I appreciate being called a " Professional ," as I do love this business, but I believe my only advice to this gentleman was how to approach selling his car. The issue to me is that we need to give good advice to our fellow Viper owners, and not assume this is a fire sale. He said he may need to sell it quickly, and no where in that sentence does it state I need to dump this car - and why did some assume that meant he had to do it by just dropping the price to the floor? Having owned 7 Vipers and one that loves the marque as much as any owner, we need to realize how much folks read into what is said on the Forum. The answer to his question, in my estimation, was to tell him what he needed to do to advertise it well, not to just cut and run ---- this does affect us all and I apologize , but I think it is irresponsible. We all bought a very sought after car and over the years it has had one of the highest resales figures for an exotic or semi exotic in the industry.
The cars have always taken 2-3 months to sell and folks get antsy when they don't . This is a reflection of the anount of money as well as , today, Banking requirements. It is ironic to me that at this very same moment we have another thread talking about values going up. The objective views there are wondering if this is the case and why? Though it is focusing on the Gen IIs in the question, the truth is the entire used Viper market has gone up. Some models less than others ( Gen Is for instance ), but overall the market has changed. This is not to say it has gone through the roof, but we do appear to be on the upswing --and this is apparent in the last 6-9 months.
I have often told folks if they absolutely must sell something , that a good source is to call the various Dealers on this Forum, since dropping the price numerous times in various threads, posts, ads, just drives the cost down all around --- everyone is on the fence waiting for the next drop. This kind of exposure makes it very difficult for a Dealer to give one a good price , as the consumer and board members have already driven the price down with their comments.
Over the years I have heard over and over how much someone bought a car for and how much they saved . It would be highly unprofessional of me or our Dealership to get on the board and talk about all these screaming deals some folks got that ended up costing them 3,000 - 5,000 to get up to *****, but it is the norm. I hope many realize that most of the high quality Viper Dealers in the Country do a very extensive check up on their cars before they ever leave the lot, as our reputations go right along for the drive.
Let's all have some common sense and try to give our fellow owners constructive advice, building on positives, as this website is viewed by millions. Don't kid yourself that negative comments and questionable views don't affect all of us.
I look at one comment from Shooter T1 , that Vipers have always been overpriced , and wonder why he bought one? I know if he was to sell his 1 of 1 , Yellow Aero Group car it would have a ton of positives going for it!! This is a great car, extremely rare, super color, so that would be what one would discuss. To me , this car would be worth more than similar one due to it's strong presence,color and Aero Group. Yet , one wonders why he doesn't view an older car with good credentials in the same manner?
The same issues should be given this gentleman considering that other than the blue/white 97 RT-10s , only about 60 others exist -- wow. This one happens to have a factory top ( try to buy one through MoPar now and see what the price is ) and in 97 alot of Dealers did not order the top. Rare car, hard to find hardtop, first of the electric window RT-10s, first year for a 450 hp RT-10, 17 inch rims , etc.
Perception is reality and we all need to build on the positive reasons we bought our cars. I love my Viper just like I love my wife ............I don't talk down about either of them,ha.
Enough said, and hope you all feel the love?
Good luck on your sale and sell the special items your ******* terror has!
Bill Pemberton