A worn out, green 94 RT with some damage is not the Mona Lisa.
Argumentatively the finest, prettiest, best performing car ever built,
but at the end of the day its still just a car. If you let yourself think
its too precious to let outside eventually youll stop driving it to work...
then at night... then only on sunny days... then only on sunny warm
days... then ultimately youll convince yourself never to drive it again.
We had a moderator here about a decade ago (Vipermad) who loved his
GTS more than the world. He drove it everywhere. Then one day he
decided to add a supercharger... then a **** kit... then a body kit...
then a custom paint job... then a HeffTT rebuild... in the end he stopped
driving it because be became worried he would wreck it and lose every-
thing he worked so hard to build. Then one day life threw him a curve
ball and he was forced to sell it.
If you want the car, buy the car, deal with the whatevers tomorrow... but
please dont ever think its too valuable to do anything with. Drive it. In the
snow, to the movies, across country... whatever... you will NEVER get your
money back in dollars, but if you own it right youll get it back elsewhere...