yelled at by flat-brim wearing morons in hondas with fart cans.

quoted in case the OP misses the first one.... SPOT ON ! BRAVO


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
OP, try this tomorrow around lunch time. Go out to the nearest busy intersection, get out of your car, run to the center of the intersection (don't get hit, otherwise would blow this experiment). Now, stand in the center of the intersection, take off ALL your clothes till you're butt naked, and do about 20 jumping jacks.

That's pretty close to the attention you'll get in a Viper...

post pics...

Sorry to burst your bubble, but we already have a naked cowboy and a naked cowgirl doing the activities you descibed and more in the city. Since I neither possess the body nor musical talent of those two, and Manhattan being a bit more liberated than good folks down in Tx, I doubt a naked person would generate the kind of response you are picturing in your mind.
As for being run over, you must be thinking of all those clueless tourists who get hit by taxi cabs looking up thinking how much taller things are here.

Sorry for not attaching any pictures. I have a policy of not providing any to older gentlemen no matter how nice they ask. :nono:


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
Make sure you stretch before you do the jumping jacks and don't lock your keys in your car! :nono:

From the vibe of your advice, I sense you have experienced both locking your car and doing jumping jacks in the middle of intersection.;) Imagine how much fun it is going to be next year when Oklahoma should get its first set of street lights.


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
you lot remind me of a bunch of parrots preening themselves in front of a mirror every time one of these stupid threads come up. who's a pretty boy? Are you so desperately insecure and concerned with the meaningless attention of complete strangers that you felt compelled to come on here and get validation by testing the idea out with another bunch of people you don't know? I'm sure you were sweating on the answers - who would have thought that asking a single model forum if their car's are 'kool' would have had overwhelmingly positive responses? Anonymous validation and a major financial commitment just for the HOPE of fleeting approval from strangers - that's a recipe for success and happiness right there. oh well, at least you're helping the economy - using money you don't have to buy **** you don't need to impress people you don't know. Why don't you just buy that dress you've been thinking about, take a photo and ask us if it makes your ass look big?

you are of course entitled to buy whatever the hell you want for whatever reason, and it's no one's place (at least in this country) to tell you different. Personally speaking, I don't care if you put flashing lights and a siren on it and drive around manhatten towing a para-sailing donkey behind you with a 40 ft rainbow banner screaming "LOOK AT ME!!!!!" - whatever it takes to stroke your ego enough to get through the day. But seeing as you asked, here is my considered opinion:

- you will get lots of attention. mostly from men like you and adolescent boys that love red shiny things that go vrooom. You may be able to temporarily deceive a few gullible women into thinking you have much more money than you actually do by giving them the impression the Gen 1 or 2 you're tootling around in is worth $150K and is only your 'weekend toy.' Perhaps a few discriminating nods of approval from people that understand the merits of the vehicle beyond it's aesthetic appeal. If you manage to parade it around enough you may also be so fortunate as to be accosted by strangers at a gas station or yelled at by flat-brim wearing morons in hondas with fart cans.

I am sure you drive a Viper because you are just that good of a driver and can stretch the beast to its full potential on highways where the speed limit is 55 to 65 mph. Let's face it if you just had the time you could have been formula I driver or at least Indianapolis 500. However, since you have your own enterprise, and need to make a boatload of money to support your lavish lifestyle, that racing career never materilizied. Moreover, your Herculian body, IQ of 150, half a million in the bank, ivy league education and taste for finer things in life, is more than enough not to need Viper to feel better, emasculated, rich, or refined. You already got all that. :lmao:

edit: I am so sorry. I just noticed you are an enthusiast as opposed to being an actual owner of one! No wonder you are so familiar with the other side of equation. You know the part about deceiving gullible women. No worries mate, he may still call..... LOL
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Viper Owner
Aug 30, 2010
Reaction score
Stansbury Park, Utah
Back to the attention part, I had not quite figured it out I'll detail the Viper and take her for a cruise and it's like I am invisible? Other days I'll take her out and it's like I am driving the first and only Viper ever made, Pictues, questions, people running red lights, etc. :dunno:


Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
I am sure you drive a Viper because you are just that good of a driver and can stretch the beast to its full potential on highways where the speed limit is 55 to 65 mph. Let's face it if you just had the time you could have been formula I driver or at least Indianapolis 500. However, since you have your own enterprise, and need to make a boatload of money to support your lavish lifestyle, that racing career never materilizied. Moreover, your Herculian body, IQ of 150, half a million in the bank, ivy league education and taste for finer things in life, is more than enough not to need Viper to feel better, emasculated, rich, or refined. You already got all that. :lmao:

edit: I am so sorry. I just noticed you are an enthusiast as opposed to being an actual owner of one! No wonder you are so familiar with the other side of equation. You know the part about deceiving gullible women. No worries mate, he may still call..... LOL

dude - reading and comprehension > you.

thanks for replying and helping me prove the point that you're hoplessly insecure and simply obsessed with appearing successful to those around you, as long as you aren't temporarily distracted by too many shiny objects. The simple fact that you choose to retaliate to my post by suggesting that I have all the things in life that you obviously crave and put great importance on (from what I can tell - mostly the appearance of success to others, or the possession of material wealth in order to 'feel good') without knowing the_first_thing about me is just showing your true colors.

Look, I'm really not trying to dissuade you, and I suspect that the point im trying to make is probably just going to wear my fingers out on this keyboard before you grasp it. It's not all your fault, you sound pretty impressionable, and have obviously taken the paris hilton/50cent/TMZ examples of how to be socially successful by wrapping yourself in bling and blindly strutting around with an ego-centric expression on your face to heart. Or maybe you were just a peacock in a previous life, I don't know. Please buy one, I hope it brings you all the happiness and attention you are craving. I hear you'll get mad respect in NYC, brah.

However let me set you straight on the comments you made in your genius edit about me. Yes, I have one, have had one for 3 years now. Why the hell else would I be on this forum??? I come here for the excellent technical content and viper experts, who's time and patience I greatly appreciate. I couldn't give a fetted dingo kidney about what it says under my name and whether or not you think I own a particular car or not. Why do you care?? are you looking for company to enjoy sunsets and long walks on the beach? I don't need 'rep points' or anonymous approval in order to get out of bed every day.

Also before you start spluttering at my reply and trying to think of something witty to write I suggest you look up the meaning of 'emasculated' in a dictionary, you'll get some funny looks from people if you keep using it in that context.


Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
Central Virginia
i absolutely love the attention the viper brings, its why i bought the car. without the attention id be nothing....its like being a rockstar.

that said, driving in NYC is not such a big deal. you need to know the roads to avoid. CITYSNAKE on this site lives there and drives his car more than most. talk to him about it. the NY/CT club has a few other guys who live or work in the city and drive their cars there.

haha plum :D


Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Panama City, FL
This is entertaining. Saxon is funny to listen to. I truly feel sorry for his insecurities, lack of understanding of grammar/word definition, and finally, his desire to please others around him while at the same time, making himself look like a complete idiot. :lmao:


Oct 4, 2002
Reaction score
ya, I made a joke and he got rude. He sounds very *young*. He would fit in very well over at the other Viper forum... :)

SR 27

Viper Owner
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
dude - reading and comprehension > you.

thanks for replying and helping me prove the point that you're hoplessly insecure and simply obsessed with appearing successful to those around you, as long as you aren't temporarily distracted by too many shiny objects. The simple fact that you choose to retaliate to my post by suggesting that I have all the things in life that you obviously crave and put great importance on (from what I can tell - mostly the appearance of success to others, or the possession of material wealth in order to 'feel good') without knowing the_first_thing about me is just showing your true colors.

Look, I'm really not trying to dissuade you, and I suspect that the point im trying to make is probably just going to wear my fingers out on this keyboard before you grasp it. It's not all your fault, you sound pretty impressionable, and have obviously taken the paris hilton/50cent/TMZ examples of how to be socially successful by wrapping yourself in bling and blindly strutting around with an ego-centric expression on your face to heart. Or maybe you were just a peacock in a previous life, I don't know. Please buy one, I hope it brings you all the happiness and attention you are craving. I hear you'll get mad respect in NYC, brah.

However let me set you straight on the comments you made in your genius edit about me. Yes, I have one, have had one for 3 years now. Why the hell else would I be on this forum??? I come here for the excellent technical content and viper experts, who's time and patience I greatly appreciate. I couldn't give a fetted dingo kidney about what it says under my name and whether or not you think I own a particular car or not. Why do you care?? are you looking for company to enjoy sunsets and long walks on the beach? I don't need 'rep points' or anonymous approval in order to get out of bed every day.

Also before you start spluttering at my reply and trying to think of something witty to write I suggest you look up the meaning of 'emasculated' in a dictionary, you'll get some funny looks from people if you keep using it in that context.

that is epically smackelicious.


Oct 4, 2002
Reaction score
dude - reading and comprehension > you.

thanks for replying and helping me prove the point that you're hoplessly insecure and simply obsessed with appearing successful to those around you, as long as you aren't temporarily distracted by too many shiny objects. The simple fact that you choose to retaliate to my post by suggesting that I have all the things in life that you obviously crave and put great importance on (from what I can tell - mostly the appearance of success to others, or the possession of material wealth in order to 'feel good') without knowing the_first_thing about me is just showing your true colors.

Look, I'm really not trying to dissuade you, and I suspect that the point im trying to make is probably just going to wear my fingers out on this keyboard before you grasp it. It's not all your fault, you sound pretty impressionable, and have obviously taken the paris hilton/50cent/TMZ examples of how to be socially successful by wrapping yourself in bling and blindly strutting around with an ego-centric expression on your face to heart. Or maybe you were just a peacock in a previous life, I don't know. Please buy one, I hope it brings you all the happiness and attention you are craving. I hear you'll get mad respect in NYC, brah.

However let me set you straight on the comments you made in your genius edit about me. Yes, I have one, have had one for 3 years now. Why the hell else would I be on this forum??? I come here for the excellent technical content and viper experts, who's time and patience I greatly appreciate. I couldn't give a fetted dingo kidney about what it says under my name and whether or not you think I own a particular car or not. Why do you care?? are you looking for company to enjoy sunsets and long walks on the beach? I don't need 'rep points' or anonymous approval in order to get out of bed every day.

Also before you start spluttering at my reply and trying to think of something witty to write I suggest you look up the meaning of 'emasculated' in a dictionary, you'll get some funny looks from people if you keep using it in that context.

fetted dingo kidney... LOL now that is priceless.... :)


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
dude - reading and comprehension > you.

thanks for replying and helping me prove the point that you're hoplessly insecure and simply obsessed with appearing successful to those around you, as long as you aren't temporarily distracted by too many shiny objects. The simple fact that you choose to retaliate to my post by suggesting that I have all the things in life that you obviously crave and put great importance on (from what I can tell - mostly the appearance of success to others, or the possession of material wealth in order to 'feel good') without knowing the_first_thing about me is just showing your true colors.

Look, I'm really not trying to dissuade you, and I suspect that the point im trying to make is probably just going to wear my fingers out on this keyboard before you grasp it. It's not all your fault, you sound pretty impressionable, and have obviously taken the paris hilton/50cent/TMZ examples of how to be socially successful by wrapping yourself in bling and blindly strutting around with an ego-centric expression on your face to heart. Or maybe you were just a peacock in a previous life, I don't know. Please buy one, I hope it brings you all the happiness and attention you are craving. I hear you'll get mad respect in NYC, brah.

However let me set you straight on the comments you made in your genius edit about me. Yes, I have one, have had one for 3 years now. Why the hell else would I be on this forum??? I come here for the excellent technical content and viper experts, who's time and patience I greatly appreciate. I couldn't give a fetted dingo kidney about what it says under my name and whether or not you think I own a particular car or not. Why do you care?? are you looking for company to enjoy sunsets and long walks on the beach? I don't need 'rep points' or anonymous approval in order to get out of bed every day.

Also before you start spluttering at my reply and trying to think of something witty to write I suggest you look up the meaning of 'emasculated' in a dictionary, you'll get some funny looks from people if you keep using it in that context.

Looks like daddy's property taxes did not go to waste and a bottle of semi expensive perfumes are in order to thank your junior high school english teacher for a job well done. There is nothing like encountering a smart Alec. I hope you are not running out of those cute remarks and pseudo original metaphores which are so entertaining to the feeble minded fans of yours.
You are right. I am insecure and that condition could be ascribed to 90% of the population if not larger. This is precisely why there is a market for 600 hp cars, huge SUVs or even private 747's. Some purchase trinkets to appear successful and some do because they are and need a toy to make them feel better, rewarded and recognized. This is why your wife wears a lipstic to work and a push up bra (assuming you have one and she is of the opposite sex and gainfully employed), but I digress.
I think in my situation it is a semi midlife crisis and a realization that for around 30K I can drive a car that looks like 2 times that amount and is a beast to boot. Now I could pretend that I want it because I am such an excellent driver and need 400 to 800hp to maintain those skills, or drop another
50K in improvements to make it more perfect and go chase Lambos feeling superior knowing that my 100K car can beat a 250K car but I am just another vain citizen of this country thinking material things will made me more complete.
Now why don't you explain your reasons for purchasing a Viper (assuming you have and it is not die cast)? :2tu:


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
This is entertaining. Saxon is funny to listen to. I truly feel sorry for his insecurities, lack of understanding of grammar/word definition, and finally, his desire to please others around him while at the same time, making himself look like a complete idiot. :lmao:

Your computer must be one of the kind since you can listen to this site and my posts.
As for feeling sorry for my insecurities. No worries mate, NYC has a lot to offer and last time I checked the view there is no oil washing up on shores of tri state area and there is more to entertainment than spring break. Next time try writing more so that this could become a more in depth response.
The idiot remark was uncalled for, but then again, those who lack vocabulary often resort to cheap tactics. However, it does hurt that a resident of Panama City has called me an idiot. Must be all those ivy league schools clustered around that lovely metropolis providing for all that literary talent. :slap:


Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
Ft Worth, Tx
Come on, Dave, enough yanking chains. Quit fooling around with all those that can't help but respond ... we ALL know it's really you. Go get a Long Neck and help somebody fix their radiator.


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
ya, I made a joke and he got rude. He sounds very *young*. He would fit in very well over at the other Viper forum... :)

Did not know I had to collect social security and be a member of AARP to post on this board.
BTW I have not been called young for a while now.

SR 27

Viper Owner
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
I hope you are not running out of those cute remarks and pseudo original metaphores which are so entertaining to the feeble minded fans of yours.

I'm far from feeble minded. BVK is just giving you a beat down in the smack room.


Sep 19, 2010
Reaction score
Of course you are. This is why you have two naked ladies attached at their behinds posing in front of a Viper with shiny wheels as your avatar. Do they make the Viper go faster, or are you trying to somehow project an image that Vipers attract females to otherwise unattractive fellas?


Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Panama City, FL
Your computer must be one of the kind since you can listen to this site and my posts.
As for feeling sorry for my insecurities. No worries mate, NYC has a lot to offer and last time I checked the view there is no oil washing up on shores of tri state area and there is more to entertainment than spring break. Next time try writing more so that this could become a more in depth response.
The idiot remark was uncalled for, but then again, those who lack vocabulary often resort to cheap tactics. However, it does hurt that a resident of Panama City has called me an idiot. Must be all those ivy league schools clustered around that lovely metropolis providing for all that literary talent. :slap:

Is that the best you can do? A spring break comment and the "listen" comment? Wow, you are much farther below the average comprehension in the US then I thought. Was that last sentence a better and more gentle way of saying you are an idiot? I hope so, I'm sorry you got so upset. :lmao:

Yes, I live in Panama City, FL. I am in the military and stationed down here. I am originally from Columbus, OH, which is close to near your liberal Ivy League Schools. BTW, which one did you attend? Oh and BTW, maybe you should turn the TV on and watch the news sometime before you make assumptions about the oil spill. There were about 10 tar balls the size of golf balls found on our beaches. There were no fishing restrictions, no closed beaches where I live. Once again you fail. Maybe you should just be quiet or strike up a conversation with someone on here that you can keep up with.:)
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Dec 19, 2009
Reaction score
Central Virginia
Yesterday i was in my yard and had pulled both Viper's out of the garage so i could clean out and sweep . While doing that i noticed a Vette pulling in to my driveway. Two young men got out and asked if they could check my Vipers out,and i said sure. They both started taking pictures as i stood there watching. They didn't speak much,just said 'nice rides' and 'cool cars' etc..and then just said thanks for letting us look .I said sure,no problem..and they left. Thing is i live down a country road a little off the highway. A little while after they left,i started getting strange ideas like were these guys really interested in my cars or were they casing me out. It was kinda strange since they hardly talked.I don't know...maybe nothing to it. I guess i am paranoid,but i sat up late with my S&W close by just in case ;)..i think some attention may be unwanted though .:nono:

SR 27

Viper Owner
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
Of course you are. This is why you have two naked ladies attached at their behinds posing in front of a Viper with shiny wheels as your avatar. Do they make the Viper go faster, or are you trying to somehow project an image that Vipers attract females to otherwise unattractive fellas?

First off,put on your glasses, they're not naked, they have bathing suits on. That's not my red coupe and I didn't even take the picture. That avatar is widely enjoyed by most of the men here who love women, sorry you don't like it. Unless they are bolting on a supercharger, those girls won't make my car any faster. The fact is,I'm ugly enough to land the blondie in the background. She's a great looking, hard working attorney mom.It's just funny how you get bitter because the "USS IGOTSMACKEDDOWN" is sinking.Just jump off while you can. It's very entertaining.


Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Panama City, FL
First off,put on your glasses, they're not naked, they have bathing suits on. That's not my red coupe and I didn't even take the picture. That avatar is widely enjoyed by most of the men here who love women, sorry you don't like it. Unless they are bolting on a supercharger, those girls won't make my car any faster. The fact is,I'm ugly enough to land the blondie in the background. She's a great looking, hard working attorney mom.It's just funny how you get bitter because the "USS IGOTSMACKEDDOWN" is sinking.Just jump off while you can. It's very entertaining.

:lmao: Saxon, take his advice, stop posting. You keep getting made a fool of. :lmao:

EDIT: I just noticed Saxon has been lurking in here for a while...probably getting ready to write another novel full of insight. :)
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Viper Owner
Aug 12, 2010
Reaction score
Northwest Ohio
Looks like daddy's property taxes did not go to waste and a bottle of semi expensive perfumes are in order to thank your junior high school english teacher for a job well done. There is nothing like encountering a smart Alec. I hope you are not running out of those cute remarks and pseudo original metaphores which are so entertaining to the feeble minded fans of yours.
You are right. I am insecure and that condition could be ascribed to 90% of the population if not larger. This is precisely why there is a market for 600 hp cars, huge SUVs or even private 747's. Some purchase trinkets to appear successful and some do because they are and need a toy to make them feel better, rewarded and recognized. This is why your wife wears a lipstic to work and a push up bra (assuming you have one and she is of the opposite sex and gainfully employed), but I digress.
I think in my situation it is a semi midlife crisis and a realization that for around 30K I can drive a car that looks like 2 times that amount and is a beast to boot. Now I could pretend that I want it because I am such an excellent driver and need 400 to 800hp to maintain those skills, or drop another
50K in improvements to make it more perfect and go chase Lambos feeling superior knowing that my 100K car can beat a 250K car but I am just another vain citizen of this country thinking material things will made me more complete.
Now why don't you explain your reasons for purchasing a Viper (assuming you have and it is not die cast)? :2tu:

Either that, or some of us just like a fine fast rare automobile. I could not care less what any one else thinks of my Viper. I like it. If I wanted to show off I would have bought an AM or Lambo.

Next Phase

May 28, 2009
Reaction score
North Carolina
Either that, or some of us just like a fine fast rare automobile. I could not care less what any one else thinks of my Viper. I like it. If I wanted to show off I would have bought an AM or Lambo.

Well put... many on my local forum think that Viper owners only buy them because of the attention. I bought my GTS because it was my dream car and I think it is of the sexiest cars on the road. I can remember going to the Dodge dealer and staring in the showroom...



Mar 26, 2009
Reaction score
Panama City, FL
Well put... many on my local forum think that Viper owners only buy them because of the attention. I bought my GTS because it was my dream car and I think it is of the sexiest cars on the road. I can remember going to the Dodge dealer and staring in the showroom...


I couldn't agree more.

One of my favorite cars growing up (I'm in my early 30's) was the Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe. When I saw the GTS I completely flipped out. However, it was not until I actually got to drive one that I completely fell for the car. I LOVED the Corvettes that I owned and will always love the car. But the first time I drove the GTS (2001 bone stock bumblebee), I knew that was the car I wanted. A pure drivers race car from the factory. THAT is why I bought the car. I didn't buy it to stroke my ego or to look cool pulling into places. Sure all that stuff is great, but I'm an enthusiast. I like a car w/o computers, traction control, active handling and blah blah blah. It's just you and the car and thats it. Saxon, this is the main reason why people buy Vipers!! The fun-to-drive factor is more than any other car I have ever driven...

...except the Carrera GT :lmao:
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